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n. (plural of coordinate English)

  1. adj. of equal importance, rank, or degree

  2. [also: co-ordinating, co-ordinates, co-ordinated,

  3. co-ordinate]
  1. v. bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?" [syn: organize, organise]

  2. bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"

  3. be co-ordinated; "These activities co-ordinate well"

  4. bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts" [syn: align, ordinate]

  5. [also: co-ordinating, co-ordinates, co-ordinated,

  6. co-ordinate]
  1. n. a number that identifies a position relative to an axis [syn: co-ordinate]

  2. [also: co-ordinating, co-ordinates, co-ordinated,

  3. co-ordinate]

Usage examples of "co-ordinates".

If they were-and I repeat, since my Skeptic’s honor compels me to, that they might not be-then internal evidence made me conclude they were the spatial co-ordinates of three of the Spacer worlds.

He kept his full attention on the three sets of co-ordinates he had been given by Deniador, and, particularly, on the set which indicated the object closest to themselves.

If I put them into the computer, it will calculate what the conventions must be for such co-ordinates if Terminus and the other points are to be correctly located.

He waited while the computer worked out the conventions of the known co-ordinates, paused a moment, then interpreted the co-ordinates of the nearest Forbidden World by the same conventions, and finally located those co-ordinates on the Galactic map in its memory.

The co-ordinates for the Forbidden World are those of twenty thousand years ago.

The Comporellian legends may be false, or the co-ordinates may be wrong.

The computer, however, can now make an estimate as to what the co-ordinates ought to be at this time, now that it has located the spot where it may have been twenty thousand years ago.

Using the co-ordinates corrected for time, a correction I could only have made through use of the star map, we can now switch to the real starfield of the Galaxy itself.

What I really fear is that those Spacer worlds for which we have the co-ordinates will fail us altogether.

After all, the third set of co-ordinates might have been wrong and there might have been no appropriate G-type star in sight.

Since the first two sets of co-ordinates each gave you a habitable planet of the Spacers, then this third set, which has already given you an appropriate star, should give you a habitable planet as well.

And besides-as I started to say earlier-an even better indication than the larger lettering is that the co-ordinates of Melpomenia are given as 0, 0, 0, and you would expect co-ordinates to be referred to one’s own planet.

On Melpomenia, we found the co-ordinates of forty-seven other Spacer worlds.

Whatever or whoever it is that is destroying information that concerns Earth, either overlooked those co-ordinates, or didn’t stop to think that they would give us the information we need.

All you have to do, Golan, is to adjust the co-ordinates to allow for the last twenty thousand years of stellar motions, then find the center of the sphere.