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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a crucial factor/part/element
▪ The cost of the project is the crucial factor.
a key element/feature/component (=a very important part)
▪ Advertising is a key element in the success of a product.
a vital part/element
▪ Learning to play with other children is a vital part of growing up.
an element of doubt (=a slight doubt)
▪ There’s an element of doubt about his true age as he doesn’t have a birth certificate.
an element of luck (=an amount of luck that is involved in something)
▪ There is always an element of luck when hiring someone for a job.
an element of mystery (=part of something that seems mysterious)
▪ There is an element of mystery and miracle in the process.
an element/degree of risk (=some risk, but not much)
▪ There is always an element of risk in flying.
brave the elements/weather etc (=go out in bad weather)
▪ More than 100 people braved the elements and attended the rally.
component parts/elements etc
▪ We’ve been breaking down the budget into its component parts.
open to the sky/air/elements
▪ Many of the tombs had been robbed and left open to the sky.
the essential element
▪ Hard work is the essential element of his success.
trace element
▪ Once the tune comes fairly accurately, the teacher can concentrate on meaning, bringing out the basic elements of the situation.
▪ Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.
▪ The basic elements of the station were already clear and have never changed.
▪ The origin of Aphrodite goes back to the most basic elements of nature, the Earth and the Sky.
▪ Aggregate demand comprised two basic elements, investment and consumption.
▪ Reduce dishes to their most basic elements and flavors.
▪ Was he a cosmologist in the Milesian mould, for whom fire was the basic element?
▪ If there was a certain element of the Prince and the Pauper in all this, it worked both ways.
▪ We think there are certain elements in sport that make it a vehicle for spiritual awakening.
▪ Waywardness of certain elements of the youth in the parish.
▪ Frequently, both sides in the Rites Controversy looked unfavorably on certain elements of modern Confucianism.
▪ Full stops are inserted in unexpected places to force the reader to treat certain elements as complete units of information.
▪ There are also certain underlying elements of cultural unity.
▪ Are there certain elements you find intolerably dull and boring?
▪ That really appeals to a certain element.
▪ Nussbaum's drumming is a crucial element, providing colour and definition in this compelling session.
▪ But what really makes the experience universal is a crucial yet unseen element: music programming.
▪ Nursing practice forms an integral part of learning to nurse and is a crucial element in nursing studies.
▪ The wise use of time can be a crucial element in other ways.
▪ In this chapter we examine how the female nude became a crucial element in the formation of art designated modern.
▪ The crucial element missing from the economic engine is demand, some savvy analysts in Tokyo say.
▪ Like her, he has done so by detaching crucial elements from his predecessor's constituency and annexing them to his own.
▪ Except the crucial element is missing in the plans -- manufacturing.
▪ In addition, different elements can be distinguished because the scattered energies are determined by the masses of the target atoms.
▪ They both really have different elements and different criteria.
▪ The bridge between the different elements that, between them, could add up to a story, is space, he wrote.
▪ They came up with a layered structure that had several different elements.
▪ Sometimes other hints of friendship between men from different elements of the connection survive.
▪ Hierarchical structures can be produced by subdividing into a variety of different elements.
▪ Keep the content of each effect simple - do not allow it to contain too many different elements at once.
▪ Second, within the revised section he should know the degree of use received by different subject elements.
▪ They take no account of the unpaid labour service of volunteers, which is the essential resource element of the voluntary sector.
▪ Instructions to the group should emphasize that the criteria should define the essential elements or the key indicators of exemplary nutrition care.
▪ The resin removes the calcium bicarbonate, leaving behind all the essential trace elements.
▪ It is an essential element of the primal piety, the archaic spirituality, that pentecostal worship brings to the surface.
