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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Desolation \Des`o*la"tion\, n. [F. d['e]solation, L. desolatio.]

  1. The act of desolating or laying waste; destruction of inhabitants; depopulation.

    Unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
    --Dan. ix. 26.

  2. The state of being desolated or laid waste; ruin; solitariness; destitution; gloominess.

    You would have sold your king to slaughter, . . . And his whole kingdom into desolation.

  3. A place or country wasted and forsaken.

    How is Babylon become a desolation!
    --Jer. l. 23.

    Syn: Waste; ruin; destruction; havoc; devastation; ravage; sadness; destitution; melancholy; gloom; gloominess.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "action of laying waste," also "sorrow, grief," from Old French desolacion (12c.) "desolation, devastation, hopelessness, despair," from Church Latin desolationem (nominative desolatio), noun of action from past participle stem of desolare (see desolate (adj.)). Meaning "condition of being ruined or wasted" is from early 15c.


n. 1 The act of desolating or laying waste; destruction of inhabitants; depopulation. 2 The state of being desolated or laid waste; ruin; solitary; destitution; gloom. 3 A place or country wasted and forsaken.

  1. n. the state of being decayed or destroyed [syn: devastation]

  2. a bleak and desolate atmosphere [syn: bleakness]

  3. sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned [syn: forlornness, loneliness]

  4. an event that results in total destruction [syn: devastation]

Desolation (Llimona)

Desolation is a 1907 sculpture by Josep Llimona in the collection of the National Art Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona.


Desolation or Desolate may refer to:

  • Loneliness

Usage examples of "desolation".

The world stretched away before them, a vast empty desolation, open in all directions as far as Hresh could see: there were no walls, there was nothing at all to confine them.

No longer did the strongly-built Bordj seem to Domini like a fort threatening the oncomer, but like a stalwart host welcoming him, a host who kept open house in this treeless desolation that yet had, for her, no feature that was desolate.

Before Eunice came, and left desolation behind her, Lowfield Hall was not like this.

As soon as Dombrowski left it the pall of its final desolation began to descend, for people shunned it both on account of its old reputation and because of the new foetid odour.

Portsmouth and Gosport, and such like sea-ports, were almost deserted, and the active bustle and variety which but now reigned among their inhabitants had given way to desolation and abandonment: at least such was the account I had received from recent visitors.

Desolation, though when he saw the Leopard in there, he had very nearly turned about, and would have, too, but that the tide was on the make, the breeze in his teeth, and no other sheltered harbour, with greenstuff at hand, that he knew of anywhere under his lee.

The feeling of numb, nameless terror, rootless desolation, the intolerable sick anguish of homelessness, insecurity, and homesickness, against which he had fought since coming to Paris, and which he had been ashamed and afraid to admit, was now instantly banished.

Excessive pain, whether it be physical or mental, cannot last long,--and human anguish wound up to its utmost quivering-pitch finds at the very height of desolation, a strange hushing, Lethean calm.

To a lot of the farmers, watching holeo images in their worn armchairs Earthside, Mars seemed only a landscape of desolation.

He saw a dark, wide, and barren shingle of the world, a desert of desolation made by man, where strange, windy shrieks and thundering booms and awful cries went up in the night, and where drifting palls of smoke made starless sky, and bursts of reddish fires made hell.

This luxury of palms far out in the midst of desolation, untended apparently by human hands--for no figures moved among them, there was no one on the road-- suggested some hidden purpose and activity, some concealed personage, perhaps an Eastern Anteoni, whose lair lay surely somewhere beyond them.

Pretty homesteads are frequent, and well-furnished stackyards refresh the eye wearied with looking upon want and desolation.

And wind down a wet and deserted London street, shouting its whistling song, its song of the triumphant desolation that has cleared the way for it of human obstruction-how it sings the music of magnificent poverty, of heavy luxury, and then of the loneliness bred by both!

His mother came, Clymene, and with her His father, Pheres: his unconscious child They brought him, while forlorn Alcestis sat Discouraged, with the face of desolation.

And these are familiar matters to us, who know how Witchbreed travelled between their many lands riding the air, we who know what weapons devastated the Barrens, we who know the legacy of desolation left to us.