a capital city (=where the government of a country or state is)
▪ Cuba's capital city is Havana.
a capital crimeAmerican English (= a crime such as murder, for which the criminal can be killed)
a capital offence (=one for which death is the punishment)
▪ Drug smuggling was made a capital offense in 1987.
block capitals
▪ Complete the form in block capitals.
capital assets
capital expenditure (=money that a company spends on buildings, machinery etc)
▪ Capital expenditure on IT equipment will come from a different budget.
capital gains tax
capital gains
capital goods
capital investment (=investment in machines, equipment etc)
▪ A huge capital investment will have to be made to maintain the buildings.
capital levy
capital punishment (=death as a punishment for a crime)
▪ The are trying to abolish capital punishment except in cases of terrorism.
capital punishment
financial/economic/capital etc gain
▪ They are seeking to realize the maximum financial gain.
fixed capital
seed capital
venture capital
working capital
▪ More recently, multinationals and foreign capital, with all their implications, have made vertical upward mobility difficult.
▪ Attracting the banks are the resurgent economy and reforms that have opened up industries to foreign capital.
▪ But debtor economies were bled to minimise those losses, and they were restructured to suit foreign capital.
▪ Yet the campaign for foreign capital has foundered, except in the mining sector.
▪ How do you attract very large quantities of foreign capital?
▪ The extent of economic globalisation is illustrated by the recent enormous growth in trade and foreign capital flows.
▪ In future, enterprises using foreign capital would be allowed foreign currency accounts in the State Bank or a foreign bank.
▪ We are trying to drag them here soas to get direct investment and to get foreign capital without incurring foreign debt.
▪ At any instant, people also have different amounts of human capital and financial wealth.
▪ How would a parental dividend affect the economic balance between investment in human capital versus investment in tangible capital?
▪ It was also this same period - primarily the 1960s - that witnessed the academic upsurge in the human capital theory.
▪ What is missing from the various reform proposals is any recognition of the importance of investing in human capital as well.
▪ More broadly, it is the educated, skilled and healthy individual who is the human capital.
▪ Each industry has the same rate of return on human or physical capital.
▪ Hence the Chicago human capital school comes closest to diffusing economic inequality as an issue.
▪ Apart from discouraging investment abroad this also effectively reduced companies' access to international capital markets.
▪ Today, with highly mobile international capital, large deficits can be sustained for much longer.
▪ Yeltsin's alliance between the oligarchs and international capital is ending.
▪ Any company or bank conducting business outside of its domestic currency zone must have access to international capital.
▪ Moreover, in their view, this inequality is not random, but is structured by the needs of international capital.
▪ Hence there are actors other than the state, and their precise role in international society depends on the interests of international capital.
▪ This demand on the international capital markets raises interest rates, aggravating the problems of debt and credit crunch.
▪ Of course, with the development of international monopoly capital and multinational companies, additional sources of power have been brought into play.
▪ Some farms do, however, need to undertake large capital schemes to satisfy the regulations.
▪ For example, the industrial giants who dominate the chemical industry have large capital investments in petrochemicals.
▪ The choir arcade piers are grouped with large carved foliated capitals.
▪ This payment structure is particularly suited to projects which generate a large capital sum on completion.
▪ This kind of flotation to raise large capital sums has already been seen in cases such as Bairstow Eves and Connells.
▪ Thus only a relatively small change in interest rates is necessary to cause a relatively large capital flow.
▪ At the same time the surviving companies will grow larger and capital will be concentrated into fewer hands.
▪ These rights may be waived by the shareholders at a general meeting so that the new capital may be raised by means of a placing.
▪ This conforms the state with a new federal capital gains law.
▪ The open-year problem also deters new capital, for it threatens to saddle newcomers too with unquantifiable losses from the past.
▪ Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
▪ Modifying current equipment enables them to minimise new capital outlay while the product is being launched and its success evaluated.
▪ Each new capital seemed to be eager to slightly outbid the previous one.
▪ Milan: Operators reacted with frustration to a spate of new capital increase operations announced late last week.
▪ Stowe, a New York venture capital company.
▪ Yet the Bolsheviks made no political capital out of the recent past.
