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The Collaborative International Dictionary

chloral hydrate \chloral hydrate\ n. 1. a chemical substance ( CCl3.CH(OH)2) which is a hydrate of trichloroacetaldehyde. It crystallizes as white monoclinic plates, obtained by treating chloral with water. It produces sleep when taken internally or hypodermically, and is used in medicine as a hypnotic and sedative; -- called also chloral

Note: It may be habit-forming, and is a controlled substance listed in the U. S. Code of Federal Regulations. It is sometimes used to render a person unconscious for illegal or nefarious purposes, and in this use, a concentrated solution is one of the agents called knockout drops.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

colorless liquid formed by the action of chlorine on alcohol, apparently coined by German chemist Justus von Liebig in 1833 from elements from chlorine + alcohol. Later chiefly in chloral hydrate (1874).


n. A colourless narcotic liquid, trichloroacetaldehyde, CCl3CHO, obtained at first by the action of chlorine on alcohol and that, when treated with water, produces chloral hydrate.


Chloral, also known as trichloroacetaldehyde or trichloroethanal, is the organic compound with the formula ClCCHO. This aldehyde is a colourless oily liquid that is soluble in a wide range of solvents. It reacts with water to form chloral hydrate, a once widely used sedative and hypnotic substance.

Usage examples of "chloral".

Morning papers screamed about the murder of Nelson Birr, dead from chloral hydrate poisoning.

I am obliged to keep something, sulphonal or chloral, by me, on purpose.

When they bring forward a remedial agent like chloral, like the bromide of potassium, like ether, used as an anesthetic, they will find no difficulty in procuring its recognition.

Between the chloral hydrate the company Iago slipped him and the ipecacuanha I provided to treat his symptoms, he was in no condition to play the Moor of Venice, and Shoe had his chance.

It contained chloral hydrate, familiar, quick-acting knockout drops which X employed.

He had all of his special devices with him, as well as the incriminating bottle of chloral hydrate.

Morning papers screamed about the murder of Nelson Birr, dead from chloral hydrate poisoning.

Nelson Birr under the influence of a non-lethal dose of chloral hydrate.

Even a non-lethal dose of chloral hydrate, when fortified by nicotine, becomes deadly.

Kent for the purpose of buying him soda, only I think they might have put a drop or two of chloral in it before he got it.

I had taken a plump, green chloral hydrate left over from my wisdom teeth extraction a few months earlier.

John Wilkes gallantly kissed the hand of Julia, as though they had just met, and simultaneously slipped her a packet of chloral hydrate crystals, which would be the active ingredient in a Mickey Finn for the chaperone.

If we find any traces of chloral hydrate, we'll take the next step.

If she went home and finished up the chloral hydrate, that would be her funeral, but I didn't want her stumbling and breaking her neck on our premises.

Some time in his absence his flat was entered and some chloral hydrate put into his whisky.