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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ My bass, in a curried tomato-mussel broth, comes with fava beans.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Curried \Cur"ried\ (-r?d), p. a. [See Curry, v. t., and Curry, n.]

  1. Dressed by currying; cleaned; prepared.

  2. Prepared with curry; as, curried rice, fowl, etc.


Curry \Cur"ry\ (k?r"r?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Curried (-r?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Currying.] [OE. curraien, curreien, OF. cunreer, correier, to prepare, arrange, furnish, curry (a horse), F. corroyer to curry (leather) (cf. OF. conrei, conroi, order, arrangement, LL. conredium); cor- ( + roi, rei, arrangement, order; prob. of German origin, and akin to E. ready. See Ready, Greith, and cf. Corody, Array.]

  1. To dress or prepare for use by a process of scraping, cleansing, beating, smoothing, and coloring; -- said of leather.

  2. To dress the hair or coat of (a horse, ox, or the like) with a currycomb and brush; to comb, as a horse, in order to make clean.

    Your short horse is soon curried.
    --Beau. & FL.

  3. To beat or bruise; to drub; -- said of persons.

    I have seen him curry a fellow's carcass handsomely.
    --Beau. & FL.

    To curry favor, to seek to gain favor by flattery or attentions. See Favor, n.

  1. Cooked or flavoured with curry. v

  2. (en-pastcurry)


See curry

  1. n. (East Indian cookery) a pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice

  2. [also: curried]

  1. v. season with a mixture of spices; typical of Indian cooking

  2. treat by incorporating fat; "curry tanned leather"

  3. give a neat appearance to; "groom the dogs"; "dress the horses" [syn: dress, groom]

  4. [also: curried]

Usage examples of "curried".

At the head of this formation rode a small group of Ansar on fine Arab steeds, which had been lovingly curried until their hides shone in the sunlight like polished metal.

In the center aisle of the broodmare barn, a horse stood tied and waiting while one of the grooms curried another.

There were chicken dumplings, dates stuffed with curried jackfruit, and pickled asparagus.

They laughed and wept and the girl Mellicent ran to hug him in front of everybody and the linkboy who had stabled Greyling last night brought him out all curried and would take no money for the work.

I curried Gairloch after dinner, and he was skittish, probably because of the early summerlike heat that was creating a high haze in the sky and large numbers of hungry flies that seemed to buzz everywhere.

Jak tried different combinations, gobbling some thimbleberries and smoked cod, following that up with some bottled water and topping off the meal with curried pickles.

He had curried it, catered to it, until all people of intelligence on Trios knew they had a chance to achieve whatever they wished in their world.

Rosedale apartment and eat small sandwiches at a table set up in her sunroom, wonderful catered sandwiches, crabmeat, artichoke, curried chicken.

Experiencing humanity at the gut level, eating every food, curried ants, fried balls, sleeping with women of all races and creeds, living in leaky huts, in igloos, in tents, in houseboats.

Jacky Tar, the son of a gun, who was conceived of unholy boast, born of the fighting navy, suffered under rump and dozen, was scarified, flayed and curried, yelled like bloody hell, the third day he arose again from the bed, steered into haven, sitteth on his beamend till further orders whence he shall come to drudge for a living and be paid.

Pandaras brought a hunk of black bread and a bowl of curried lentils salted with flecks of coarse fish flesh.

Greenspan's curried lamb en casserole improved his disposition a trifle, but he kept harping on his desire to discuss the evenings performance (Jordan's word) with the star performer.

Other gangs, when they got new kameezes, sold the ragged bits of their old ones to a picker for a cornet of curried peas or some other luxury.

Rice and lentils, kulcha bread stuffed with onions, curried spinach with soft cheese, spicy eggplant, hot milky tea.

Stripped to his hose and swordbelt, he chipped shale, chopped wood, curried and harnessed the draft teams, or helped the wheelwright make linchpins and spokes, for wagons broke often on the rocky terrain.