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n. (context aviation English) The crew that maintains aircraft on the ground.


In aviation, the groundcrew is the support crew servicing the aircraft and the airline on the ground, as opposed to the aircrew. In airlines, ground crew members include: airframe and powerplant technicians, avionics technicians, ramp agents, customer service agents, and flight dispatchers. Ground crew members are responsible for clearing the runway and gate area of any debris or garbage, in order to prevent foreign object damage by an object being sucked into an engine. The crew visually inspects the tarmac and removes any items found; this is typically called a "FOD walk" and is done prior to aircraft arrival and departure.

Usage examples of "groundcrew".

The pilot nodded to the two members of the groundcrew on duty, and they asked no questions when he climbed aboard.

And then he saw that the groundcrew at Haleiwa had lit up the airstrip with parked cars and trucks and a searchlight that had stood in front of a movie theater.

The least exhausted of the groundcrew might have noticed that the arming devices and tail fins had not yet been attached to the bombs.