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a. farthest back


adj. located farthest to the rear [syn: hindermost, hindmost, rearmost]

Usage examples of "backmost".

This suite of rooms was actually sealed off from the rest of the palace, the doors to the outside halls not only bolted but plastered over, like the backmost chamber of that strange creature.

Once a middle-aged man did that with the backmost room on the second floor.

Steff, aware that his presence could be distracting at the best of times, decided to cut the girl some slack and sit down, pulling up a chair in the backmost row of the semi-circle.

Set in the backmost wall was a control board and piloting screens, various telltales glowing amber among the mica-washed stones.

That minor chore taken care of, he moved along the stations, backmost first, working quick and quiet, replacing the used sweet-sheets with new, strapping fresh sheets to the board at each occupied station.

The ship-board was hung along the backmost wall, the Combine-net computers lined up just below.