▪ Kungfu has three essential elements: speed, coordination and inner strength.
▪ Kissing has always been an essential element of the movies.
▪ An enactment which threatened the essential elements of any plausible conception of democratic government would lie beyond those boundaries.
▪ Thus, Thoreau endeavors to dismiss all but essential elements.
▪ The retail element is highly fragmented and therefore, historically, mail-order has been an important purchasing element.
▪ I see three important constituent elements of the digital realm becoming more evident every day: malleability, anonymity and connectivity.
▪ In the context of the debate about the curriculum, economic decline and supposedly falling educational standards were important elements.
▪ Religion: Officially atheist; most important elements of religion are Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism.
▪ It is an important element in preventing conflicts reaching the stage of war.
▪ Besides audio and pictures, written words are still an important element on television news.
▪ The technology initiative is an important element in that.
▪ Like Marcel Proust, he is making art out of his life, and tennis is an important element.
▪ Trade unionism became a key element in national solidarity and social education.
▪ The key element, however, is not the ardor of the reformers.
▪ So this week we highlight the key elements of a typical mortgage endowment policy statement.
▪ Francis noted that strong profit margins and a committed, rock-solid management team were the key elements for a successful start-up.
▪ The two key elements are space and timing.
▪ The Information Superhighway and yet-to-be developed technologies will be key elements in this business transformation.
▪ A key element of this must be good health.
▪ Among these four versions of the Kweilin story, the key element is the Structure of the second.
▪ The main elements of this conception can be set out very briefly in the following way.
▪ The main element of success is commitment from the top.
▪ It was suggested that courses should consist of three main elements.
▪ By mid-1986 the main elements of the skyscraper were decided.
▪ The main clause elements are subject, predicator, object, complement, and adjunct.
▪ At this stage the main compositional elements are established.
▪ Networks are composed of three main elements: Events, Activities, and Dummy activities.
▪ Table 11.7 lays out the main elements and their likely proportional magnitude.
▪ The major elements in each are outlined below.
▪ Oh, we forgot one other major element.
▪ Figure 7.1 incorporates the four major elements of the curriculum, focusing on the circumstances in which learning will be applied.
▪ The major element of the code was a single digit which indicated the overall condition of the item.
▪ It contains a major element of truth, even if it is not precisely the truth which its originators intended.
▪ Fieldwork is a major element of this degree since the material for study is gained by survey and excavation.
▪ In either of these approaches, problem-solving should be a major element.
▪ Yoshitaka introduced new elements to the art, until gradually the art lost some of its distinctive Okinawan features.
▪ Web browsers, once limited to displaying text and graphics and downloading files, have created an entirely new element of risk.
▪ But there are new elements in the treatment of the heads that can not be so easily explained.
▪ Its traditional civilization, which already embodied many different beliefs and attitudes, acquired new religious elements from outside.
▪ It was like entering a new element.
▪ The missions as islands of civilization therefore introduced new elements of conflict to a scene of conflict.
▪ Yet tonight there was something different, a new element in the formula.
▪ As shown in the figure on the opposite page, these new elements represent the results that each technique tends to yield.
▪ However, this fails to account for various other elements in the process of assessment.
▪ It is equally true, however, that other of its elements are important means to the attainment of these riches.
▪ The other element which affected royal control was the practice of appointing deputies.
▪ Some elements lay the foundation on which other elements may convey a message.
▪ But there are trace amounts of other elements entrapped within the flint.
▪ And then all the other elements in the complex which bound religion and politics together would pour down.
▪ Educational qualifications for entry into the officer corps had been lower than for other comparable elements of the administration.
