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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Grazing \Graz"ing\, n.

  1. The act of one who, or that which, grazes.

  2. A pasture; growing grass.


Graze \Graze\ (gr[=a]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Grazed (gr[=a]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. Grazing.] [OE. grasen, AS. grasian, fr. gr[ae]s grass. See Grass.]

  1. To feed or supply (cattle, sheep, etc.) with grass; to furnish pasture for.

    A field or two to graze his cows.

  2. To feed on; to eat (growing herbage); to eat grass from (a pasture); to browse.

    The lambs with wolves shall graze the verdant mead.

  3. To tend (cattle, etc.) while grazing.

    When Jacob grazed his uncle Laban's sheep.

  4. To rub or touch lightly the surface of (a thing) in passing; as, the bullet grazed the wall.


n. grazeland vb. (present participle of graze English)

  1. n. the act of grazing [syn: graze]

  2. the act of brushing against while passing [syn: shaving, skimming]


Grazing is a method of feeding in which a herbivore feeds on plants such as grasses, or other multicellular organisms such as algae. In agriculture, grazing is one method used whereby domestic livestock are used to convert grass and other forage into meat, milk and other products.

Many small selective herbivores follow larger grazers, who skim off the highest, tough growth of plants, exposing tender shoots. For terrestrial animals, grazing is normally distinguished from browsing in that grazing is eating grass or forbs, and browsing is eating woody twigs and leaves from trees and shrubs. Grazing differs from true predation because the organism being grazed upon is not generally killed. Grazing differs from parasitism as the two organisms live together in a constant state of physical externality (i.e. low intimacy). Water animals that feed for example on algae found on stones are called grazers-scrapers. Grazers-scrapers feed also on microorganisms and dead organic matter on various substrates.

Usage examples of "grazing".

The sheep and cattle grazing on the lawn, a rare sight in Alto Amazonas, gives a peaceful and inviting aspect to the scene.

By the time the local police arrived, the horses had gone back to grazing placidly, lending an eerie contrast between rural Americana and unknown alien intentions.

For three successive years he spent considerable money and effort, producing nothing except the hard-won conclusion that without irrigation his benchlands were useless, except to grow native grass for the grazing of cattle.

He did not like the footing on the south bank, but once the lead cow was satisfied that the cows and calves were safely across, she ignored whatever bulls were left behind and set out purposefully for the grazing lands to which she was leading her herd.

He moved now in the foothills of the Carrizo Mountains in Dinetah, the land of the Navajos, over twenty-five thousand square miles, much of it still grazing land, over a million and a half acres still wildland, bounded by the four sacred mountains - Debentsa in the north, Mount Taylor in the south, San Francisco Peaks in the west and Blanco Peak in the east, each with its stories and sacred meanings.

Ques suddenly veered to the left, almost grazing the fenders of cars just released from the red light at the intersection of El Centro and Fountain Avenue.

The queen saw once busy towns half emptied of their folk, grazing lands gone to bramble, deep forests infested with dispossessed men turned poachers and robbers, on every tor a ruined citadel or one marked for doom.

I, Isabella Monboddo, sometime wife of Henry Monboddo, have in my widowhood given, granted, and by this my present charter confirmed, to Alethea Greatorex, Lady Marchamont of Pontifex Hall, Dorsetshire, relict of Henry Greatorex, Baron Marchamont, all lands and tenements, meadows, grazing lands and pasture, with their hedges, banks and ditches, and with all their profits and appurtenances, which I have in Wembish Park, Huntingdonshire .

Rectitude agent was grazing peacefully on his falafel, his eyes no longer on Hamid-Jones.

The grasses add to the permanency of the pastures, while the clovers usually furnish abundant grazing more quickly than the grasses.

Several of them, however, are more short-lived than grasses usually are, hence the latter are relied upon to furnish grazing after the clovers have begun to fail.

She put the hammerstone aside and examined a sturdy piece of legbone from a grazing animal for signs of splintering from the last time she used it.

In that very same orchard behind his house, where once as a small boy he had seen Bird for the first time and had felt the tremor of joy of that adventure, he now paced back and forth in agitation, to the goat stall, to the kitchen window, to the rabbit coop and beyond, his Sunday coat grazing the hayrakes, pitchforks, and scythes hanging on the back wall of the barn -- upset and confused, almost intoxicated with thoughts, wishes, and resolutions, heavyhearted, thinking of Judas, a thousand heavy dream-ducats in the bag.

No sound came from the four watching the grazing herbivora, nor did the latter give any indication of a suspicion of the nearness of danger.

Charles Street into the knotted streets of downtown, grazing lampposts and cutting ahead of irate horsecar drivers.