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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
council house
▪ Darlington council house rents will rise by £2.85 from April an average increase of 14 percent.
▪ For twelve days and nights they kept me tightly bound in their council house.
▪ In short, the ration book would have become a national institution like the council house.
▪ She was a former council tenant who had already bought her council house.
▪ The council have a very strict rule that homeless people are only allowed one offer of a council house.
council house

n. (context UK Ireland English) A house built and operated by local town councils, usually of relatively low price and lived in by the working class

Council house (disambiguation)

A council house is a form of public housing in the United Kingdom.

Council house or Council House may also refer to:

Council House (Salt Lake City)
Not to be mistaken with the Salt Lake City Council Hall, a building of similar purpose and design.

The Council House, often called the State House, was the first public building in Utah; being constructed in 1849–50. The building stood in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, on the corner of Main Street and South Temple Street. On June 21, 1883 the building was destroyed when a neighboring wagon depot caught fire and several barrels of gunpowder exploded, spreading the fire to the Council House.

Council house

A council house is a form of public or social housing built by local municipalities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. A council estate is a building complex containing a great many council houses and other amenities like schools and shops. Council houses were solidly built and distinctive in design which evolved over the period of their construction from 1919 to 1980. There were local design variation but they all stuck rigidly to Local Authority building standards.

Usage examples of "council house".

He was in the courtyard directly outside the Council House, a short walk from the Delfier Gate.

The five judges sat at a long table placed just outside the Council House.

I may notve run a Council House barely truebut I dont guess its a lot different from a company of mercs.