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The Collaborative International Dictionary
fly out

Out \Out\ (out), n.

  1. One who, or that which, is out; especially, one who is out of office; -- generally in the plural.

  2. A place or space outside of something; a nook or corner; an angle projecting outward; an open space; -- chiefly used in the phrase ins and outs; as, the ins and outs of a question. See under In.

  3. (Print.) A word or words omitted by the compositor in setting up copy; an omission. To make an out (Print.),

    1. to omit something, in setting or correcting type, which was in the copy.

    2. (Baseball) to be put out in one's turn at bat, such as to strike out, to ground out, or to fly out.

fly out

n. (context baseball English) An instance of flying out vb. 1 To travel rapidly to a destination, typically on an airplane 2 To rapidly emerge 3 (context baseball English) To become out by hitting a fly ball which is caught

Usage examples of "fly out".

Having just received this fax, I am going to fly out of here immediately.