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The Collaborative International Dictionary

coordinating \coordinating\ co-ordinating \co-ordinating\adj. (Grammar) joining together words or phrases of equal grammatical rank. subordinative

Syn: coordinative.


vb. (present participle of co-ordinate English)

  1. adj. of equal importance, rank, or degree

  2. [also: co-ordinating, co-ordinates, co-ordinated,

  3. co-ordinate]
  1. v. bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?" [syn: organize, organise]

  2. bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"

  3. be co-ordinated; "These activities co-ordinate well"

  4. bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts" [syn: align, ordinate]

  5. [also: co-ordinating, co-ordinates, co-ordinated,

  6. co-ordinate]
  1. n. a number that identifies a position relative to an axis [syn: co-ordinate]

  2. [also: co-ordinating, co-ordinates, co-ordinated,

  3. co-ordinate]

Usage examples of "co-ordinating".

At that moment, on a signal from the co-ordinating officer, several policemen walked out into the road.

Nobody expected very much from the Central Co-ordinating Committee of Interim Government.

If this was co-ordinating a task force of policemen, Minogue wanted to be thus trained.

Gallagher was co-ordinating the interviews with the people on the list he had drawn up himself.

The rest had done her good, and she felt quite capable of co-ordinating her thoughts, of moving about without too much pain, and of preparing herself both mentally and physically for the grave events which she knew must be imminent.

There is in every native of Normandy, be he peasant or gentleman, an infinite capacity for enjoyment, and at the same time a marvellous faculty for co-ordinating and systematizing his pleasures.

A special post as co-ordinating head of the Chiefs of Staff Committee is being created for Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir William Dickson, and the merging of all three Services into one Defence Force has been openly canvassed.

The day after she made detective, she was called into the DCI's office for a congratulatory chat, and offered the 'perfect' post: co-ordinating the division's ethnic minorities liaison efforts.

Given his connections, it was only natural that he should be appointed director of the joint committee co-ordinating Russian and Cuban interests in Africa.

Up and up it went, and peering with half-closed eyes into the glare of the covered sun, he guided it inch by inch, co-ordinating the successive heaves with the pitching of the ship The last half foot, and the whole ship's company held its breath, eyes fixed on the heel of the mast It crept a little higher, the new top-rope creaking in the block and sending down a cloud of shakings then with a jerk and a shudder along its whole length the heel lifted over the top-cap.

As I was saying: way, way back at the beginning I decided I wasn't going to be capable of co-ordinating all these people myself, so I asked for synthesists to link 'em together, but it wasn't until just the other day that Norman got me one.

These Britons had been co-ordinating guerrilla groups, with the intention of blowing up the viaducts of the singletrack railway that was the main supply route that led eventually from Piraeus to Crete, and thence to Tobruk.