be closely/directly/strongly etc linked
▪ Our economy is inextricably linked with America’s.
directly below
▪ The kitchen is directly below her bedroom.
directly proportional
▪ The fee charged by the realtor is directly proportional to the price of the property.
directly responsible
▪ Cabinet members are directly responsible to the President.
directly/indirectly related
▪ illnesses which are directly related to poverty
▪ This figure is directly comparable with those reported from other parts of Britain.
▪ The explanations, being of differing character, are not directly comparable.
▪ The scar tissue with which animals seal their wounds is not directly comparable to the callus tissue of plants.
▪ In consequence the definitions used in table 3.3 are not directly comparable with their procedures.
▪ Hence, different experiments may not be directly comparable, and there may similarly be difficulties of comparison between experiment and theory.
▪ No group was directly comparable in 1961; but by 1976 the Thomson group was strong in all sectors.
▪ They're directly comparable with personal laser printer speeds, while offering far more versatility in what can be printed.
▪ With the particular merits and demerits of these proposals I am not here directly concerned.
▪ It is directly concerned with individuals, with their minds and with their own way of looking at things.
▪ You will find your professional abilities to be in constant demand and you will be directly concerned with the provision of services.
▪ It is likely to occur to an individual directly concerned with the problem.
▪ The majority of blacks are working class and many black organizations are directly concerned with improving their class situation.
▪ On a more general level, the past was often implied in works which were not directly concerned with portraying it.
▪ The directly concerned populations are invariably viewed as passive recipients of plans.
▪ That is, it is not directly concerned with material gain; delinquency centring on vandalism or violence is an obvious example.
▪ A total of 667 candidates fielded by 17 political parties contested the 225 directly elected seats in the 325-member Assembly.
▪ It also established a 150-member National Assembly elected from among the members of eight directly elected regional councils.
▪ Five directly elected deputies are sent to the National Assembly in Paris and three indirectly elected members to the Senate.
▪ Again, the increase is not directly proportional to the blocking factor.
▪ Hence a current flows; the current is directly proportional to the PO2 in the sample. 25.
▪ The usefulness of most Web sites is directly proportional to the benefits it offers to the people who visit it.
▪ The voltage induced in the pickup coil by this waveform is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic induction.
▪ This luminescence is measured and is directly proportional to the number of trapped electrons, and thus to the total radiation dose.
▪ In its emphasis on institutional culture it is directly relevant to the pursuit of equal opportunities.
▪ The intricacies of the alteration itself, begun in 1980, are not directly relevant here.
▪ The second issue in Exparte Handscomb is, however, directly relevant to our decision.
▪ All this detail is directly relevant to the fishing.
▪ The research itself was laboratory based, although directly relevant to academic obstetrics.
▪ How data are input is directly relevant to the way the same information is retrieved from the system.
▪ Most directly relevant in this context, however, were Spemann's experiments with two-cell salamander embryos.
▪ The safer approach is to start with that evidence which is directly relevant.
▪ Well, perhaps not directly responsible.
▪ It is directly responsible for 35,000 deaths from lung cancer and twice this number from other diseases every year.
▪ The constitution also made military leaders directly responsible to the emperor, allowing them to bypass the cabinet.
▪ Severing the umbilical cord between landlords and peasants vastly increased the proportion of the population for which the centre was directly responsible.
▪ In some places, women have been directly responsible for its introduction, whilst in others feminist ideas have influenced the law-makers.
▪ Sender of message and person responsible for delay in clearance will be held directly responsible for possible deaths of thousands.
▪ They are frequently directly responsible for its execution.
▪ Woodrow Wilson held them directly responsible for the First World War23 and his successors have accumulated a catalogue of complaints.
▪ By the outbreak of the revolution in December 1989, only about seventy villages had been directly affected by rural systematization.
▪ They directly affect the entirety of social relations in different societies.
▪ This means that the fate of the body does not, in fact, directly affect the inheritance of the offspring.
▪ Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.
▪ The latter does not usually directly affect the defendant's pocket as he will be insured.
▪ Our college education is going to directly affect our future.
▪ Now we want you to add your views to future Plans, whether or not you are directly affected by the proposals.
▪ Caffeine also directly affects many parts of the body by attaching to adenosine receptors found outside the brain.
▪ Makeup had been applied directly to the mask; his lips were rendered huge, clown-like.
▪ Interesting word use; a personal, exciting message; information that applies directly to them.
▪ These are more effective than shampoos because they are applied directly to the scalp and left on for longer.
