n. a piece of dried bovine dung [syn: chip, cow chip, buffalo chip]
Cow dung, also known as cow pats, cow pies or cow manure, is the waste product of bovine animal species. These species include domestic cattle ("cows"), bison ("buffalo"), yak, and water buffalo. Cow dung is the undigested residue of plant matter which has passed through the animal's gut. The resultant faecal matter is rich in minerals. Color ranges from greenish to blackish, often darkening soon after exposure to air.
Usage examples of "cow dung".
His was a ranching family he had been raised with the ammoniac al smell of cow dung in his nostrils, and had learned to judge beef on the hoof when he was small enough to perch up on Bawu's saddle, pommel likea sparrow on a fence pole.
The floors were coated with cow dung, and the air smelled of stale smoke and the cold ashes on the open hearth.
The Holy Thorn was always dying, though whether that was because of the cow dung we threw at it or simply because the poor tree was overwhelmed by the cloth strips tied to it by pilgrims, I cannot tell.
His head was a tumult of smells--phlox in bloom, ashes, cow dung, dog, cat, hens, stagnant water.
Whether she was loading the rope cart, carrying out slops, or scraping cow dung from her mother-in-law's shoes, Kudra was enveloped in a portable fog of fragrance, entwined with a rope of perfume up which she could shinny and partially, at least, disappear.
Not to belabor the obvious, but the issue is not whether Mayor Giuliani personally finds the art offensive - it's that the taxpayers are being forced to subsidize alleged art that consists of, for example, the Holy Virgin Mary covered in vaginas and cow dung.
Sean repeated it after her and sniffed the dairy smell, he liked the cheesy warmth of new butter and the tang of the cow dung smeared on the earth floor.
The grain bins were cylindrical in shape, their walls of plaited green saplings plastered with clay and cow dung.
A shock of greying hair knotted with cow dung fell from his great head about his shoulders.