The Food Industry Students European Council (FISEC) was the student association of the European Federation of Food Science and Technogy, for students studying food science, food technology and related courses at a European university.
FISEC was a non-profit, apolitical and independent association, which tries to help students to meet and learn from one another through international events.
FISEC (Foro Iberoamericano Sobre Estrategias de Comunicación) or "Latin American Forum on Communication Strategies" is a nonprofit association founded in 2003 by a group of academic and professional experts as a common meeting point in the field of communication and strategy. It includes more than 350 experts from 120 universities and 130 members of the mass media, institutions and firms from Latin American countries, the United States, Italy, France, Germany and Russia. Among the members are French epistemologist and essayist Edgar Morin, Spanish psychologist José Luis Pinillos, Colombian philosopher Guillermo Hoyos, cultural anthropologist Constantin Von Barloewen (Harvard University Council, U.S.A.), and communicators and media analysts Jesús Martín Barbero ( Pontificia Universidad Javierana, Bogotá), Rafael Alberto Pérez ( Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Jesús Galindo Cáceres ( Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico), José Carreño ( Universidad Iberoamericana de México DF and ex spokesman for the Mexican Government) and Sandra Massoni (Universidad de Rosario, Argentina).
Through the debates carried out during FISEC’s 7th International Conference and through a bibliography the organization is developing a “New Strategic Theory” which is explained in the book Hacia una teoría general de la estrategia (Ariel, 2009) written by two of its members with a prologue written by the Latin American Secretary General Enrique V. Iglesias.
Open access online is available for the conference papers, in the academic magazine FISEC-Estrategia, indexed on page 16.277 of the Latindex catalogue ISSN 1669-4015.
FISEC may refer to:
- FISEC (Foro Iberoamericano Sobre Estrategias de Comunicación)
- FISEC, The Food Industry Students European Council