▪ The remedy can even be made into a paste and applied directly to the sting.
▪ It can be applied directly on to a stripped wooden surface without the need for primer.
▪ This he proceeded to apply directly to the process of recruitment.
▪ This analysis applies directly to generalization tests for acquired equivalence of the sort depicted in Table 5.1.
▪ Responses to controlled hypoglycaemia induced in a laboratory setting can not be directly applied to the clinical situation.
▪ Their inputs come directly from the retina.
▪ The animal had come directly and deliberately to the raft, and spent a minute or two investigating us closely.
▪ Much of the bad publicity came directly from the philistinism of the tabloid press.
▪ They came directly from hospitals or drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and, in a few cases, from prison.
▪ Twenty years ago more than three quarters of Imperial's total income came directly from government in the form of a grant.
▪ Some jobseekers come directly to him.
▪ The most effective source of heat recommended comes directly from the Maker.
▪ The money comes directly from the investment-banking firm, and indirectly from the investors to whom that firm sells the bonds.
▪ The cistern of the close-coupled design sits on top of the pan and is connected directly to it.
▪ It can also connect directly via an Internetstyle network connection.
▪ The engines of the rocket do not apply a force directly to his body as he is not connected directly to them.
▪ It was the first time a person directly connected to the $ 5. 8 billion Metro Rail project was criminally charged.
▪ There are several factors which directly connect postmodernism and the new mode of economic regulation.
▪ He says they have to photograph issues not connected directly with the rally, perhaps the environment or wildlife.
▪ Only a small charge directly connected to the detonator exploded.
▪ Your social worker is available to discuss any worries you have, even if they are not directly connected with your child.
▪ They might have to deal directly with the country's ethnic and class divisions.
▪ Often, everyone deals directly with the leader, who can make most decisions on the spot.
▪ There are a few works by scholars which deal directly with aspects of my subject.
▪ He was now dealing directly with his mother and his feelings, rather then beating up other children.
▪ It does not deal directly with possession of weapons, nor with the legitimacy of resort to war in the first place.
▪ With such access, a manager can deal directly with a key decision maker or find out what is really happening.
▪ However, most travel agents do not deal directly with these companies.
▪ As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature.
▪ Executive power is vested in the President, who is directly elected for a five-year term.
▪ The only federal officials to be elected directly by the citizens themselves were the members of the House of Representatives.
▪ Clearly, members of the second chamber would not be as accountable as those directly elected to the Commons.
▪ About a dozen services were transferred to the directly elected London boroughs.
▪ All departmental governors would be directly elected.
▪ Mr Tung must maintain momentum towards democratic reforms, increasing the number of directly elected representatives in the territory's legislature.
▪ If the exact location of the incident is known the team members go directly to it.
▪ They went directly as their mother must have known they all would go: mother turtle, or Mother Nature.
▪ She raced back to the toilet, went directly to the wash-hand basin used by her ... it had gone!
▪ The money generated by Pemex, both in profits and taxes, goes directly to the federal government.
▪ He went directly to the radio above the navigation table.
▪ However some instructors may want to go directly to Chapter 26.
▪ This meant that any Gascon appealing against the verdict of one of the sub-seneschals could not go directly to Paris.
▪ In the former it is superfluous since the reader can go directly from character to meaning.
▪ It contains allegations which do not directly involve the third defendant.
▪ That access is also central to patterns of trade that do not directly involve the United States.
▪ There is obviously little room for the school to be directly involved in curriculum development at any level.
▪ Proponents say the program can directly involve middle-class church members in the lives and struggles of the poor.
▪ A smaller and smaller part of the population is directly involved in industrial manufacture.
▪ About 25 percent of these are New Economy companies, with only five involved directly in optics.
▪ Why is the government directly involved in providing defence, schools, and health services?
▪ Asking parents to be directly involved in managing schools is like saying consumers should collectively manage an automobile factory.
▪ The rest he divided, some by the shore road, others by the causeway that led directly to the wharf.
▪ And building it leads directly to the issue of management systems.
▪ So technology that builds the boats leads directly to biological adaptation and evolution.
▪ Both plays led directly to Dallas touchdowns, which led directly to the outcome.
▪ This does not lead directly to higher prices, but the burden has inpart been passed on to the consumer in reduced variety.
▪ The 800 number led directly to central reservations -- normally a toll call.
▪ Sometimes the decision to buy itself leads directly to one particular type of credit.
▪ Sometimes trusting the impulse leads directly to brilliance.
