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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Compatibility \Com*pat`i*bil"i*ty\, n. [Cf. F. compatibilit['e].] The quality or power of being compatible or congruous; congruity; as, a compatibility of tempers; a compatibility of properties.
n. 1 The state of being compatible; in which two or more things are able to exist or perform together in combination without problems or conflict. 2 (context telecommunication English) the capability of two or more items or components of equipment or material to exist or function in the same system or environment without mutual interference. 3 (context computing English) the ability to execute a given computer program on different types of computers without modification of the program or the computers. See backward compatibility and forward compatibility. 4 (context computing English) the capability that allows the substitution of one subsystem (storage facility), or of one functional unit (''e.g.'', hardware, software), for the originally designated system or functional unit in a relatively transparent manner, without loss of information and without the introduction of errors. 5 (context structural analysis English) the continuity or good fit of material or members or components while being deformed.
n. a feeling of sympathetic understanding [syn: rapport]
capability of existing or performing in harmonious or congenial combination [ant: incompatibility]
Compatibility may refer to:
In geochemistry, compatibility is a measure of how readily a particular trace element substitutes for a major element within a mineral.
Compatibility of an ion is controlled by two things: its valence and its ionic radius. Both must approximate those of the major element for the trace element to be compatible in the mineral. For instance, olivine (an abundant mineral in the upper mantle) has the chemical formula (Mg,Fe)SiO. Nickel, with very similar chemical behaviour to iron and magnesium, substitutes readily for them and hence is very compatible in the mantle. The compatibility of an element in a rock is a weighted average of its compatibility in each of the minerals present. By contrast, an incompatible element is one that is least stable within its crystal structure.
Compatibility controls the partitioning of different elements during melting. If an element is incompatible in a rock, it partitions into a melt as soon as melting begins.
In general, when an element is referred to as being “compatible” without mentioning what rock it is compatible in, the mantle is implied. Thus incompatible elements are those that are enriched in the continental crust and depleted in the mantle. Examples include: rubidium, barium, uranium, and lanthanum. Compatible elements are depleted in the crust and enriched in the mantle, with examples nickel and titanium.
Chemical compatibility is a measure of how stable a substance is when mixed with another substance. If substances mix and do not change they are considered compatible. If substances mix and change or do not mix at all they are considered incompatible. For example, because bleach and ammonia, both commonly used as cleaners are not compatible chemicals, as they react. The recants in this case are dangerous so care must be taken not to allows these chemicals to mix when attempting to use them as cleaners.
In continuum mechanics, a compatible deformation (or strain) tensor field in a body is that unique field that is obtained when the body is subjected to a continuous, single-valued, displacement field. Compatibility is the study of the conditions under which such a displacement field can be guaranteed. Compatibility conditions are particular cases of integrability conditions and were first derived for linear elasticity by Barré de Saint-Venant in 1864 and proved rigorously by Beltrami in 1886.
In the continuum description of a solid body we imagine the body to be composed of a set of infinitesimal volumes or material points. Each volume is assumed to be connected to its neighbors without any gaps or overlaps. Certain mathematical conditions have to be satisfied to ensure that gaps/overlaps do not develop when a continuum body is deformed. A body that deforms without developing any gaps/overlaps is called a compatible body. Compatibility conditions are mathematical conditions that determine whether a particular deformation will leave a body in a compatible state.
In the context of infinitesimal strain theory, these conditions are equivalent to stating that the displacements in a body can be obtained by integrating the strains. Such an integration is possible if the Saint-Venant's tensor (or incompatibility tensor) $\boldsymbol{R}(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon})$ vanishes in a simply-connected body where $\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}$ is the infinitesimal strain tensor and
$$\boldsymbol{R} := \boldsymbol{\nabla}\times(\boldsymbol{\nabla}\times\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}) ~.$$
For finite deformations the compatibility conditions take the form
$$\boldsymbol{R} :=\boldsymbol{\nabla}\times\boldsymbol{F} = \boldsymbol{0}$$
where $\boldsymbol{F}$ is the deformation gradient.
Usage examples of "compatibility".
Paul had had both the glassy-eyed attraction of the Moonies at table two as well as the superficial compatibility of the couple at table three.
William of Newburgh, who was better placed to know, declares that Eleanor was enchanted by that rich and rising young Duke of Normandy and desired a marriage with him on mere grounds of compatibility.
Well, this morning was a pressure job all right, our postcoital compatibility test.
The perfection of the spirit world is not allowed to be marred or impaired in any way whatsoever, as we are all on vibrations, of harmony and compatibility, and no discords are allowed here.
The spherical chamber, half a klick from wall to wall, was lined with every known variety of book produced by any sentient race anywhere in the galaxy: chips, memory rods, cassettes and tapes of various compatibilities, bound and jacketed hard and soft-cover publications, scrolls, folios, clay, wood, and bamboo tablets, stones, bones, hides stretched wide on wooden poles, clumps of knotted rope, and a good many other artifacts whose identity the young captain could only infer from their presence with those other objects he did recognize.
The moors just east of Sabishii resembled what he had in mind, and he called up ecopoets who lived on those moors, and asked about species compatibility, growth rates, soil amendment and the like.
Mates are selected through a conscientious process of compatibility in thirty-seven different areas, ranging from social equatability to opinions on matters of deep philosophical meaning.
Our Ship, who brought us here (blessed be its memory), chose this galaxy and this world for the perfect compatibility of the germ plasm.
Perform a variety of duties associated with radio frequency engineering and management, radio-wave propagation, and electromagnetic compatibility.
Instead, the Satarran spy had actually rewritten some of the operating system software, reconfiguring it for his needs and yet still maintaining interface compatibility with the rest of the system.