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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
breathe/heave a sigh of relief
▪ United fans breathed a huge sigh of relief as Drogba's shot was tipped over the bar.
heave a sigh (=to sigh loudly and deeply)
▪ Uncle Walter heaved a sigh and slumped back in his chair.
sb’s shoulders heave (=move up and down because they are crying or breathing deeply)
▪ She turned her back again, her shoulders heaving, her eyes blind with tears.
▪ Fifty feet in they stopped, utterly exhausted. their chests heaving.
▪ I heard the harshness of his breath, and saw how his chest heaved.
▪ His bare, bony chest heaved.
▪ He faced me, his chest heaving.
▪ Kenne turned, and staggered towards the door, his chest heaving as he cried.
▪ Within 30 seconds his chest heaved twice.
▪ Benjamin and Agrippa, chests heaving, cleaned their weapons.
▪ The water companies are heaving a sigh of relief.
▪ Those whose companies' dealings with Codelco declined during that time frame say they are heaving sighs of relief.
▪ However, as far as the retailers' 1992/93 profits are concerned, they have heaved a sigh of relief.
▪ When Tom Hanks passed on the news that evening on his way home, Seb heaved a sigh of relief.
▪ But the country's 150m neglected tenants heaved a sigh of relief.
▪ Elizabeth heaved a sigh of relief upon reaching Aumery Park Farm.
▪ She turned her back again, her shoulders heaving, her eyes blind with tears.
▪ The middle-aged woman rolled over and buried her face in her blanket, crying so bitterly her shoulders heaved.
▪ I got my shoulder to it and heaved.
▪ The woman stopped crying, although her shoulders continued to heave, and her cheeks were still wet with tears.
▪ He stopped swinging his arms and stood with hands on hips, looking at her, his head and shoulders heaving.
▪ Her shoulders heaving up and down.
▪ Loretta put down her book, grasped him by the shoulders, and heaved him back into the arms of his tormentors.
▪ She looked out of the now sparkling window and heaved a deep sigh.
▪ I heave a sigh of resignation, knowing how notoriously difficult it is to put unity into words.
▪ He and Christopher got on well, and Jane heaved an inward sigh of relief.
▪ Those whose companies' dealings with Codelco declined during that time frame say they are heaving sighs of relief.
▪ The sergeant sat down, placed his feet into the ice-cold potassium permanganate solution and heaved a euphoric sigh of relief.
▪ The water companies are heaving a sigh of relief.
▪ She tried to imagine herself doing it and then heaved a small sigh.
▪ He felt his stomach heave and he retched against the wall.
▪ Your stomach heaves uncontrollably, and vomit spews out of your mouth into the sink, splashing back up into your face.
▪ Everyone pull together now. Are you ready? Heave!
▪ I think I'm gonna heave.
▪ Joe heaved it over the fence into the alley.
▪ My chest was heaving with the effort.
▪ Rod bent down and heaved the sack onto his shoulder.
▪ Suddenly the ground heaved under their feet.
▪ Finally they heaved the trussed piglet into a waiting truck.
▪ He watched Joe heave his bulk out of the chair.
▪ I heave an armchair into the kitchen, lay out some light reading, and prepare a flask of coffee.
▪ She looked out of the now sparkling window and heaved a deep sigh.
▪ She turned her back again, her shoulders heaving, her eyes blind with tears.
▪ They pulled and heaved under the prodding and loud yelling of the teamster who tried to coordinate them.
▪ With one giant heave, they loaded the sack onto the trailer.
▪ But the Heat did have a final heave at the hoop.
▪ Had the ripple and upward heave of the cabin floor increased?
▪ My mind fell back with the heave of the train.
▪ Other matters referred to in the draft schedule include fitness for purpose, which includes liability for subsidence or heave.
▪ With a heave of both arms and chest Rima pushed the cassowary through the window.
▪ With a heave the car surged forward, Firebug rolling back into the seat.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fault \Fault\, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., & Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail, freq., fr. L. fallere to deceive. See Fail, and cf. Default.]

  1. Defect; want; lack; default.

    One, it pleases me, for fault of a better, to call my friend.