▪ Heart attacks and lung cancer are directly linked with cigarette smoking.
▪ The second phase also provides upgraded services for 200 to 300 research facilities directly linked to this backbone.
▪ The collapse was not directly linked to the motor car side, but it threatened the cars' future.
▪ Things in a system are intertwined, linked directly or indirectly into a common fate.
▪ The brick-making operations were often directly linked with the railway, as for instance at Whittlesea, near Peterborough.
▪ Dialogue also gives readers an interesting-sounding, firsthand account of information directly linked to your subject.
▪ Needless to say you can link directly to the vendor's Web site from the listings.
▪ This tale gives symbolic expression to these inner experiences directly linked to the mother.
▪ It is probably best found by looking directly between Achernar to the one side and Lepus to the other.
▪ Her eyes questioning, my mother looks directly at me.
▪ Commoners were discouraged from looking directly at any part of his person other than his feet.
▪ They did not look directly at each other, not straight into the eyes anyway.
▪ For a moment, she was looking directly out of the picture.
▪ At one point, Blue thinks that he is looking directly at him and ducks out of the way.
▪ One needs to look directly for the seeds of potential attitudinal positions.
▪ It was polarized; so that Gaal could look directly upon the blazing star above.
▪ The only restriction being that a condition must directly relate to the site and must be reasonable.
▪ These results on the local stability of the steady state can be related directly to the existence of periodic solutions.
▪ But whether they were related directly to the main body of the puzzle was not yet clear.
▪ But it is an indispensable beginning-a beginning directly related in women to specific and intelligible changes in their bodies and their lives.
▪ Price is directly related to size, and comparisons should always be made by the m 2 rather than simply between individual rugs.
▪ Producers must receive a higher price to produce these more costly units. 7 Price and quantity supplied are directly related.
▪ Of these, only cost structure directly relates to financial control; the remaining factors cover non-financial and external issues.
▪ The activity of state medical boards is directly related to their independence and financial backing, Winn said.
▪ The newly created position will report directly to Black.
▪ Communication Sun Life appointed a relocation officer at executive level who reported directly to the company's general manager.
▪ In addition, two small staff groups, data processing and personnel, and the legal counsel reported directly to the president.
▪ He will report directly to Mr Kinnock.
▪ He reports directly to State Street president Ralph Verni.
▪ Located in the Cabinet Office, he reports directly to the Prime Minister.
▪ The opportunist, though he liked to claim that he reported directly to John Gutfreund, had a boss.
▪ Why do people not just speak directly and say what they mean?
▪ This smallest of lawyers speaks directly, quickly.
▪ Later she spoke directly to Rachel.
▪ Telephone a few days later and ask to speak directly with the director, using the techniques described above.
▪ Although they never spoke directly of Lachlan, each knew the other's mind; though not as well as she believed.
▪ Dole spoke directly about his age, saying 73 years of life are not a liability.
▪ There are a variety of ways of defeating a proposal other than directly speaking against it.
▪ This is, however, a book that speaks directly to the home cook looking for new challenges and tastes.
▪ A specific objective is that this new body will work directly with the local enterprise companies.
▪ Between eight and twelve people work directly under me.
▪ Five years ago, increasingly concerned about the environment, he decided to work directly for an environmental group.
▪ Ten staffers work directly for the Dodgers in planning community relations and coordinating this year's team-wide efforts.
▪ Indeed, working directly with consultants proves invaluable in gaining access to high-quality morbidity data.
▪ More than two hundred thousand of its seven hundred thousand residents worked directly in manufacturing.
▪ There are a number of independent pressure groups in the United Kingdom working directly on behalf of consumers.
▪ Do we need a few sharp analysts working directly for Rice and the top group?
▪ Have you noticed how he never looks directly at you?
▪ Mike and his wife sat directly behind us.
▪ New evidence directly linked Nathanson to the killing.
▪ The new law won't affect us directly.
▪ Cindy experienced directly what it meant to coach and advise, and saw that it worked.
▪ Frankly, he did not suppose Adam had had anything directly to do with this at all.
▪ If the outlet is directly over the pipe, simply cut the pipe to length and push it over the outlet connection.
▪ It also provided some of the strongest evidence to date that Sellafield did directly and routinely harm people's health.
▪ It prescribes, directly for them, a rule of evidence not to be departed from.
▪ The 800 number led directly to central reservations -- normally a toll call.
▪ When asked directly what were their visions of Howdendyke's future, interviewees made fairly consistent replies.