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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
public housing
▪ Another crucial planning innovation, with major implications for the provision of public housing, was the New Towns Act of 1946.
▪ Any visitors who come to the Province can see the quality of public housing in Northern Ireland.
▪ In the late seventies and early eighties an era of public housing came to an end.
▪ In the New Towns special development corporations provide public housing.
▪ The first thing we did was offer to sell public housing to the people who lived in it.
▪ This demand has to be made in conjunction with demands for greater control over public housing, by those who inhabit it.
▪ This enormous decline in public housing was largely due to a government-induced squeeze on local authority expenditure.
▪ What are the effects of public housing upon the market of housing?
public housing

n. Rental accommodation subsidised by public funds and provided for disadvantaged groups such as low-income earners, social-security recipients, the elderly and people with disabilities.

public housing

n. a housing development that is publicly funded and administered for low-income families [syn: housing project]

Public housing

Public housing may be a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, which may be central or local. Social housing is an umbrella term referring to rental housing which may be owned and managed by the state, by non-profit organizations, or by a combination of the two, usually with the aim of providing affordable housing. Social housing can also be seen as a potential remedy to housing inequality. Some social housing organizations construct for purchase, particularly in Spain and to an extent elsewhere.

Although the common goal of public housing is to provide affordable housing, the details, terminology, definitions of poverty and other criteria for allocation vary within different contexts.

Usage examples of "public housing".

The club was called The Outlook, and attracted men who were prepared to take a walk on the wilder side of life, partly because the activities that took place beyond the dancefloor were apt to get a little raunchy, and partly because the pub was situated at the edge of South London's largest and most trouble-ridden public housing estate.

If I took public housing I wouldn't have to pay anything for the first 800 liters of water I used.

The Manhattan bank was choked with the ugliest public housing projects imaginable, and the Brooklyn shore was worse: one of those huge, sprawling, so called industrial parks, low windowless buildings, geodesic warehouses, wharves, a few _ freight-booster launching pads.

The way they knocked on those doors to the public housing in the middle of the night?

No doubt it can be patched or propped to give this boulevard and the public housing on its far side a stay of execution.

On the night we received the coveted plaque from a grateful Community Council and a City Council Citation from a local politician, I remembered the night Whyte and I came face to face with a deranged man who had just fired two rounds into a crowd of youngsters on a street that ran through the heart of a public housing development.

Americans asked if it was really true, that the Queen of England was living on a public housing project.

The Economic Lives of a Cohort of Men Who Came of Age in Chicago Public Housing,”.

The Economic Lives of a Cohort of Men Who Came of Age in Chicago Public Housing,&rdquo.

It was a public housing unit, fittingly known as the asshole of the city, and it was prone to flaring up on a nightly basis, so a blue and white was not that uncommon.

She had the impression that her phone number must have been spray-painted in digits ten feet tall on the wall of every public housing project in greater Denver.