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vb. (en-past of: chivvy)


See chivy

  1. v. annoy continually or chronically; "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers" [syn: harass, hassle, harry, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke]

  2. [also: chivvying, chivvies, chivvied, chivied,

  3. chevying, chevies, chevied]

Usage examples of "chivvied".

There were ten more to be chivvied before these inquisitors reached Mowry.

Somebody in the Sirian High Commanda psychologist or a cynicworked it out that the more one chivvied the civilian population the lower sank its morale.

Lumbering along with them were the village's milk cows and their calves, the sheep and goats skittered along in their own flocks, chivvied by excited dogs that had never had this much fun.

But instead the driver chivvied his team around a difficult left turn and into a dark downhill passage, barely wider than the coach itself, that cut behind the Banqueting House and drained toward the river.

The trap was set and the elephants were coming straight into it, chivvied and sheep-dogged by the low-flying Cessna.

She infected him with her enthusiasm as she chivvied him into taking her on a guided tour of the various special quarters which accommodated the more esoteric sentient races of the FSP in their own atmosphere or gravity.

She chivvied her mind away from the food fantasies it wanted to indulge in, steering it into mathematics instead.

Sassinak found this no help at all as she chivvied her ragged troops through the tunnels to the boundary of their territory.

Tarrie chivvied her brother into showing them where the flame-throwers were kept and helping the girls check out the tanks.

It may give them a tad more backbone next time they're chivvied and more pride in what they do.

And so, reckoning it good advice if true and no harm if a lie, I chivvied them thither.

He had chivvied Ulror's Halogai halfway across Kalavria, never offering combat unless the odds were all in his favor.

He chivvied the fly out of the office, ignoring Model, who watched his performance in open-mouthed wonder.

Since the cob bler waxed morose, they rescued Dakar from the jammed wads of his clothing and chivvied him down a back alley to purchase more spirits.

Caolle slammed shoulder first through the upper-landing portal, and chivvied his charge through the magis trate's chamber, a cavernous space of scarred wooden benches and the fetor of old sweat and dried ink.