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vb. (en-past of: confab)


See confab

  1. v. talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze" [syn: chew the fat, shoot the breeze, chat, confabulate, chitchat, chatter, chaffer, natter, gossip, jaw, claver, visit]

  2. have a conference in order to talk something over; "We conferred about a plan of action" [syn: confer, confabulate, consult]

  3. [also: confabbing, confabbed]

  1. n. an informal conversation [syn: chat, confabulation, schmooze, schmoose]

  2. [also: confabbing, confabbed]

Usage examples of "confabbed".

Louis, whereupon Susan stayed up in the room to read comics while Marilyn confabbed with some other pageant moms, learning that Eugene was staying alone in the same hotel because Renata was stuck in Bloomington coping with demand for the following month's Big 'n' Proud convention in Tampa, Florida.

Louis, whereupon Susan stayed up in the room to read comics while Marilyn confabbed with some other pageant moms, learning that Eugene was staying alone in the same hotel because Renata was stuck in Bloomington coping with demand for the follow­ing month's Big 'n' Proud convention in Tampa, Florida.