▪ There are other elements in the price rise as well.
▪ Premier's policy of constructive engagement incorporates a strong community development element.
▪ In fact, intuition and imagination are far stronger elements in their philosophising than reason.
▪ Like Gregory, Smith has strong military element to his background.
▪ I also tried to incorporate a strong element of freedom so that a long term eating habit could be created.
▪ Of course there is an unusually strong element of corrigibility in this particular story.
▪ As with all forecasts, it contains a strong element of faith and hope.
▪ As we have noted, there are good and bad, strong and weak elements in each culture.
▪ This was proposed by the engineer to give better three-dimensional bonding of the various elements of the cellar into a coherent whole.
▪ These various elements appear in adjustable windows; highlight a word or phrase, and the stuff in each module changes.
▪ You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting.
▪ The review has sent rumors swirling through the Defense Department of proposals to eliminate various combat elements.
▪ It uses Tungsten Plug technology, which helps integrate the various elements in the chip in as small a package as possible.
▪ Researchers believe that the core is not pure iron, but is mixed with various elements.
▪ However, this fails to account for various other elements in the process of assessment.
▪ If the mattes are fixed, the relation between the various elements is consistent.
▪ Indeed, she would argue that her forthright and uncompromising approach is a vital element of her success.
▪ But history is a vital element in national self-awareness.
▪ In other words, interactivity brings a vital element of added value to all electronic information, whether multimedia or not.
▪ Some of the five VITAL elements actually happen at work.
▪ It was this vital element which was lacking.
▪ A successful budgeting process must include two vital elements.
▪ That's the vital element, and whilst it remains the human body can survive the most amazing injuries.
▪ Historic pub interiors, as well as pub exteriors, are vital and irreplaceable elements of our cultural and social heritage.
▪ Other minerals required by the body are selenium, manganese, sodium, and other trace elements.
▪ The determination of trace elements can sometimes help with mint problems.
▪ The resin removes the calcium bicarbonate, leaving behind all the essential trace elements.
▪ The fading colours and yellowish transparent appearance are clear indications of iron chlorosis caused by deficiencies in iron and trace elements.
▪ Rich in easily assimilable vitamins, minerals and trace elements which are essential for the thyroid gland.
▪ Or pellets impregnated with trace elements could improve the diets of cattle in impoverished pastures similar pellets would protect cattle from parasites.
▪ The only disadvantage of protein skimming is the loss of trace elements, but these are easy to replace as an additive.
▪ While decreasing your energy intake, you must continue to eat enough essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
▪ Both initiatives seek to add a more practical element to teacher training.
▪ The tartness of many vinegar-laced bottled mustards adds a restorative acid element to many dishes as well.
▪ Rather, it adds a new element, which is that the testator's son alone is to undertake liability.
▪ Pittsburgh was really offensive and I added an element to them.
▪ To keep the numbers down and add that missing element of sharpness.
▪ I built up my soil, added trace elements, made compost, never used herbicides or chemical insecticides.
▪ Collisions add new elements to the linked list associated with that particular hash value.
▪ I hope to add that element, too.
▪ Ideally your final revelation should combine both the elements of this double-harnessed form, detection and novel writing.
▪ Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.
▪ Contingency theory thus combines elements of technological and social determinism.
▪ He combined a number of elements that made him effective.
▪ These operate by combining existing elements into new patterns or by attaching new connotations to them.
▪ I have combined both elements, much as I do in my DaddyStress / Daddy Success seminars.
▪ Such a test combines elements of Groups 1-3.
▪ The exact ways in which companies combine global and local elements will vary.
▪ They must be ascribed the status due to calculations which contain a large element of estimation.
