caustic wit/comments/remark etc
▪ Eliot appreciated Pound’s caustic wit.
cautionary note/comment/words etc
▪ Most observers were optimistic, yet some sounded a cautionary note.
cryptic remark/comment/statement etc
▪ a cryptic note at the end of the letter
declined to comment (=refused to speak to people who report the news)
▪ The minister declined to comment about the progress of the peace talks.
disparaging remarks/comments
▪ She made some disparaging remarks about the royal family.
excite comments
▪ The film excited a lot of favourable comments, both here and in America.
hurtful remark/comment etc
provocative comment/remark/statement
▪ The minister’s provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.
sarcastic remark/comment/question
▪ He can’t help making sarcastic comments.
scathing attack/remark/comment etc
▪ a scathing attack on the government’s planned tax increases
snide remarks/comments
▪ a snide remark about her clothes
telling comment/example/detail etc
unavailable for comment (=not able or willing to talk to reporters)
▪ Officials were unavailable for comment.
▪ The owner of the magazine was not normally available for comment if the Press at large wanted to interview him.
▪ Barber was not available for comment Wednesday.
▪ Neither Mr Foot nor representatives of the Mirror's management were available for comment.
▪ Barry, who was not available for comment Thursday night, has never been a favorite of congressional Republicans.
▪ He was usually available for comment and did not talk down to journalists.
▪ Hormel was not available for comment on his donations.
▪ Tonight no one from the stables was available for comment.
▪ Neither Loral nor Lockheed Martin officials were immediately available for comment.
▪ This chapter ends with some brief comments on the nature of knowledge - scientific and mystic.
▪ Although most readers of this book are probably only too well aware of these rates, a brief comment is none the less appropriate.
▪ But first, a brief general comment about space and time in order to forestall a possible misunderstanding.
▪ The following brief comments constitute an introduction to legal research.
▪ Franks made his preliminary examination of the body, dictating brief comments to his secretary.
▪ At the meeting, Rice made a few brief comments about how he looked forward to working with the group.
▪ Although the order does not propose any great innovations, it is worth making some brief comments on its background.
▪ Liberalization and Cities: Conclusions Three brief comments might usefully be made here.
▪ Bains quoted with approval the critical comments of the management consultants, McKinsey and Co.
▪ She pushed many people away by her critical, biting comments and narrow prejudices.
▪ In Section 1.2 some critical comments were made of conventional systems analysis.
▪ There is, however, plenty of critical comment outside these works.
▪ Auction catalogues do not carry critical comments on individual items for sale, but there are sometimes introductions with criticism.
▪ The author gives useful critical comment on many of the ideas discussed.
▪ He thumbed through the applications in a knowledgeable manner and made critical comments in imitation of his superiors.
▪ Which was fair enough comment at the time.
▪ To shit oneself is to admit existence. Fair comment.
▪ To say that temperament is to a certain degree putty in the owner's hands, is fair comment.
▪ Films rather than books were the medium to aim for-#fair comment, of course, that helped me change direction.
▪ This was fair comment at the time; some of it doubtless justified.
▪ There is no wrong done if it is true, or if it is fair comment on a matter of public interest.
▪ It is important enough to justify further comment.
▪ Anyway, I felt something welling up inside, the need to make a further comment.
▪ Feelings are said to be part of the armamentarium of autonomous man, and some further comment is in order.
▪ Thursday said it had received a request for information, but declined further comment.
▪ When all agreed amendments have been implemented the documents should be recirculated for further comment as applicable.
▪ He said the White House would have no further comment.
▪ Last week, the big three held a press conference, vowing eternal friendship and no further comment.
▪ Both he and Rouse executives declined further comment.
▪ A spokeswoman for President-elect Bush, said his press office was on holiday and had no immediate comment.
▪ The Pentagon had no immediate comment on the letter.
▪ There's been no immediate comment from the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.
▪ The university had no immediate comment, spokesman Bill Gordon said.
▪ BAn Arco spokesman had no immediate comment.
▪ Police officials in San Francisco had no immediate comment on the development.
▪ Fokker declined immediate comment on teh Daimler move.
