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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dose \Dose\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dosed; p. pr. & vb. n. dosing.] [Cf. F. doser. See Dose, n.]

  1. To proportion properly (a medicine), with reference to the patient or the disease; to form into suitable doses.

  2. To give doses to; to medicine or physic to; to give potions to, constantly and without need.

    A self-opinioned physician, worse than his distemper, who shall dose, and bleed, and kill him, ``secundum artem.'' -- South

  3. To give anything nauseous to.


n. The administration of a dose vb. (present participle of dose English)


Dosing generally applies to feeding chemicals or medicines in small quantities into a process fluid or to a living being at intervals or to atmosphere at intervals to give sufficient time for the chemical or medicine to react or show the results.

In the case of human beings or animals the word dose is generally used but in the case of inanimate objects the word dosing is used. The term dose titration, referring to stepwise titration of doses until a desired level of effect is reached, is common in medicine.

Usage examples of "dosing".

Over-feeding, and continually dosing the child with cordial, soothing syrups, etc.

Reports emerged testifying to male dogs which, upon dosing with cocaine, became uncontrollably priapic, of bitches suddenly becoming receptive to amorous advances from all comers.

He was, however, a morphine addict, so seriously addicted that by the time he stood trial atNuremberghe was dosing himself with up to a hundred pills of paracodeine a day.

Swiftly, he took one of her hands and put the money into it, his fist dosing over hers as he did so, and, as swiftly, his other hand moved and pressed hard against the front of her thigh.

Then Mrs Sucksby would go among them, dosing them from a bottle of gin, with a little silver spoon you could hear chink against the glass.

I thought of her, in all the ways I had seen her, not there, but here, in her own kitchen: dosing babies, sipping tea, lifting up her face so I might kiss it.

It takes a very moderate amount of erudition to unearth a charlatan like the supposed father of the infinitesimal dosing system.

Vorontsyev had found out who Kutuzov really was Andropov watched his hand on the desk slowly opening and dosing, like a small, independent, grabbing animal.

He bent his knees slightly, as if urging the train to greater speed, his body suddenly possessed by his race against the unwieldy net dosing round him.

Saving the lives of wounded grunts would sure beat dosing dirty dicks.

Justyn had finally stopped the bleeding with a compression bandage, and after liberally dosing the woodcutter with brandy and poppy-powder, began stitching the wound closed with a curved needle and fine silk thread.

His hand was on the other's shoulder, his saber-hand, and he used willpower to prevent it dosing like a mechanical clamp through the Admiral's deltoid muscle.

The ointment was now made and Smith carried off a suitable number of gallipots for their syphilitic patients: Stephen shut and double-locked the dispensary door (seamen were much given to dosing themselves) and hearing the main body of reefers leave their berth with a sound like that of a herd of mad cattle, he walked in.

Picture a Holy Roller speaking in tongues and casting out demons whilst dosing sick folks with sassafras bark, licorice root, and such.

He repeated the assertion by Dr Meadow at the inquest that Winge had been dosing himself with Samson’s Salad, which, Love understood, was synonymous with Lucky Fen Wort, as processed and packaged at the Moldham Meres Laboratories.