▪ Nature is kind to us, in that it does contain elements related to one another in constant and mathematically quantifiable relations.
▪ A binary compound contains two elements.
▪ Concerning the theme of recognition, this play contains two elements referred to earlier in this study.
▪ In the uranium mines, workers breathe in radioactive dust as they dig out the metal ore which contains the valuable element.
▪ But in one rather roundabout way, the joke contains an element of truth.
▪ It seems clear that this approach contains elements familiar to both the social workers and the nurses on the team.
▪ Isis the alchemist, in whose myth are contained all the elements of the art, is still with us.
▪ She suggests you cheat your hormones by including the element of surprise - black stockings or a weekend away, for example.
▪ Such a scene must be individualized within the second session to include elements your client provides.
▪ This definition of the role of evaluation does not include the element of judgement, which is part of educational decision making.
▪ Notice that the key now includes a new element, line, in addition to type, field, and word.
▪ The taxpayer contended that the definition applied only to transactions which included an element of bounty.
▪ Her stories exhibit integrity and honesty and occasionally include inspirational or religious elements.
▪ Privatisations, because of the large size of funds involved, have tended to include elements of both offer for sale and placings.
▪ It covered the disposal of up to 550,000 tonnes a year of waste, and specified that this could include toxic elements.
▪ Therefore, in some way, often very subtle, these designs all introduce some element other than plan black-on-white writing.
▪ Then, just prior to that critical point, introduce the aversion relief element.
▪ Quantum mechanics therefore introduces an unavoidable element of unpredictability or randomness into science.
▪ In the air, they introduced an element of beauty and grace.
▪ Such racing is not good because it introduces an unpredictable element and is avoided in real system.
▪ Consideration of these sites, whether they were burgi or not, introduces another element into the discussion of fortified small towns.
▪ It is this act which introduces the probabilistic element, the jarring discontinuity in the system's experience.
▪ Now we can introduce one more element.
▪ Every course will involve an element of theoretical knowledge to ensure that your next trip away from the controlled environment is safe.
▪ An international journey is simply one involving a foreign element.
▪ This is known as trading in maturities, but, however, it does involve an element of risk for a bank.
▪ Many construction projects will involve some element of loan finance.
▪ We should note that this analysis involves an element of special pleading.
▪ For presentation purposes, this usually involves converting key elements of the analysis back to the original scale.
▪ Thematic choice involves selecting a clause element as theme.
▪ Many science courses involve elements of library research as well as its laboratory equivalent.
▪ I see helping the community as one of the key elements of my work.
▪ Instead of a single plot, there are several elements in the story.
▪ The chief had been warned that there were criminal elements within the Security Police.
▪ The committee agreed on the need to get rid of the hooligan element amongst football supporters.
▪ The planning proposals have three main elements.
▪ There's always been an element of competition between me and my brother.
▪ They seem to be trying to get rid of all left-wing elements in the party.
▪ Vegetables are a vital element of the human diet.
▪ We've reached the stage where public image is the most important element in the Presidency.
▪ And like enthalpies of formation, the standard free energies of formation of elements in their standard states are zero.
▪ By contrast, it is impossible to align the elements of organization design at the beginning of a period of behavior-driven change.
▪ However, a further ten shared elements show whales to be closely related to hippopotami.
▪ The position that you select is an element of your normative political knowledge-your value judgments.
▪ The Treaty defined the demarcation of powers between the federation and the constituent republics as a component element of the new Constitution.
▪ There is more than just an element of truth in this conception.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Element \El"e*ment\, n. [F. ['e]l['e]ment, L. elementum.]