▪ His negative comments, however accurate, were converted into slights, compounded by Johnson's nationality and famous stature.
▪ Avoid at all costs unnecessary negative comments when speaking to a work-inhibited student.
▪ There was no occasion on which there was any negative or sarcastic comment to any child.
▪ Can teachers be sued for making negative comments about students in classrooms or in the teachers' lounge?
▪ Our Susan and Vera saga in Bewley's is not that far-fetched and it replaces negative comment in many cases.
▪ From a basis of low expectations, and extremely negative comments, George W's standing can probably only improve.
▪ We made amendments to our procedures on the advice of the support group, but we still expected negative comments.
▪ Every negative comment was a deep wound because he wanted everyone to love him.
▪ Those I interviewed said that nearly all the public comment they had heard had been favourable to the televising of the House.
▪ This hurried schedule is not that Fish and Wildlife is trying to do something quickly to limit public comment.
▪ A formal draft for public comment on fair value accounting is expected shortly.
▪ Hearings are planned to solicit public comment.
▪ He has made no public comment since the school began an internal investigation in November regarding recruiting.
▪ And their public comments had a mournful tone.
▪ But the agency is proposing the other steps and will seek public comment before making a final ruling.
▪ The department must then allow for a public comment period on the change in prices.
▪ She makes a snide comment, you look her in the eye and... smile.
▪ Cordova was unavailable for comment yesterday, while Maradona's lawyer, Vincenzo Maria Siniscalchi, said the accusation was groundless.
▪ Corpoven officials were unavailable for comment.
▪ Tribble was unavailable for comment but left a statement voicing an interest in serving a volume market.
▪ Clark, who is spending part of his time at Healthscape, was out of the country and unavailable for comment.
▪ However, Gaspart was unavailable for comment.
▪ Handler was unavailable for comment Wednesday.
▪ The Dobson story had yet to be substantiated, and the family were still unavailable for comment.
▪ Dean Kay was unavailable for comment Thursday.
▪ We should also, however, add a comment on a negative aspect, concerning the idea of applicability.
▪ Place the cursor where you would like to add a comment to the text. 2.
▪ They look to Goldie to support them, but her head droops, and she adds no comment but a snore.
▪ We add little comments about life outside work.
▪ Sparrow added his own comments and scraps of paper to theirs.
▪ To this third set of pictures he added appropriate disapproving comments and cut them into the action.
▪ Slowly they became the legal authorities on the religious law, adding comments and interpretations of their own.
▪ Luke adds the extra comment about the failing of the sun's light.
▪ I hope that the Minister will address her comments to these important matters.
▪ A spokeswoman for Gingrich also declined comment.
▪ Thursday said it had received a request for information, but declined further comment.
▪ A spokesman in London also declined comment.
▪ Administration officials have declined comment on the number or names of the guests, citing privacy concerns.
▪ Through a spokeswoman, Garcetti declined comment on the verdict.
▪ The company declined requests for comment.
▪ The person who makes a comment, on the other hand, is the one who actually utters it.
▪ Since then, Fidelity has banned its fund managers from making any comments about stocks.
▪ Politicians, pundits and royal watchers have all made public comment on the private life of Charles and Diana.
▪ Cohen made his comments during his first news conference since becoming defense secretary.
▪ It's another thing people tend to make crass comments about, or crass assumptions anyway.
▪ Eichert made the comments during a presentation about a new teacher evaluation system.
▪ I do not intend to speak for hours, but I should like to make a few further comments.
▪ They were doubled over, poking at each other, making cryptic comments and bursting again into laughter.
▪ I feel that I can not allow this statement to pass without due comment.
▪ In years past, the president sent the budget over and the Chamber dutifully passed it with little comment.
▪ Because persuading people to be unpaid referees is difficult it could be argued that editors have to pass the comments on.
▪ Anyone recording or passing on such a comment is in danger now that records are open.
▪ I trust you will pass the above comments to the Licensing Sub-Committee when they meet to determine this case.
▪ All this makes for a sea change in our lives, yet passes without comment during this campaign.
▪ No one could be reached for comment at Babcock's Gloucestershire headquarters.
▪ Hayden could not be reached for comment late Saturday.
