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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Using a firebreak as a foot path, the men moved up the 1, 350-foot peak.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

firebreak \firebreak\ n. a narrow field that has been cleared to check the spread of a prairie fire or forest fire.


n. An area cleared of all flammable material to prevent a fire from spreading across it.


n. a narrow field that has been cleared to check the spread of a prairie fire or forest fire [syn: fireguard]


A firebreak (also called a fireroad, fire line or fuel break) is a gap in vegetation or other combustible material that acts as a barrier to slow or stop the progress of a bushfire or wildfire. A firebreak may occur naturally where there is a lack of vegetation or " fuel", such as a river, lake or canyon. Firebreaks may also be man-made, and many of these also serve as roads, such as a logging road, four-wheel drive trail, secondary road, or a highway.

Usage examples of "firebreak".

Houses stopped and brushland began, with only an intervening firebreak, and Holly could not help but think of pioneers in the Old West constructing their outposts with a wary eye toward the threats that might arise out of the lawless badlands all around them.

Then the southeast wind took control of the flaming ash and pelted it northwestward in great arcs far beyond the firebreak.

The Rebels had set firebreaks to keep the flames from spreading, then moved back and let it burn.

From here I could see the line of dikes that had been turned into firebreaks.

As he remembered, the two firebreaks that bracketed the big hill on either side ran all the way to that back paved road.

They had no hope of saving the immediately surrounding blocks, but they would try to contain the inferno by creating firebreaks ahead of the flames in a line running north from the Circus Maximus, then due eastward to the Caelian.

It was halted only by a series of muddy rivulets which stood across its path and acted as a firebreak.

About another 300 yards on I found a small cut in the woodline which seemed to be a firebreak.

The fire was kindled in a quickly-piled rock fireplace--the colony's strongest law was never to build a fire on the ground without firebreaks or rock enclosures--and as the quick resinous wood began to burm down to coals, a second small party came down the slope toward them: three men, two women.

Admiral Hodge's twenty-five ships were now deployed approximately seven miles beyond the belt of fire, ready to move at flank speed toward the firebreak the moment the fire was snuffed out.

Instead of following the plain tracks toward the ravine, Tommy cut straight across the firebreak strip and, getting down on hands and knees, crawled out of sight into the Bermuda grass.

Along the firebreak between the trees came a large black Russian motor car.