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feedback loop

n. a circuit that feeds back some of the output to the input of a system [syn: feedback circuit]

Feedback loop (email)

A feedback loop (FBL), sometimes called a complaint feedback loop, is an inter-organizational form of feedback by which a Mailbox Provider (MP) forwards the complaints originating from their users to the sender's organizations. MPs can receive users' complaints by placing report spam buttons on their webmail pages, or in their email client, or via help desks. The message sender's organization, often an email service provider, has to come to an agreement with each MP from which they want to collect users' complaints.

Feedback loops are one of the ways for reporting spam. Whether and how to provide an FBL is a choice of the MP. End users should report abuse at their mailbox provider's reporting hub, so as to also help filtering. As an alternative, competent users may send abuse complaints directly, acting as mailbox providers themselves.

Usage examples of "feedback loop".

If we can stabilize the process, youve just got an endless feedback loop, which means a permanent font of energy!

If it were to go wrong, there could be a recursive signal to the main decision algorithm, and that would create a resonance in the purposive feedback loop.

When the plasma arc broke through to the other side and the man pulled the robot's severed arm away, the corresponding part of Yatima's icon was left mentally protruding from the stump-a kind of phantom presence, only half-free of the feedback loop of embodiment.

There isn't an evolutionary feedback loop that would train an incipient mind and make it develop unless it was getting somewhere.

So it goes: a feedback loop, with supernova explosions as the catalyst.

Each quantum event emerges into reality as the result of a feedback loop between past and future.

If we run out of other choices, we'll try to set up a feedback loop in the gap drive, see if maybe we can drag Soar into tach with us when she gets close.

The robot hesitated, caught in a feedback loop, unable to figure out which of us to tackle first.