  2. Anything that fails, that is wanting, or that impairs excellence; a failing; a defect; a blemish.

    As patches set upon a little breach Discredit more in hiding of the fault.

  3. A moral failing; a defect or dereliction from duty; a deviation from propriety; an offense less serious than a crime.

  4. (Geol. & Mining)

    1. A dislocation of the strata of the vein.

    2. In coal seams, coal rendered worthless by impurities in the seam; as, slate fault, dirt fault, etc.

  5. (Hunting) A lost scent; act of losing the scent.

    Ceasing their clamorous cry till they have singled, With much ado, the cold fault cleary out.

  6. (Tennis) Failure to serve the ball into the proper court.

  7. (Elec.) A defective point in an electric circuit due to a crossing of the parts of the conductor, or to contact with another conductor or the earth, or to a break in the circuit.

  8. (Geol. & Mining) A dislocation caused by a slipping of rock masses along a plane of facture; also, the dislocated structure resulting from such slipping.

    Note: The surface along which the dislocated masses have moved is called the

    fault plane. When this plane is vertical, the fault is a

    vertical fault; when its inclination is such that the present relative position of the two masses could have been produced by the sliding down, along the fault plane, of the mass on its upper side, the fault is a

    normal fault, or gravity fault. When the fault plane is so inclined that the mass on its upper side has moved up relatively, the fault is then called a

    reverse fault (or reversed fault), thrust fault, or overthrust fault. If no vertical displacement has resulted, the fault is then called a

    horizontal fault. The linear extent of the dislocation measured on the fault plane and in the direction of movement is the

    displacement; the vertical displacement is the

    throw; the horizontal displacement is the

    heave. The direction of the line of intersection of the fault plane with a horizontal plane is the

    trend of the fault. A fault is a

    strike fault when its trend coincides approximately with the strike of associated strata (i.e., the line of intersection of the plane of the strata with a horizontal plane); it is a

    dip fault when its trend is at right angles to the strike; an

    oblique fault when its trend is oblique to the strike. Oblique faults and dip faults are sometimes called

    cross faults. A series of closely associated parallel faults are sometimes called

    step faults and sometimes

    distributive faults.

    At fault, unable to find the scent and continue chase; hence, in trouble or embarrassment, and unable to proceed; puzzled; thrown off the track.

    To find fault, to find reason for blaming or complaining; to express dissatisfaction; to complain; -- followed by with before the thing complained of; but formerly by at. ``Matter to find fault at.''
    --Robynson (More's Utopia).

    Syn: -- Error; blemish; defect; imperfection; weakness; blunder; failing; vice.

    Usage: Fault, Failing, Defect, Foible. A fault is positive, something morally wrong; a failing is negative, some weakness or falling short in a man's character, disposition, or habits; a defect is also negative, and as applied to character is the absence of anything which is necessary to its completeness or perfection; a foible is a less important weakness, which we overlook or smile at. A man may have many failings, and yet commit but few faults; or his faults and failings may be few, while his foibles are obvious to all. The faults of a friend are often palliated or explained away into mere defects, and the defects or foibles of an enemy exaggerated into faults. ``I have failings in common with every human being, besides my own peculiar faults; but of avarice I have generally held myself guiltless.''
    --Fox. ``Presumption and self-applause are the foibles of mankind.''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English hebban "to lift, raise; lift up, exalt" (class VI strong verb; past tense hof, past participle hafen), from Proto-Germanic *hafjan (cognates: Old Norse hefja, Dutch heffen, German heben, Gothic hafjan "to lift, raise"), from PIE *kap-yo-, from root *kap- "to grasp" (see capable).\n

\nRelated to Old English habban "to hold, possess." Intransitive use by c.1200. Meaning "to throw" is from 1590s. Sense of "retch, make an effort to vomit" is first attested c.1600. Related: Heaved; heaving. Nautical heave-ho was a chant in lifting (c.1300, hevelow).