▪ Nor has he expended much political capital to get anti-abortion measures through the Texas Legislature.
▪ They will be examined in more detail when we quit regional life and approach the political capital.
▪ In Congress, the same jockeying for political capital, of which Johnson and Romney were accused, was evident.
▪ He did not spend any political capital on that.
▪ The gun manufacturers do the responsible thing, children are protected and Clinton earns political capital.
▪ The second step in recreating a market economy is to restore private ownership of capital.
▪ The ability to leverage private capital has also come to be increasingly expressed in defense of sorely needed downtown redevelopment activity.
▪ Within six months we will review the roads programme and mobilise private capital for large-scale public transport investment.
▪ The main characteristics of capitalism are private ownership of capital and freedom of enterprise.
▪ Servicing private capital in this way is usually a matter of job redistribution rather than job creation.
▪ At the same time, their capacity to leverage private capital in support of these developments has varied considerably.
▪ UDCs are designed to create the conditions and confidence necessary to attract private capital.
▪ In my view there was only one hope, and that was to build the tunnel using private venture capital.
▪ His son trucks the tangerines and apples to the provincial capital, and even down into Henan province.
▪ Each month the district officer spent a whole day writing a full report to the political secretary in the provincial capital.
▪ Coventry was a provincial capital, one of the half-dozen largest provincial cities and the fourth richest.
▪ Meanwhile, a curfew was imposed in Pristina, the provincial capital.
▪ In 1949, for example, the provincial capital of Urumqi had few Han.
▪ The river Aver continues westward past the provincial capital at Averheim and finally flows into the Reik at Nuln.
▪ This thriving group included some of the old provincial capitals such as Bristol, Newcastle and Norwich.
▪ The literature on social capital may afford a clue to the likely complexity.
▪ If so, divorce may in some degree be the consequence, not the cause, of lower social capital.
▪ His work on social capital and civic engagement has been heavily drawn upon by Francis Fukuyama and others.
▪ However, monopoly corporations and unions tend to resist the appropriation of surplus created by social capital but appropriated privately.
▪ Some government policies have almost certainly had the effect of destroying social capital.
▪ Could this be the primary reason for the decline of social capital over the last generation?
▪ The contrast is straight forward: newspaper reading is associated with high social capital, television viewing with low social capital.
▪ It wants the cash to repay debt and for capital expenditures and for working capital.
▪ These included, for example, management of working capital, product differentiation and cost management.
▪ He is currently preparing a plan to unlock more working capital by the New Year.
▪ Most significant was an increase in working capital and an increase in labour inputs consequent on the technological changes introduced.
▪ With savings of £20,000 you could expect to finance a franchise with a start-up cost and working capital of £60,000.
▪ Sufficient working capital must be available to meet the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune!
▪ Net proceeds will be used to repay short and long-term debt, refinance long term debt and for working capital.
▪ Individual circumstances differ but corporate ownership of major capital assets may provide worthwhile advantages.
▪ Subtract value of previous capital asset, £60,000.
▪ Of course, in a predominantly agrarian economy land constituted by far the most important capital asset.
▪ He prefers to borrow rather than raise outside equity capital and thus dilute control.
▪ These companies have very high demands for equity capital to finance their growth and generally pay no dividends or very low dividends.
▪ Companies already listed on the Stock Exchange have two basic methods of raising additional equity capital: 1.
▪ Taken together, they may be applied jointly to produce a better estimate of the cost of equity capital.
▪ Its required return on equity capital is 15 percent.
▪ Additionally, as will be seen in Chapter 13, the cost of debt is lower than the cost of equity capital.
▪ The equity comparison operates by comparing the equity capital issued as consideration by the purchaser to that previously in issue.
▪ This measurement is generally accepted as the cost of the retained earnings portion of equity capital.
▪ Pumping much of the enhanced capital expenditure into new prison building often has the effect of draining the prison of vital resources.
▪ Recurrent federal expenditure was budgeted at N12,883 million and federal capital expenditure at N9,240 million.
▪ Current expenditure was estimated at Bel$153,900,000 and total capital expenditure at Bel$107,000,000.
