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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a busy/hectic lifestyle
▪ Many people these days have a busy lifestyle.
a hectic/frantic pace (=a very fast and hurried speed)
▪ We worked at a hectic pace.
▪ Time spent in taking stock is time well spent, even in the middle of a hectic day.
▪ Another hectic day was unfolding outside.
▪ Well ... it looked as if tomorrow might be a very hectic day indeed.
▪ Gone are those hectic days of summer, the helicopters, the crowding.
▪ In the hectic days of I 96 I, such exploratory care and effort were virtually impossible.
▪ The Navy has spent several hectic days examining the wayward bombs.
▪ By now the band were alternating their touring and recording schedules at a hectic pace.
▪ Or, should they be slowing down because sooner or later their hectic pace will do them in?
▪ The game was played at a hectic pace with chances at both ends right to the final whistle.
▪ We worked at a hectic pace.
▪ Peter Hall directs all this at a hectic pace around Carl Toms's lavish set.
▪ The split was caused mainly by work - both his and Tessa's hectic schedules never seemed to meet.
▪ Despite his increasingly hectic schedule, Haden graciously took time out to be interviewed about the Quartet and the Jazzfest tour.
▪ With the birth less than six weeks away, Jacqui is juggling a hectic schedule between work and planning for the new arrival.
▪ The hectic schedule ended in Cheltenham, where the Liberal democrats hope to overturn a Conservative majority of just under 5,000.
▪ The prince and princess's hectic schedule of engagements will be closely observed by royal watchers.
▪ But they reckoned without their hectic schedule.
▪ He'd just returned from a hectic 10-day trip to New York.
▪ I know you have a hectic schedule, but could you pick something up for me on your way home?
▪ In the last hectic weeks before the show started we were practically living in the theatre to get it ready on time.
▪ It's been a pretty hectic week.
▪ It was really hectic at work today.
▪ There are two hundred guests arriving in one hour! That's why things are so hectic!
▪ During the month of hectic packing and training at Fort Benning, I barely knew who they were.
▪ I know we all enjoyed every minute of the three hectic months.
▪ It was pretty hectic - and scary.
▪ Peter Hall directs all this at a hectic pace around Carl Toms's lavish set.
▪ The last few days had been hectic and exhausting.
▪ The Navy has spent several hectic days examining the wayward bombs.
▪ The summer of 1990 was too hectic.
▪ Time spent in taking stock is time well spent, even in the middle of a hectic day.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hectic \Hec"tic\, a. [F. hectique, Gr. ? habitual, consumptive, fr. ? habit, a habit of body or mind, fr. ? to have; akin to Skr. sah to overpower, endure; cf. AS. sige, sigor, victory, G. sieg, Goth. sigis. Cf. Scheme.]

  1. Habitual; constitutional; pertaining especially to slow waste of animal tissue, as in consumption; as, a hectic type in disease; a hectic flush.

  2. In a hectic condition; having hectic fever; consumptive; as, a hectic patient.

    Hectic fever (Med.), a fever of irritation and debility, occurring usually at a advanced stage of exhausting disease, as a in pulmonary consumption.


Hectic \Hec"tic\, n.

  1. (Med.) Hectic fever.

  2. A hectic flush.

    It is no living hue, but a strange hectic.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., etik (in fever etik), from Old French etique "consumptive," from Late Latin hecticus, from Greek hektikos "continuous, habitual, consumptive" (of a disease, because of the constant fever), from hexis "a habit (of mind or body)," from ekhein "have, hold, continue" (see scheme).\n

\nThe Latin -h- was restored in English 16c. Sense of "feverishly exciting, full of disorganized activity" first recorded 1904, but hectic also was used in Middle English as a noun meaning "feverish desire, consuming passion" (early 15c.). Hectic fevers are characterized by rapid pulse, among other symptoms. Related: Hecticness.


a. 1 Pertaining to bodily reactions characterised by flushed or dry skin. 2 Very busy with activity and confusion; feverish. n. 1 (context obsolete English) A hectic fever. 2 (context obsolete English) A flush like one produced by such a fever.


adj. marked by intense agitation or emotion; "worked at a feverish pace" [syn: feverish]


Hectic was the debut EP by the American ska punk band Operation Ivy. It was released in January 1988 through Lookout! Records (LK 003). Hectic is credited as one of the first ska-core records. In 1991, all 6 tracks from Hectic were later released on the self-titled compilation album, which also featured all the tracks from Energy and two tracks from the Turn It Around! compilation. Hectic was re-released on 12-inch vinyl by Hellcat Records on April 18, 2012.

Larry Livermore, founder of Lookout! Records, has said that Lookout! was founded solely to release an Operation Ivy record. Lookout! Records was in fact started with simply a PO Box in order to release records by Livermore's own band, The Lookouts. This was said to emphasize Operation Ivy's importance in Lookout! Records' catalog.

Usage examples of "hectic".

That thought, so ordinary for an airman on hectic days, made him shudder now that he was excluded from the life of the airfield.

Perhaps Renz was irked because he lost his gun to Alker in the hectic struggle in which The Shadow had participated.

They were being pushed around all over the place, getting briefed and kitted out for their posting and it was a hectic time for the whole flight-except me.

The mares are foaling and everything is more hectic than you can imagine!

But the hectic flush of triumph and pleasure which his interview with the Deputation had called into his cheeks, still colored them as brightly as ever, when Matthew Grice entered the room.

The general health is seriously impaired, and the patient becomes debilitated, anaemic, and hectic.

The uncertain light of dusk softened their raddled features and hectic painted cheeks and lips - Huy wondered what solace a man could find with the likes of them.

Alpha Centauri and this space station, where Ambassador Rikka and his political types had just finished a hectic round of preliminary talks with Alliance officials, by the fastest means possible.

Leaving his room brusquely, to take this revelation away and try to fit it into the hectic tangram of recent events, she had hardly reached the newel at the stairhead when she heard a crash.

Stepping into the water, catching her chin in his fingers, Chantz looked deeply into her eyes, his body tense and wary, as if he could sense something hectic and unabandoned in her behind the calm of her voice.

I should have been, but on the surface there seemed to be no problem, and I hope you understand that right now, particularly with all the Parthanian Cloud questions, the ad valorem tax changes, and the Force Command tax proposal, things have been a bit hectic.

For a few hectic days, I spent eight or more hours a day on the phone, talking to Ellen back in Little Rock and to Broyles and Holtz in Miami.

Spallanzani, this fellow who reveled in gaudy celebrations and vast enthusiastic lecturings, this hero of the crowd, this magnifico, crawled away from all his triumphs and pleasures to do one of the cleverest and most marvelously ingenious pieces of patient work in his hectic life.

Henry told Molly during the early hectic days shortly before they formed the first Parapsychic Center.

Most of the guests had gone, but the rest were listening to a hectic argument between Hedwin and Salter on the subject of the fire god, Xitli.