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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Clammy \Clam"my\, a. [Compar. Clammier; superl. Clammiest.] Having the quality of being viscous or adhesive; soft and sticky; glutinous; damp and adhesive, as if covered with a cold perspiration.


a. (en-superlativeclammy)


See clammy

  1. adj. unpleasantly cool and humid; "a clammy handshake"; "clammy weather"; "a dank cellar"; "dank rain forests" [syn: dank]

  2. [also: clammiest, clammier]

Usage examples of "clammiest".

Being paid a lot of money to write about the game I love is one of my darkest, clammiest fears.

His lips moved, uselessly, and, in a rush, all the clammiest fears he had known returned to choke his windpipe and stifle his heart.

He looks like a little goblin or something, and he's got the clammiest hands I ever felt.