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n. 1 (context music English) The B-side of a phonograph record. 2 (context informal English) A necessary consequence or corollary of something; especially one seen as opposite, or as pro versus con. 3 (context informal English) The occasion when we meet again (e.g. when I return from work, etc.; said on parting); later or tomorrow.


Flipside, flip side, or flipsyde may refer to:

  • The B-side of a gramophone record's A-side and B-side
Flipside (fanzine)

Flipside, originally known as Los Angeles Flip Side, was a punk zine published in Whittier and Pasadena, California from 1977 to 2000. In addition to publication of the magazine, the magazine was associated with its own record label, Flipside Records, releasing vinyl records and compact discs beginning in 1978.

As one of the first and longest running U.S. punk rock fanzines, this publication extensively chronicled the world of independent and underground music during this era. Known for its highly opinionated cast of writers, Flipside evolved from a photocopied fanzine to a magazine produced by web offset printing and featuring glossy covers.

Flipside (comics)

Flipside is a fictional android appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is usually depicted as an enemy of Spider-Man 2099 featured in Marvel's 2099 imprint.

Flipside (The Click Five song)

"Flipside" is The Click Five's last and digital download-only single for South-East Asia taken from their second album Modern Minds and Pastimes.

Flipside (video game)

Flipside is a mod for the video game Half-Life 2. It is a cardboard-themed side-scrolling platform game with the ability to turn the camera around 180 degrees to view the 2d cardboard world from the opposite side. Flipside was developed by Team 3, a group of students from DADIU and released June 18, 2007.

Flipside (TV series)

Flipside was a Canadian journalistic music television series which aired on CBC Television in 1974.

Flipside (album)

Flipside is the 12th Studio album by Grammy Award nominated Jazz artist Jeff Lorber.

Flipside (Australian TV series)

Flipside is an Australian television comedy series produced by the ABC in 2002. The seven episode, 30 minute sketch comedy series was written and performed by actors and comedians. It was directed by Nicholas Bufalo with Producer Madeline Getson, Executive Producer Andrew Friedman and Script Editor Michael Ward. It has also screened on Foxtel's The Comedy Channel.

Usage examples of "flipside".

Happy implied a flipside, one he had spent far too much of the last two years visiting.

But the flipside of that wish was the gratitude to know at least something about her.