▪ The size of local authority capital expenditure for selected years is shown in Table 6.1.
▪ Once the constraints on local authority capital expenditure began to bite it cooperated with private housing development on inner-area sites.
▪ At the same time, we cut back on proposed capital expenditure and made plans to repay borrowings.
▪ As the Minister should know, those schools are very much in need of large-scale capital expenditure.
▪ These were launched a year ago and implemented for all new capital expenditure projects from September 1992.
▪ Similarly, a fall in the rate of interest means a potential capital gain for investors.
▪ Clinton has urges a narrower capital gains cut that would benefit homeowners.
▪ A lower dividend yield can be compensated for with higher capital gains and viceversa.
▪ The businessman will pay $ 56, 000 in capital gains tax, leaving him with a negative after-tax return on investment.
▪ With zeros you can predict very accurately what your capital gains will be and when they will occur.
▪ In a very real sense, payment of dividends represents a choice between future capital gains and current cash payments.
▪ As most of the privatisation issues are sold at a discount, there is usually a substantial capital gain to be made.
▪ At the end of the year, the second hypothetical investor must liquidate 40 % of his capital gains.
▪ The group is closing the St Austell plant despite recent capital investment and numerous employment initiatives.
▪ Decayed and declining industries had to be shut down, and vast capital investment directed to the new sectors.
▪ They were shown results of the substantial capital investment programme.
▪ We have known for a long time that there is no one right way to analyze a proposed capital investment.
▪ Heavy capital investment led to a record £23.4 billion financial deficit last year.
▪ University capital investment in 1992-93 - money provided by the taxpayer - will amount to £216 million.
▪ Conversely, the higher the rate of interest, the greater the additional cost to industry of financing new capital investment.
▪ The contrary view is that a huge capital investment will have to be made soon to maintain buildings and provide equipment.
▪ This was partly because the increasing integration of world capital markets has made it easier to finance current-account deficits.
▪ With the development of a world capital market, everyone essentially borrows in New York, London, or Tokyo.
▪ At the same time there was no organised capital market and so interest rates might be high.
▪ Funds for economic development were provided by means of sterling bond issues in the London capital market.
▪ This highlights the key role played by the perfect capital market assumption.
▪ In pre-1914 days, there was a gold standard, and a single world capital market centred on London.
▪ We're talking Euro-yen capital market activities.
▪ Types of takeover offer General offer A general offer is an offer for the entire issued equity share capital of a company.
▪ The transfer is made to avoid a reduction in share capital and, accordingly, to protect creditors.
▪ Equity Capital is available in amounts from £100,000 and normally consists of a mix of preference share capital and ordinary equity.
▪ The funds could be provided by you as a shareholder either as a loan or as further share capital.
▪ With the share price peaking in July at 200 crowns, the company's share capital was worth 13 billion crowns.
▪ It requests that an authority for market purchases should not normally exceed 10 percent of the company's issued ordinary share capital.
▪ A company may expand by increasing the share capital and the number of directors.
▪ The rest of their liabilities are raised through deposits from the general public, share capital and deferred taxation.
▪ All these have been supposedly cynically instituted by the state capital complex.
▪ Evan may not know his state capitals, but he is very interested in issues of social justice and equity.
▪ They cast a shadow over his meeting yesterday in the state capital, Chandigarh.
▪ Monday, during a high-speed chase through the streets of the Baja California state capital.
▪ Eleven centres were selected near to teachers' colleges or state capitals and in each six experimental schools identified.
▪ This is the state capital, after all.
▪ But the quake was powerful enough to injure more than 250 people in Seattle Olympia, the state capital.
▪ Several of the dead sheep were carried off to the state capital of Villahermosa 30 miles away for examination.
▪ In terms of size, independent funds are the largest, with over 75 percent of total venture capital funds invested.
▪ A venture capital fund usually lends money but also demands the right to buy a big slice of the firm.
▪ The Independent, launched in October 1986 with venture capital, seeks to be independent of political party dogma.
▪ The inveterate entrepreneur and a trio of venture capital firms in January invested $ 5 million in Healthscape Inc.