▪ La Roche officials could not be reached for comment.
▪ Whitehead could not be reached for comment about his plans for the station.&038;.
▪ Mr Schwartz also could not be reached for comment.
▪ Officials at the company's headquarters in Danbury, Connecticut, could not be reached for comment last week.
▪ Prosecutor Stephen Kay could not be reached for comment late Wednesday.
▪ I look forward to receiving your comments on this.
▪ However, I received comments from members of our Executive and Branch Committees which helped in drafting our response.
▪ There is a set time allowed for the council to receive comments on an application.
▪ Outdated voting mechanisms, a decentralised, idiosyncratic procedure, and the archaic electoral college have received comment.
▪ He had received the information without comment.
▪ She asked for explanations which she received without comment, as if listening to some one who had just incriminated herself.
▪ We don't always have to agree; we should be open to both receive and give positive comment and challenges.
▪ BReid, who is a former deputy district attorney, did not return a phone call seeking comment.
▪ Saatchi executives did not return calls seeking comment.
▪ The Department of Trade is seeking further comments, which should be submitted as soon as possible.
▪ Shapiro did not return telephone calls seeking comment last week.
▪ Neither Whitacre nor his lawyers returned telephone calls seeking comment on the charges.
acid remark/comment/tone etc
fair comment
▪ Another defence to an action for defamation is that of fair comment.
▪ If its people called you a liberal subversive in the pay of effete capitalist Western powers it was regarded as fair comment.
▪ There is no wrong done if it is true, or if it is fair comment on a matter of public interest.
▪ This is fair comment; and the last clause in particular is, surprisingly, manifestly true, explain it how we may.
▪ This was fair comment at the time; some of it doubtless justified.
▪ To say that temperament is to a certain degree putty in the owner's hands, is fair comment.
pass a remark/comment
▪ Some people sitting across from us began passing remarks about the fair-skinned lady in a sari.
▪ They interrupt because they are unwilling to let pass a remark from which an intricate leap can be performed.
▪ We had a ritual, starting with the real estate pages, passing remarks on the latest tacky towers.
throwaway remark/line/comment etc
▪ He thought the remark was melancholy, sadly philosophical, a throwaway line for an aimless afternoon.
▪ Lopez says, a throwaway line for a throwaway job.
▪ Are there any questions or comments?
▪ He made some comment about my dress, then carried on reading his book.
▪ Her comments on interest rates had little impact on financial markets.
▪ OK, that's what we are suggesting - does anyone have any comments?
▪ The jurors were not available for comment after the trial.
▪ We were discussing her new movie, and Jill made some interesting comments about it.
▪ Acevedo could not be reached for comment.
▪ Bohan said county park officials are still gathering comments from the public about the proposal.
▪ But some dissenting comments made in private were unprintable.
▪ Double Glazing is where we welcome your questions, comments, and experience with Windows.
▪ Here are some examples of ways in which individual teachers have explored particular comments or happenings.
▪ Or a math or science teacher who made inappropriate comments throughout the year.
▪ That talk was fanned by comments from central bank officials.
▪ There is a set time allowed for the council to receive comments on an application.
▪ Further comments on attaching priorities to different subjects and to different levels of material are to be found in Chapter 3.
▪ The company refused to comment further on its revised forecasts.
▪ But he said he did not want to comment further until more was known about the reasons for the bombing.
▪ I do not wish to comment further now, but I am sympathetic to his point.
▪ Through his attorney, Newton said that no art has been stolen from his house, but declined to comment further.
▪ It would be wrong to comment further.
▪ A Woolworth spokeswoman confirmed the litigation but declined to comment further.
▪ Absence of status consciousness is worth commenting on further as an effect of national culture on scores.
▪ He declined to comment on how those talks were going.
▪ There was nothing more to comment on, and no comment to be made.
▪ The president begins by diplomatically but pointedly commenting on how difficult this call has been to arrange.
▪ Medmelton eyes reversed would certainly have been commented on.
▪ I commissioned him to read the questionnaire results and comment on what they portend.
▪ Board chairman Angelo Damante said he could not comment on why Shaw left because of an agreement between the two parties.
▪ Mr. Redwood I do not intend to comment on individual cases before the courts.
