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vb. (present participle of chivvy English)


See chivy

  1. v. annoy continually or chronically; "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers" [syn: harass, hassle, harry, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke]

  2. [also: chivvying, chivvies, chivvied, chivied,

  3. chevying, chevies, chevied]

Usage examples of "chivvying".

But wait, he told himself, wait for more victims, and sure enough the sepoys pushed through the breaks in the hedge until all the picquets were in front of the cactus and their officers and sergeants began chivvying them forward onto the open pasture where there would be more space for the half companies to deploy into line.

McCandless said, and swerved away to where Colonel Wallace was chivvying his men into formation.

Can't take them forward because the teams have all been killed, but Campbell's chivvying him on.

The steward alternated between chivvying his drudges out to help un load, and the carter for his ill-timed arrival.

I lay there, breathing in his aroma of rifle-oil and cow-dung, wondering what the harvest might be, and Willem walked ahead with Franz-Josef, making deferential noises of gratitude and apology, and to my astonishment making his majesty laugh - say that for the Starnbergs, they could charm birds from the trees when they wanted to, and by the time we reached the lodge the Emperor of Austria was positively jocose, issuing orders to flying minions, and not going off to change his ghastly breeks until he had seen me installed on a couch in a gun-room, with servitors rallying round with hot water and cold compresses, and Willem chivvying them aside while he attended to my bandages himself.

You should ha' seen her chivvying us up to the mine to bring you down.

I could even see Moran's point of view - I'd played Wicked Jasper myself, in my time, twirling my whiskers at Beauty and chivvying 'em into bed as the price of my silence or good will.

Behind them the drill sergeants were chivvying the other recruits who had failed to keep up.

I weighed a ton and I ached and my aunt was always chivvying me to go outdoors and exercise when all I wanted was to crawl into a tub and be quietly wretched.

The Kushans were chivvying the captives mercilessly, driving them in like a human flood.

She'd been brisk and purposeful getting things organized and chivvying Rekah and Tothas through the city, but once they neared the river she'd fallen back beside her maid and become a totally different person.