  1. One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based.

  2. One of the ultimate, undecomposable constituents of any kind of matter. Specifically: (Chem.) A substance which cannot be decomposed into different kinds of matter by any means at present employed; as, the elements of water are oxygen and hydrogen. Note: The elements are naturally classified in several families or groups, as the group of the alkaline elements, the halogen group, and the like. They are roughly divided into two great classes, the metals, as sodium, calcium, etc., which form basic compounds, and the nonmetals or metalloids, as oxygen, sulphur, chlorine, which form acid compounds; but the distinction is only relative, and some, as arsenic, tin, aluminium, etc., form both acid and basic compounds. The essential fact regarding every element is its relative atomic number, which is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, and also equal to the number of electrons in orbitals around the nucleus when the atom is neutral. When the elements are tabulated in the order of their ascending atomic numbers, the arrangement constitutes the series of the Periodic law of Mendelejeff. See Periodic law, under Periodic. This Periodic law enables us to predict the qualities of unknown elements. The number of elements known in 1890 were about seventy-five, but at that time the gaps in the Periodic law indicated the possibility of many more. All of the elements up to atomic number 100 have now been observed though some are radioactive and very unstable, and in some cases cannot be accumulated in quantity sufficient to actually see by eye. The properties predicted by the periodic law wre close to the observed properties in many cases. Additional unstable elements of atomic number over 100 are observed from time to time, prepared in cyclotrons, particle acclerators, or nuclear reactors, and some of their properties are measurable by careful observation of microscopic quantities, as few as several atoms. For such unstable elements, the properties are now predicted primarily by calculations based on quantum mechanics. Such theories suggest that there may be an "island" of relative stability of elements of atomic number over 120, but this has yet to be confirmed by experiment. Many of the elements with which we are familiar, as hydrogen, carbon, iron, gold, etc., have been recognized, by means of spectrum analysis, in the sun and the fixed stars. The chemical elements are now known not be simple bodies, but only combinations of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons; ahd protons and neutrons are now believed to be themselves combinations of quarks, particles which are not observed singly, but only in combinations. In formulas, the elements are designated by abbreviations of their names in Latin or New Latin, given in the table below. The atomic weights given in the table below are the chemical atomic weights, in some cases being the weighted average of the atomic weights of individual isotopes, each having a different atomic weight. The atomic weight of the individual isotopes are called the physical atomic weights. In those few cases where there is only one stable isotope of an element, the chemical and physical atomic weights are the same. The mass-spectrometric atomic weights are those used for careful mass-spectrometric measurements. For more details about individual elements, see the element names in the vocabulary The Elements ---------------------------------------------------------- Name |Sym-| Atomic Weight | |bol | O=16 | H=1 | C=12.000 ---------------------------------------------------------- Aluminum | Al | 27.1 | 26.9 | Antimony (Stibium) | Sb | 120 | 119.1 | Argon | A | 39.9 | 39.6 | Arsenic | As | 75 | 74.4 | Astatine | At | Barium | Ba | 137.4 | 136.4 | Beryllium | Be | Bismuth | Bi | 208.5 | 206.9 | Boron | B | 11 | 10.9 | Bromine | Br | 79.96 | 79.36| Cadmium | Cd | 112.4 | 11

    1. 6 | Cesium (Caesium) | Cs | 133 | 132 | Calcium | Ca | 40 | 39.7 | Carbon | C | 12 | 11.91| 1

    2. 000 Cerium | Ce | 140 | 139 | Chlorine | Cl | 35.45 | 35.18| Chromium | Cr | 52.1 | 5

      1. 7 | Cobalt | Co | Columbium (see Beryllium) Copper | Cu | ( Cuprum) Erbium | Er | Europium | Eu | Einsteinium | Es | Fermium | Fe | Fluorine | F | Gadolinium | Gd | Gallium | Ga | Germanium | Ge | Glucinum (now Beryllium) Gold (Aurum) | Au | Helium | He | Hydrogen | H | Indium | In | Iodine | I | Iridium | Ir | Iron | Fe | (Ferrum) Krypton | Kr | Lanthanum | La | Lead | Pb | (Plumbum) Lithium | Li | Magnesium | Mg | Manganese | Mn | Mercury | Hg | ( Hydrargyrum) Molybdenum | Mo | Neodymium | Nd | Neon | Ne | Nickel | Ni | Niobium | Nb | (see Columbium) Nitrogen | N | Osmium | Os | Oxygen | O | Palladium | Pd | Phosphorus | P | Platinum | Pt | Potassium | K | (Kalium) Praseodymium | Pr | Rhodium | Rh | Rubidium | Rb | Ruthenium | Ru | Samarium | Sa | Scandium | Sc | Selenium | Se | Silicon | Si | Silver | Ag | (Argentum) Sodium | Na | (Natrium) Strontium | Sr | Sulphur | S | Tantalum | Ta | Tellurium | Te | Thallium | Tl | Thorium | Th | Thulium | Tu | Tin | Sn | (Stannum) Titanium | Ti | Tungsten | W | (Wolframium) Uranium | U | Vanadium | V | Wolfranium (see Tungsten) Xenon | X | Ytterbium | Yb | Yttrium | Y | Zinc | Zn | Zirconium | Zr |

        Note: Several other elements have been announced, as holmium, vesbium, austrium, etc., but their properties, and in some cases their existence, have not yet been definitely established.