1570s, from heave (v.).


n. An effort to raise something, as a weight, or one's self, or to move something heavy. vb. 1 (context transitive archaic English) To lift (generally); to raise, or cause to move upwards (particularly in ships or vehicles) or forwards. 2 (context transitive English) To lift with difficulty; to raise with some effort; to lift (a heavy thing). 3 (context intransitive English) To be thrown up or raised; to rise upward, as a tower or mound. 4 (context transitive mining geology English) To displace (a vein, stratum). 5 (context transitive now rare English) To cause to swell or rise, especially in repeated exertions. 6 (context intransitive English) To rise and fall. 7 (context transitive English) To utter with effort. 8 (context transitive now nautical English) To throw, cast. 9 (context transitive nautical English) To pull up with a rope or cable. 10 (context ambitransitive nautical English) To move in a certain direction or into a certain position or situation.

  1. n. an upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling); "the heaving of waves on a rough sea" [syn: heaving]

  2. (geology) a horizontal dislocation

  3. the act of lifting something with great effort [syn: heaving]

  4. an involuntary spasm of ineffectual vomiting; "a bad case of the heaves" [syn: retch]

  5. the act of raising something; "he responded with a lift of his eyebrow"; "fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up" [syn: lift, raise]

  6. throwing something heavy (with great effort); "he gave it a mighty heave"; "he was not good at heaving passes" [syn: heaving]

  7. [also: hove]

  1. v. utter a sound, as with obvious effort; "She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do"

  2. throw with great effort

  3. rise and move, as in waves or billows; "The army surged forward" [syn: billow, surge]

  4. lift or elevate [syn: heave up, heft, heft up]

  5. nautical: to move or cause to move in a specified way, direction, or position; "The vessel hove into sight"

  6. breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily" [syn: pant, puff, gasp]

  7. bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat; "The highway buckled during the heatwave" [syn: buckle, warp]

  8. make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit [syn: gag, retch]

  9. [also: hove]


Heave may refer to:

  • Heave, to move up and down as one of the six degrees of freedom (mechanics)
  • Heave, slang term for the act of vomiting
  • Parasternal heave, an impulse felt on physical examination of the heart and lower chest area

Usage examples of "heave".

By then she was far out on the heaving grey sea, with low-pitched grumbling on her benches, and prayers to Lord Aegir and the Thunderer.

He was interrupted by a heaving shock that made the underground dome dwelling shake like a light airboat in turbulence.

He half led, half carried her there, where an aircraftman was just heaving the second last parachute and container through the doorway.

Behind Torrance-Smythe two young aircraftmen stood ready to slide packaged equipment and parachutes along the wire and heave them out as swiftly as possible after the last man had jumped.

She began to cry, laying her face in her crossed arms, the tears gushing, her whole frame aquiver, and heaving great sobs.

When it reached the former anchorage of the Atlantean vessel, it heaved to, and a boat was lowered.

We sprinted back and forth with our bundles, and Geoff and Martin heaved them over the fence.

She handed the book to Balt, who unceremoniously heaved it into the pit.

My body was heaving, but I could feel Betsey holding on to me, holding me tight, refusing to let go.

A gout of fire bloomed in the heaving mass of rats, blackening and roasting scores of the creatures.

Mountain ranges heave air upward, and then drop it like bobsleds down their far slopes.

Carefully she climbed, and when she heaved herself over the lip, she lay there for the space of several breaths, stunned by the change in the air and the coursing exultation that freedom sent through her body.

Stephen had had plenty of time to reflect upon the trifling interval between the perception of a grateful odour and active salivation and to make a variety of experiments, checked by his austerely beautiful and accurate Breguet repeater, before the door burst open and the Commodore strode in, sure-footed on the heaving deck and scattering seawater in most directions.

He left the verandah and came over to where I was standing by poor old Bronzewing, whose wide-spread nostrils and heaving flanks were good evidence as to the pace at which he had lately been compelled to travel.

David Zielinsky walked out of the Theatrical and onto Short Vincent, left onto East Sixth, right onto Euclid Avenue, heading to Terminal Tower, where he intended to take the streetcar home, heave rubber-banded newspapers onto stoops all over Old Brooklyn, eat the dinner Aunt Betty would serve, and after that meet up with his buddies and see if that redheaded lifeguard was still over at Brookside, if she even existed, and be home by dark.