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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Devastation \Dev`as*ta"tion\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]vastation.]

  1. The act of devastating, or the state of being devastated; a laying waste.

    Even now the devastation is begun, And half the business of destruction done.

  2. (Law) Waste of the goods of the deceased by an executor or administrator.

    Syn: Desolation; ravage; waste; havoc; destruction; ruin; overthrow.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from Middle French dévastation, from Late Latin devastationem (nominative devastatio), from past participle stem of Latin devastare "lay waste completely," from de- "completely" (see de-) + vastare "lay waste," from vastus "empty, desolate" (see waste (v.)).


n. 1 The act of devastate, or the state of being devastated; a lay waste. 2 waste of the goods of the deceased by an executor or administrator.

  1. n. the state of being decayed or destroyed [syn: desolation]

  2. the feeling of being counfounded or overwhelmed; "her departure left him in utter devasation"

  3. an event that results in total destruction [syn: desolation]

  4. plundering with excessive damage and destruction [syn: ravaging]

  5. termination by an act of destruction [syn: destruction]

Devastation (video game)

Devastation is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Digitalo Studios and released in 2003.

The game takes place in an impoverished, dystopian near-future Earth, pitting an underground group of rebels against an oppressive, all-powerful mega-corporation. It is an action-oriented first person shooter based on the Unreal Engine 2.0, that focuses heavily on team-based gameplay in both single-player and multi-player.


Devastation may refer to:

  • HMS Devastation, any of four ships of the British Royal Navy
  • La Dévastation, various French warships named Dévastation.
  • Devastation (video game), a first-person shooter video game developed by Digitalo Studios, released in February 2003
  • Transformers: Devastation, an upcoming video game
  • Mortal Kombat: Devastation, the third installment in the movie franchise based on the Mortal Kombat fighting game series
  • Devastation (comics), a fictional character and DC Comics villain in the Wonder Woman comic book
  • The Transformers: Devastation, a six-issue comic book miniseries, published by IDW Publishing, based on the Transformers
  • The Devastations, a musical group from Melbourne, Australia and based out of Berlin, Germany
  • Acute stress reaction, a psychological condition

Usage examples of "devastation".

Should a lone air raider fly over Manhattan and drop a single demolition bomb in the blackened hollow where the Argyle Museum was flanked by towering skyscrapers, there would be utter devastation among the priceless antiquities that old Henry had accumulated.

Between its blockaded and garrisoned coast on one side and its sixty-mile swath of devastation through the heart of Georgia on the other it might as well have been a shipless island.

This devastation was left from the merciless search that had finally overtaken him and Buglet at the truman commune.

Mirror Lancer officer who used his magely abilities to lead the northern Mirror Lancers in the devastation of Cerlyn and the establishment of the northeastern cuprite mines.

Yuuzhan Vong rearguard was pouring around the devastation on all sides, trading fusillades with Fleet Group One as they streamed past into the deactivated mine shell.

Much has changed since Julius Caesar and his legions swept through the hinterlands of Gaul four hundred years ago, bringing fire and devastation to hundreds of barbarian villages and towns, killing and enslaving a million men, entirely effacing from history and existence countless tribes and their distinguishing characteristics.

Clans whose suspicion toward outsiders had always been high, who with the carnage and devastation of the Third Eldership War fresh in their minds would have been even less hospitable toward strangers than usual.

Non-combatants suffered considerable temporary and incidental molestation during warfare, there was a certain amount of raping and looting, devastation to destroy supplies, pressed labour and spy-hunting on a scale which amounted in most cases to little more than an exacerbation of normal criminality.

Kijel Busiak asked, as he and Gopak Semivinvor surveyed the site of the devastation.

In fact, upon occasion he wished that he might suck out all the gifts at once from these land grubbers, make them watch the devastation of everything that made up their lives.

The young private was as stunned as everyone else by the grounds-eye view of the devastation, but he gunned the big tank and pulled it slowly forward into the devastation.

Jungle troops on patrol, hearing the high-pitched scream of the enemy aircraft inbound, fleeing for their lives before the devastation and destruction that rained down from the skies.

Granite House, by having seen them pass on the road from the corral, or, after the devastation of the plateau, they had penetrated into Jacamar Wood, following the course of the Mercy, and were thus ignorant of their return.

Besides, it might be supposed that in all probability either the convicts knew of the return of the settlers to Granite House, by having seen them pass on the road from the corral, or, after the devastation of the plateau, they had penetrated into Jacamar Wood, following the course of the Mercy, and were thus ignorant of their return.

The extreme devastation, and promiscuous massacre, of a savage war, were justified, in the eyes of the emperor, and perhaps in those of the world, by the cruel equity of retaliation: and such was the discipline of the Romans, and the consternation of the enemy, that Valentinian repassed the Danube without the loss of a single man.