  3. One of the ultimate parts which are variously combined in anything; as, letters are the elements of written language; hence, also, a simple portion of that which is complex, as a shaft, lever, wheel, or any simple part in a machine; one of the essential ingredients of any mixture; a constituent part; as, quartz, feldspar, and mica are the elements of granite.

    The simplicity which is so large an element in a noble nature was laughed to scorn.
    --Jowett (Thucyd.).

    1. One out of several parts combined in a system of aggregation, when each is of the nature of the whole; as, a single cell is an element of the honeycomb.

    2. (Anat.) One of the smallest natural divisions of the organism, as a blood corpuscle, a muscular fiber.

  4. (Biol.) One of the simplest essential parts, more commonly called cells, of which animal and vegetable organisms, or their tissues and organs, are composed.

  5. (Math.)

    1. An infinitesimal part of anything of the same nature as the entire magnitude considered; as, in a solid an element may be the infinitesimal portion between any two planes that are separated an indefinitely small distance. In the calculus, element is sometimes used as synonymous with differential.

    2. Sometimes a curve, or surface, or volume is considered as described by a moving point, or curve, or surface, the latter being at any instant called an element of the former.

    3. One of the terms in an algebraic expression.

  6. One of the necessary data or values upon which a system of calculations depends, or general conclusions are based; as, the elements of a planet's orbit.

  7. pl. The simplest or fundamental principles of any system in philosophy, science, or art; rudiments; as, the elements of geometry, or of music.

  8. pl. Any outline or sketch, regarded as containing the fundamental ideas or features of the thing in question; as, the elements of a plan.

  9. One of the simple substances, as supposed by the ancient philosophers; one of the imaginary principles of matter.

    1. The four elements were, air, earth, water, and fire;

      Note: whence it is said, water is the proper element of fishes; air is the element of birds. Hence, the state or sphere natural to anything or suited for its existence.

      Of elements The grosser feeds the purer: Earth the Sea; Earth and the Sea feed Air; the Air those Fires Ethereal.

      Does not our life consist of the four elements?

      And the complexion of the element [i. e.,the sky or air] In favor's like the work we have in hand, Most bloody, fiery, and most terrible.

      About twelve ounces [of food], with mere element for drink.

      They show that they are out of their element.
      --T. Baker. Esp., the conditions and movements of the air. ``The elements be kind to thee.''

    2. The elements of the alchemists were salt, sulphur, and mercury.
      --Brande & C.

  10. pl. The whole material composing the world.

    The elements shall melt with fervent heat.
    --2 Peter iii. 10.

  11. pl. (Eccl.) The bread and wine used in the eucharist or Lord's supper.

    Magnetic element, one of the hypothetical elementary portions of which a magnet is regarded as made up.


Element \El"e*ment\ ([e^]l"[-e]*m[e^]nt), v. t.

  1. To compound of elements or first principles. [Obs.] ``[Love] being elemented too.''

  2. To constitute; to make up with elements.

    His very soul was elemented of nothing but sadness.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "earth, air, fire, or water; one of the four things regarded by the ancients as the constituents of all things," from Old French element (10c.), from Latin elementem "rudiment, first principle, matter in its most basic form" (translating Greek stoikheion), origin and original sense unknown. Meaning "simplest component of a complex substance" is late 14c. Modern sense in chemistry is from 1813, but is not essentially different from the ancient one. Meaning "proper or natural environment of anything" is from 1590s, from the old notion that each class of living beings had its natural abode in one of the four elements. Elements "atmospheric force" is 1550s.


n. 1 One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based. 2 # (label en chemistry) Any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction or by any chemical means and made up of atoms all having the same number of protons. 3 # One of the four basic building blocks of matter in theories of ancient philosophers and alchemists: water, earth, fire, and air. 4 # (label en legal) A required aspect or component of a cause of action. A deed is regarded a violation of law only if each element can be proved. 5 # (label en set theory) One of the objects in a set. 6 A small part of the whole.

