n. (plural of chemical element English)
Usage examples of "chemical elements".
The spectra of those quasars are recognizable only because the same chemical elements are present there as here, and because the same laws of quantum mechanics apply.
Only when this has occurred are the chemical elements able to serve the plant functionally.
When the Earth condensed from the primal dustcloud the chemical elements and compounds that formed it separated into layers: the denser materials sank to the centre of the Earth and the lighter ones floated to the top, much as a layer of light oil floats on denser water.
For example, prior to Gutenberg only 11 chemical elements were known.
The chemical elements are similarly constituted, as the critics of Magick have at last been compelled to admit.
So, if we were able to find in Earth life forms chemical elements that are extremely rare on our planet, surely this would be powerful evidence that life did come from some different world altogether.
And why does all living matter on Earth contain too little of the chemical elements that abound on Earth, and too much of those that are rare on our planet?
Under other laws and constants, atoms would not hold together, stars would evolve too quickly to leave sufficient time for life to evolve on nearby planets, the chemical elements of which life is made would never have been generated, and so on.
We can detect by spectroscopy the same chemical elements, the same common molecules on other planets, stars and galaxies.
By itself it was too sensitive to handle, so it was usually mixed with a plasticiser, which would give it some of the same chemical elements as plastique.