▪ The lenders Dorend have refused to comment on the case.
▪ Tribal officials and attorneys declined to comment on the case.
▪ Lock, 29, said his lawyers had advised him not to comment on the case.
▪ But the hunting world won't comment until the court case is over.
▪ Deputy District Attorney Ed Nison said prosecutors would not comment on an ongoing case.
▪ San Francisco writer Jeff Stryker frequently comments on health issues.
▪ Officials for those companies declined to comment on this issue.
▪ Lloyds Bank say they won't comment because the matter is subject to legal proceedings.
▪ The police won't comment because the matter has been refered to the police complaints authority.
▪ The airline declines to comment on the matter.
▪ It has never been the Royal Family's policy to comment on private matters.
▪ Then as now government refused to comment on security matters.
▪ Neither Bouygues nor Deutsche Telekom would comment on matters relating to any talks.
▪ We want an independent inspectorate that is able to comment on all those matters.
▪ I have been asked to comment particularly on the applicability of some of these to the publishing trade.
▪ They were shown photographs by Steichen, Demachy, Puyo and others and asked to comment on them.
▪ Sixth-formers were asked to comment on the Prospectus in terms of its content, layout, readability, positive aspects and drawbacks.
▪ Rudi once asked the class to comment on a passage he had assigned.
▪ It is clear from everyone I asked to comment that I was not alone in thinking the evening was a resounding success.
▪ Mr Johnson asked his boss to comment on them.
▪ However, the new police Commissioner, Sir Philip Game, put forward fresh arguments when asked to comment.
▪ Coun Nilsson offered to withdraw her remarks saying there was no need to ask Coun Jackson to comment.
▪ He declined to comment on the parallel with the Oxleas case.
▪ Pittman declined to comment on the cost.
▪ The site's original developers, NuHomes Construction, declined to comment.
▪ Spokesmen for all four firms declined to comment.
▪ Tonight the Chanel Company declined to comment.
▪ Last night Ford declined to comment on the long-awaited Jaguar/GM statement although the company is expected to respond shortly.
▪ Rouse and Hughes Co. executives declined to comment on the negotiations.
▪ Guitarist Eric Faulkner refused to comment last night.
▪ Mr Goldinger has refused to comment.
▪ He has refused to comment on the agreement.
▪ Jobs also could not be reached for comment, but he has steadfastly refused to comment on Apple.
▪ The lenders Dorend have refused to comment on the case.
▪ They refused to comment to reporters.
▪ Officials at both Roots and Skyservice are refusing to comment on their intentions, citing competitive concerns.
▪ Reynolds and Campbell have refused to comment.
acid remark/comment/tone etc
fair comment
▪ Another defence to an action for defamation is that of fair comment.
▪ If its people called you a liberal subversive in the pay of effete capitalist Western powers it was regarded as fair comment.
▪ There is no wrong done if it is true, or if it is fair comment on a matter of public interest.
▪ This is fair comment; and the last clause in particular is, surprisingly, manifestly true, explain it how we may.
▪ This was fair comment at the time; some of it doubtless justified.
▪ To say that temperament is to a certain degree putty in the owner's hands, is fair comment.
throwaway remark/line/comment etc
▪ He thought the remark was melancholy, sadly philosophical, a throwaway line for an aimless afternoon.
▪ Lopez says, a throwaway line for a throwaway job.
▪ ""He only wears those clothes to prove that he's rich,'' commented Harold.
▪ Journalists asked General Curran how the campaign was going, but he refused to comment.
▪ Some critics have commented that the film lacks originality.
▪ The prime minister was asked to comment on the crisis.
▪ A spokesman for the administrators would not comment on whether Mr Maxwell had answered the questions.
▪ A spokesperson for Genovo declined to comment, referring all questions to Wilson, who could not be reached.
▪ Gateway and Compaq declined to comment.
▪ I got the usual stuff people get; there were always insensitive professors and they comment.
▪ I might also comment that she seemed to know what the quotation marks represented on the page.
▪ Isetan would not comment on how much the bankruptcy filing might cost it, or on Barneys' threatened lawsuit.
▪ She restrained her impulse to comment.