  1. n. an abstract part of something; "jealousy was a component of his character"; "two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony"; "the grammatical elements of a sentence"; "a key factor in her success"; "humor: an effective ingredient of a speech" [syn: component, constituent, factor, ingredient]

  2. any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter [syn: chemical element]

  3. an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system; "spare components for cars"; "a component or constituent element of a system" [syn: component, constituent]

  4. one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe; "the alchemists believed that there were four elements"

  5. the most favorable environment for a plant or animal; "water is the element of fishes"

  6. the situation in which you are happiest and most effective; "in your element"

  7. a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone


Element or elements may refer to:

Element (mathematics)

In mathematics, an element, or member, of a set is any one of the distinct objects that make up that set.

Element (category theory)

In category theory, the concept of an element, or a point, generalizes the more usual set theoretic concept of an element of a set to an object of any category. This idea often allows to restate definitions or properties of morphisms (such as monomorphism or product) which are given by a universal property in more familiar terms by stating their relation to elements. Some very general theorems, such as Yoneda's lemma and the Mitchell embedding theorem, are of great utility in this way, by allowing one to work in a context where these translations are valid. This approach to category theory, in particular the use of the Yoneda lemma in this way, is due to Grothendieck, and is often called the method of the functor of points.

Element (criminal law)

Under United States law, an element of a crime (or element of an offense) is one of a set of facts that must all be proven to convict a defendant of a crime. Before a court finds a defendant guilty of a criminal offense, the prosecution must present evidence that, even when opposed by any evidence the defense may choose to present, is credible and sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed each element of the particular crime charged. The component parts that make up any particular crime vary depending on the crime.

The basic components of an offense are listed below; generally, each element of an offense falls into one or another of these categories. At common law, conduct could not be considered criminal unless a defendant possessed some level of intention — either purpose, knowledge, or recklessness — with regard to both the nature of his alleged conduct and the existence of the factual circumstances under which the law considered that conduct criminal. However, for some legislatively enacted crimes, the most notable example being statutory rape, a defendant need not have had any degree of belief or willful disregard as to the existence of certain factual circumstances (such as the age of the accuser) that rendered his conduct criminal; such crimes are known as strict liability offenses.

Element (Tampa)

Element is a 460 ft (140m) tall residential skyscraper in Tampa, Florida. It has 35 floors and 395 units. It was designed by Rule Joy Trammell + Rubio, and developed by Novare Group / Intown Tampa Development.

Element (UML)

In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), an Element is an abstract class with no superclass. It is used as the superclass or base class, as known by object oriented programmers, for all the metaclasses in the UML infrastructure library. All other elements in the UML inherit, directly or indirectly from Element. An Element has a derived composition association to itself to support the general capability for elements to own other elements. As such, it has no additional attributes as part of its specification.

Element (production team)

Element (stylized as ELEMENT) is a Norwegian record production and songwriting team, consisting of Hitesh Ceon and Kim Ofstad. On their website Hitesh is described as being the main producer and composer of the team, while Kim is the drummer, and described as the more social/networking part of the team.

Element have in 2013 produced 8 songs on the Madcon album "Icon", including the song "Bottles" featuring Rick Ross, and "Is You With Me" featuring Snoop Dogg. The first single, "In My Head", spent several weeks at Nr.1 on the Norwegian iTunes chart and peaked at Nr.2 on the official Norwegian sales charts, selling 3 times platinum. Some of the latest productions of the team include two songs for U.K. X-Factor-winner Alexandra Burke, "Dangerous" and "Bury Me (6 Feet Under)", as well as Michael Jackson's "I Want You Back" (ELEMENT Remix), and a remix of Michael Jackson's "Skywriter" (Stargate Remix) which they produced together with Stargate, the latter two featured on the 2009 remix album " The Remix Suite".

