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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Family \Fam"i*ly\, n.; pl. Families. [L. familia, fr. famulus servant; akin to Oscan famel servant, cf. faamat he dwells, Skr. dh[=a]man house, fr. dh[=a]to set, make, do: cf. F. famille. Cf. Do, v. t., Doom, Fact, Feat.]

  1. The collective body of persons who live in one house, and under one head or manager; a household, including parents, children, and servants, and, as the case may be, lodgers or boarders.

  2. The group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.

    The welfare of the family underlies the welfare of society.
    --H. Spencer.

  3. Those who descend from one common progenitor; a tribe, clan, or race; kindred; house; as, the human family; the family of Abraham; the father of a family.

    Go ! and pretend your family is young.

  4. Course of descent; genealogy; line of ancestors; lineage.

  5. Honorable descent; noble or respectable stock; as, a man of family.

  6. A group of kindred or closely related individuals; as, a family of languages; a family of States; the chlorine family.

  7. (Biol.) A group of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zo["o]logy a family is less comprehesive than an order; in botany it is often considered the same thing as an order. Family circle. See under Circle. Family man.

    1. A man who has a family; esp., one who has a wife and children living with him and dependent upon him.

    2. A man of domestic habits. ``The Jews are generally, when married, most exemplary family men.''

      Family of curves or Family of surfaces (Geom.), a group of curves or surfaces derived from a single equation.

      In a family way, like one belonging to the family. ``Why don't we ask him and his ladies to come over in a family way, and dine with some other plain country gentlefolks?''

      In the family way, pregnant. [Colloq. euphemism]


n. (plural of family English)

Families (TV series)

Families is a daytime soap opera produced by Granada Television from 1990 to 1993 and created by Kay Mellor. It followed two families; the Thompsons, based in Cheshire, England (in the fictional market town of Westbury), and the Stevens, living in Sydney, Australia. It was produced and recorded at Studio 6 at Granada Studios in Manchester.

The link in the storyline was businessman Mike Thompson ( Malcolm Stoddard), who walked out on his family on his birthday and flew to Australia to be with his true love Diana Stevens ( Briony Behets), whom he had left years earlier. Unbeknownst to Mike, Diana had given birth to his son Andrew ( Tayler Kane) and as complications ensued over the abrupt life changes for both families, Andrew travelled to England, where he met Mike’s daughter, Amanda (Laura Girling), by his English wife Sue ( Morag Hood), and they fell in love, not realising that they were half-brother and sister. This plot line was somewhat similar to the opening storyline of the popular Australian soap opera Sons and Daughters which had successfully aired on ITV daytime since 1983.

It was broadcast twice a week (Monday and Tuesday) at 3.20pm with the first episode broadcast on 23 April 1990. Both episodes were also repeated on Thursday 10.40pm in the Granada TV region as part of Granada's "10.40-extra" strand. After two years, stories involving the Thompson and Stevens families—and the UK-Australian crossover angle—had run their course, with several characters either dead or left for pastures new (typically Brighton or Canberra). In their place came the wealthy Bannerman family, who were introduced during the summer of 1992, as they moved into the Thompsons' Cheshire mansion from a suburb of Manchester. In addition, some of the remaining Australian-based characters (including Diana Stevens and her husband Anton Vaughan) were re-located to England.

The series subsequently followed the intrigues involving the new family. Head of the Bannerman household was successful barrister Charles ( Terence Harvey). The rest of the family comprised Charles' decorative wife Isabelle (Helen Bourne) and their four children—upstanding heir to the family law firm Simon (Thomas Russell), irresponsible teenager Matthew ( Oliver Milburn), angelic countrywoman Rebecca ( Karen Westwood) and beautiful go-getting vamp Juliette ( Emma Davies). Juliette's best friend and Simon's fiancée Fiona Lewis (Claire Marchionne) also appeared, and turned out to be Charles' mistress.

To add balance to the series, the Richards family, who ran the local pub (The Railway), were also prominently featured, having been introduced during the latter Thompson family era in April 1991. They comprised: Larry ( John Bowe), Jane ( Margot Leicester) and daughters Chelsea ( Tara Moran) and Louise ( Victoria Finney). A son David was mentioned but never seen on-screen, as he lived in the US. Also present was Jane's sister Jackie Williams ( Amanda Wenban) who had emigrated to Australia years earlier but was visiting Jane when the Richards family was first introduced. On her return to her own family in Sydney, she helped continue the UK-Australian crossover angle for a further year.

