alt. A mutual adaptation of species, organs or genes. n. A mutual adaptation of species, organs or genes.
In biology, co-adaptation, or coadaptation refers to the mutual adaptation of:
- Species: see mutualism, symbiosis. For example, take note of the relationship that exists between the ant Pseudomymrex ferruginea and the plant Acacia hindsii. This is generally termed coevolution.
- Traits, often at different levels of biological organization. For example, ecophysiology and evolutionary physiology have focused on the coadaptation of behavior with physiology.
- Organs: see the evolution of the eye.
- Genes or gene complexes: see Linkage disequilibrium, epistasis
These are types of evolutionary adaptations because they involve cross-generational changes in the genetic compositions of populations in response to natural selection for the mutual benefit of both parties as they develop and corroborate their mutually beneficial relationship.
Usage examples of "co-adaptation".
We see these beautiful co-adaptations most plainly in the woodpecker and misseltoe.