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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Caracal \Car"a*cal\ (k[a^]r"[.a]*k[a^]l), n. [F. caracal, fr. Turk qarahqootaq; qarah black + qootaq ear.] (Zo["o]l.) A lynx ( Felis caracal syn. Lynx caracal). It is a native of Africa and Asia. Its ears are black externally, and tipped with long black hairs.


n. A type of mountain cat native to Southern Africa, West Asia, and parts of Central and South Asia, (taxlink Caracal caracal species noshow=1).


n. of deserts of northern Africa and southern Asia [syn: desert lynx, Lynx caracal]


The caracal (Caracal caracal; ) is a medium-sized wild cat that lives in Africa, the Middle East, Persia and the Indian subcontinent. It reaches at the shoulder, and weighs . The coat is uniformly reddish tan or sandy, while the ventral parts are lighter with small reddish markings. The caracal is characterised by a robust build, long legs, a short face, long tufted ears, and long canine teeth. It was first described by German naturalist Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber in 1777. Eight subspecies are recognised.

Typically nocturnal (active at night), the caracal is highly secretive and difficult to observe. It is territorial, and lives mainly alone or in pairs. The caracal is a carnivore that typically preys upon small mammals, birds and rodents. It can leap higher than and catch birds in mid-air. It stalks its prey until it is within of it, after which it runs it down, the prey being killed by a bite to the throat or to the back of the neck. Breeding takes place throughout the year with both sexes becoming sexually mature by the time they are a year old. Gestation lasts between two and three months, resulting in a litter of one to six kittens. Juveniles leave their mothers at nine to ten months, though a few females stay back with their mothers. The average lifespan of the caracal in captivity is nearly 16 years.

The caracal inhabits forests, savannas, marshy lowlands, semi-deserts, deserts, and scrub forests. The caracal is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN. Its survival is threatened by habitat loss due to agricultural expansion and desertification; caracals are often persecuted for killing small livestock. Caracals have been tamed and used for hunting since the time of the ancient Egyptians until as recently as the 20th century.

Caracal (disambiguation)

Caracal may refer to:

  • The Caracal, a medium-sized wild cat
  • Caracal (genus), a genus of the family of Felidae
  • Caracal (album), the 2015 album by Disclosure
  • Caracal, Romania, a city in historic Oltenia
  • Caracal Battalion, a unit of the Israel Defense Forces
  • Plasan Sand Cat, also Caracal APC, an armored vehicle from Plasan Sasa
  • Caracal Pistol, a pistol made in the United Arab Emirates
  • 2007.2 Caracal, a release of Pardus (operating system)
  • variant of the Eurocopter EC 725
  • Caracal, a Cruiser class ship from the MMORPG Eve Online
  • Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) under the EU's REACH law.
Caracal (album)

Caracal is the second studio album by English electronic music duo Disclosure. It was released on 25 September 2015 through PMR and Island. Five official singles have been released from the album: " Holding On" featuring Gregory Porter, " Omen" featuring Sam Smith, " Jaded", " Magnets" featuring Lorde, and " Nocturnal" featuring The Weeknd, with three promotional singles also being released: " Bang That", " Willing and Able" featuring Kwabs, and " Hourglass" featuring Lion Babe.

Caracal (genus)

Caracal is a genus of the subfamily Felinae, of the family Felidae. Previously it was considered to be a monotypic genus, consisting of only the type species: Caracal caracal, commonly called caracals. However, genetic analysis in 2006 has shown that caracals, African golden cats, and servals are genetically closely related, which places them in the same genus. The IUCN currently uses this classification for the African golden cat, although it's still being "under review" for the serval.

Usage examples of "caracal".

One of them knocked his folder onto the floor, and papers flew like the feathers when a red caracal cat gets into the henhouse.

Nothing disturbed the still of the storm-washed dawn, so he seamlessly shifted from caracal to man.

During life, the pharaoh had shared an affinity with the caracal, and the respect remained even though he now lived at rest in the afterworld.

Curious indeed, Charlotte thought, wondering uneasily if the caracal had something to do with the strange attack.

I like it so much in Egypt I dreamed I was a caracal running across the sand.

The caracal turned and loped off then stopped to glance back as if he waited for something--something that he wanted her to do.

For some reason, it seemed imperative that she kept the caracal in sight.

The caracal stood in front of her with its ears twitching and tail swishing.

I may say that the caracal differs very much from the European lynx, who, according to Tschudi, betrays his presence by horrible howlings audible at a great distance.

There was a terrible battle being fought somewhere, in doubtful arena, and Caracal was defeating Hamodrynci in furious conflict.

Some courtiers carried their pet cats on their arms: highly bred miniature lynxes, caracals, and ocelots, trained to sit demurely at plateside and daintily share the feast.