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collection plate

alt. A plate or other container passed among the worshipers attending a Christian church service, into which donations of money are placed. n. A plate or other container passed among the worshipers attending a Christian church service, into which donations of money are placed.

collection plate

n. a shallow receptacle for collection in church [syn: plate]

Collection plate (postal)

A collection plate is a notice plate fixed to a post box giving the times of collections and days of the week on which these collections are made. They are used extensively in the UK and Commonwealth countries as well as in most other postal administrations.

British GPO collection plates were formerly made of vitreous enamel but today, they are more usually made of plastic. Collection plates are available in a variety of sizes to fit the various styles of post box in use in Commonwealth countries, principally pillar boxes, wall boxes and lamp boxes.

Usage examples of "collection plate".

On Sunday mornings when the collection plate was passed, Mervin made a show of dropping a heavy coin, a quarter or perhaps even a half dollar, into the metal plate, where it echoed, and he had been seen at the livery stable looking at a type of horse which could only be used to pull a carriage.

Folks coughed and sneezed through the announcements, the passing of the collection plate, and a solo sung by an atonal teenaged girl.

Half guru, the kind that runs off with the collection plate, and half hermit, the kind that yells that the end is near, he was in fact obsessed by the Antichrist.

Aidan's -- being in fact a regular attendant and not scanting the collection plate?

The gneechees put forth a few Final, questioning chords before they began to filter out of the collection plate and concentric cylinders.

Follow the patron of the society home, give him a sock to the head, and nab the money from the collection plate.

It was clear to him that God wanted him to study this variety of depravity, because if God hadn't wanted him to subscribe to Kittens and Tomcats, there wouldn't have been enough money in the collection plate.

What a genteel little bag it was, compared to the collection plate at home.

When the Association of Gentlewomen sends round its next collection plate for educating the struggling masses of Turanian women, you can count me in for a few gurans.

He told her there was nothing he could do, short of giving her money from the collection plate, and that was for the missions.

You've slipped one thin dime into the collection plate, Ace, and now you announce that dime is your fair share.