Element has in 2014 produced the song "Till The Rope Gives Way" with Joe, on the album "Bridges". The album reached #1 on the iTunes R&B Chart in the U.S.

Element has produced the song "Yes" for Musiq Soulchild, the second official single from Musiq's album MusiqInTheMagiq, as well as two other songs on the album, "Lovecontract" and "Clumsylove".

Element has produced the song "It's Ok" for Cee Lo Green. The song is the second official single from Cee-Lo Green's album "The Lady Killer" and is written by Hitesh Ceon, Kim Ofstad, Cee Lo Green and Noel Fisher. The album The Lady Killer received a Grammy nomination.

Element has produced and co-written the song "Glow" for Madcon. An 7:30 minute long version of the song was performed in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, during the interval before the voting. While the song was playing many flash-mobs around Europe were dancing a choreographed dance to the song and Madcon performed in the Telenor Arena where the contest was held. The song was released on iTunes the same day, and has reached Nr.1 in Norway and Germany, Nr. 2 in Spain and top 10 in 10 other countries. It has sold 10 times platinum in Norway and over 300.000 copies in Germany.

Element was earlier known as 3Elementz, then a 3-member team, including bass-player Jonny Sjo. Their productions include Madcon's " Beggin'" which went to become 8x Platinum in Norway, before reaching top position on the hit lists in many European countries, and reaching number 2 position on the Billboard European chart.

Usage examples of "element".

On the other hand, given the facts of a situation containing elements of duress, in other words of various pressures from family, friends and the community which a minor finds himself unable to resist, he has in effect been given a choice of evils by the defendant, and while his conduct may indicate his consent, the facts in the situation may persuade us otherwise.

There must be a test by which to separate the opposing elements so as to build only from the sound, and that test is a sufficiently liberal one which accepts as sound whoever will make a sworn recantation of his former unsoundness.

He moves nimbly from a grave topic to a list of the methods the little Gargantua invented for wiping his ass, and yet, aesthetically, all these elements, frivolous or grave, have equal importance in his work, give me equal pleasure.

Further they are skilled with primitive weapons and have constructed an aesthetically spectacular village that clings to the cliffsides of a gorge, protected from the elements by shell-like canopies.

However, at this point, Afshar introduces a new element to the experiment.

Additional intelligence units and elements of the 47th Independent Armored Brigade, commanded by Alawite Colonel Nadim Abbas, with its T-62 tanks, were also stationed in and around the town.

Besides the veneration of the Alids, orthodox Islam has adopted another Shiitic element, the expectation of the Mahdi, which we have just mentioned.

The second, concealed in the first and still largely innocuous to Coalition eyes, concerned itself with a perceived obstructionist element in New Amazonian government.

The worst result of our misinformation, of course, was neither in Alphaland or Betastan, but in the two or three neutral nations where there are large Amish elements.

At times the members of certain social clubs gave in these rooms subscription balls of anacreontic tendencies, the feminine element of which was recruited among the popular gay favorites of the period.

At such times the cure, sitting at piquet with Madame de Sevenie, after dinner, would cough distressingly and, reminded that he had a bed to reach somehow through all this welter, anathematise the elements, help himself to a pinch of snuff, and proceed with his play.

Most of them seemed to be Christians of sorts, but there was an element of gesticulating Antiochene loafers, and like all crowds they amused themselves with popular songs while they waited.

The bar and the commercial element of Little Arcady had been cold, not to say suspicious, toward him.

Hence the Jacobean plays that seem most satiric are those which retain the strongest elements of the Aristophanic pattern.

In that respect, Arvel would gain less, inasmuch as the Sarnirian System has a cos-mically unusual distribution of elements.