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Crossword clues for hairier


a. (en-comparativehairy)


See hairy

  1. adj. having or covered with hair; "Jacob was a hairy man"; "a hairy caterpillar" [syn: hirsute] [ant: hairless]

  2. hazardous and frightening; "hairy moments in the mountains"

  3. [also: hairiest, hairier]

Usage examples of "hairier".

But even stranger, his chest was much hairier than it had been before.

His arm was thicker and hairier than it used to be, a not altogether unpleasing change, and even the hat felt a little tight.

He was all-over huskier and hairier than before, and had grown a beard, brown and curly.

There was no doubt that the boy had become a manhe was bigger, hairier, and his voice had a growly authority.

The Borellian Nomen, an aboriginal race that had been on Scorpius millennia before: the colonists arrived, were much hairier, almost lupine, and bulkier due to their dedication to working the land.

Pandora headed downstairs, leaving Titus rummaging through his wardrobe, bleakly aware that unless he appeared at the jetty fully dressed, his sister was going to be treated to the sight of him sporting legs hairier that Tarantellas.

No hairier than most girls, but then most girls actually do have quite hairy legs if they let it grow free, even seventeen-year-olds.

The little man, now revealed as that creature who in anticipation had seemed so much larger and hairier, revived slightly as we entered the reception hall.

This stunt he pulled on Erewhon was even hairier than what he did in La Martine!

His feet and legs as they showed below his kilt were very human, no hairier and no bigger than those of some normal men.

This had been hairier than anything before, and she had an uneasy feeling it was going to get worse.

Realizing what was going on, though, I clawed hurriedly at my belt, noting that my hands seemed smaller and hairier, the fingers shorter.