The Granada-produced soap ceased production in July 1993, to make way for daytime repeats of Coronation Street and Emmerdale. The show's last episode was broadcast in August 1993 after 320 episodes with a dramatic feature length finale which saw a birth, a possible suicide and a large and unexpected inheritance.

The theme music was by Matthew Scott. Several of those who worked on the series later went on to higher-profile careers: Jude Law was a regular cast member for two years (as Nathan Thompson) and Russell T Davies wrote for the programme. Amanda Wenban went from Families to star in the Yorkshire Television soap Emmerdale before heading back to Cheshire to play the role of Ruth Tyler in the second series of Russell T Davies' camp and ironic late night soapy-drama Revelations.

The show was filmed in north east Cheshire and Altrincham. Much of the UK/Australia plot was directed by Nicholas Ferguson, with all of the interior scenes shot in the Granada studio in Manchester. Cicely Mill in the village of Rostherne, Cheshire, was used as the Thompson/Bannerman house. The stables where Amanda and subsequently Rebecca ran their business were in the nearby Tatton Park estate (the stables have since been converted into a coffee shop/restaurant). The Thompsons' garage was Ashley Smithy Garage in Ashley and The Railway Pub can be found in Heatley. Fiona Lewis and Simon Bannerman got married in St Oswald's church, Lower Peover (which also featured in Revelations) and the aborted first wedding of Amanda Thompson and Neil Brooks was in St Mary's church, Nether Alderley.

The show was unusual for a daytime soap, regularly tackling subjects that at the time would have been deemed controversial for a prime time soap. These included murder, suicide, incest, drugs, adultery, prostitution, mental health problems and homosexuality. It also contained some strong language and scenes of a sexual nature, all of which were screened, in most ITV regions, just before children's TV started at 15.50. In its later months the show was screened at 14.45–15.15.

The series was given a full repeat on Granada Plus, when it launched on 1 October 1996, usually screened weeknights at 18:30. The run concluded on Friday 26 June 1998 and was replaced by Emmerdale from Monday 29 June 1998, with episodes beginning from 1989.

Families (2015 film)

Families (original title: Belles Familles) is a 2015 French comedy-drama film co-written and directed by Jean-Paul Rappeneau, his first directorial effort since 2003's Bon Voyage. Filming began on 16 June 2014 in Blois. The film was released in theatres on 14 October 2015. It was shown in the Special Presentations section of the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival.

Usage examples of "families".

She put me in touch with Aid to Families with Dependent Children, which made it possible for me to attend community college.

And many families, many marriages, are literally fighting for it—not only economically but also mentally, spiritually, and socially as well.

Successful families plan and carry out family activities and organize to accomplish different tasks.

The family mission includes the leaving of some kind of legacy—of reaching out to other families who may be at risk, of participating together to make a real difference in the community or in the larger society, possibly through their church or other service organizations.

We have friends and relatives whose intergenerational and extended families have rallied around them in their struggles with a Down’s syndrome child, a severe drug problem, an overwhelming financial problem, or a failing marriage.

Or they can become involved in significance on a higher level of interdependence—not just within the family but between families on common projects.

This might include families working together in a “Neighborhood Watch” program or joining forces with other community or church-sponsored service projects or events.

This is the essence of true family leadership—not only the leadership you can provide to the family, but the leadership your family can provide to other families, to the neighborhood, to the community, to the country.

This is where you would use the power of Habits 4, 5, and 6 at the mentoring level to create your family mission statement and set up two new structures that most families don’t have: dedicated weekly family times and calendared one-on-one dates.

But as they opened up and leveled, many acknowledged their sadness in this compartmentalization, even abdication, and resolved to become engaged with their families in a number of new ways.

Sometimes families cultivate independent lifestyles that have the appearance of interdependence even though deep within, there is profound dependence.

And if we want to create change in our lives and in our families, it’s not enough to focus on attitudes and behaviors.

In fact, this is one of the things I hear most often from families who are working with the 7 Habits.

Remember how they were unable to achieve the victory they wanted in their families until they really, deeply prioritized “family” in their own hearts and minds—inside out?

But for most of us and for our families, the reality is more like digging a lovely tossed salad out of the garbage dump.