▪ In particular, money managers will be asked to show greater willingness to support venture capital projects and start-up enterprises.
▪ Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
▪ Governments are operating professional sports teams and running venture capital funds.
▪ But such taxes would also increase the cost of capital for those countries which could least afford it.
▪ If the country is to have increasing capital and product, profits must be good.
▪ Whether by some form of contract or by increasing local capital, firms can continue expanding their economic involvement.
▪ Riots were increasing over the capital, and communications had been broken with the other two major cities of Nicaea.
▪ Since 1979 we have increased capital spending on average by 4.3 percent. per year.
▪ A company may expand by increasing the share capital and the number of directors.
▪ But it also plans to increase its worldwide capital spending in 1993 to £6.6 billion, from £5.2 billion last year.
▪ Further options may increase the capital by up to 15 percent over a ten-year period.
▪ In any country the rich can invest and reinvest their capital, producing greater and greater profits.
▪ Owners are granted this power in exchange for investing capital or assuming responsibility.
▪ The Mercantile invests for long-term capital growth with emphasis on emerging companies worldwide.
▪ What is missing from the various reform proposals is any recognition of the importance of investing in human capital as well.
▪ But in the last three years, the city has invested the capital to see that it happens.
▪ Shareholders invest their capital in the firm, whilst employees invest their human capital.
▪ It requests that an authority for market purchases should not normally exceed 10 percent of the company's issued ordinary share capital.
▪ And if capital gains turned to losses, investors would stop providing capital.
▪ Savings provide individuals with economic security and provide capital for growth.
▪ The aim is to provide security of capital with an attractive and rising level of income.
▪ Their ability to provide such capital may however be limited, and therefore high profits will be sought.
▪ They do not wish to provide further working capital by means of borrowing or it may be imprudent to do so.
▪ As the mines became deeper companies found themselves unable to provide the necessary capital for winding and pumping equipment.
▪ The secondary market helps new issues get under way in the primary market and therefore provides capital for growing companies.
▪ The company was originally styled Information Workbench and Sippl provided the seed capital.
▪ The number of deals will grow as the finance ministry eases restrictions on raising capital offshore.
▪ Step Two was supposed to keep the government from being able to raise money in the capital markets to maintain current operations.
▪ His grandfather Henry believed that people helped companies raise capital by buying their stock.
▪ Also, of course, a trust is at liberty to raise new capital by an issue of additional ordinary or debenture shares.
▪ Convinced that the idea was worth emulating in other villages, Yunus went to a local bank to raise the needed capital.
▪ Being public limited companies, the investment trusts can raise debt capital and gear their portfolios.
▪ Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
▪ Albany is the capital of New York State.
▪ Our return on capital has more than doubled since 1980.
▪ Please fill in your name and address in capitals.
▪ Raley started a grocery business in the 1930s with $1000 in capital.
▪ Rome is one of the world's most beautiful capitals.
▪ Sacramento is the state capital of California.
▪ Since the stockmarket crash, companies have been trying to raise capital by selling new stock.
▪ The plan is expected to create vast amounts of investment capital.
▪ The tour includes a trip to Budapest, Hungary's capital city.
▪ There is a shortage of capital for building new aircraft.
▪ What's the capital of Canada?
▪ Consumer goods occupy a much more contradictory place in the circulation and realisation of capital than do fixed assets.
▪ On Oct. 10 between 30 and 100 people were reported hurt during a pro-Ershad rally in the capital, Dhaka.
▪ Preference shares, particularly redeemable preference shares, are sometimes considered to be more akin to loan stock than share capital.
▪ The food associated with economic capital is characterized by rich sauces and desserts, and rare and luxurious items such as truffles.
▪ The nation state, particularly in the third world and the erstwhile Eastern bloc, is the agent of global capital.
▪ The popes regarded the city as the capital of their duchy.
▪ Typically too, nationalized industry balance sheets show capital as amounts owed to the central government.
▪ When evaluating capital budgeting decisions, it is this marginal cost that should be used as the appropriate cost of capital.
▪ It is not a capital account operator, dealing with the more complex business of how to finance that debt.
▪ The capital account is always the mirror image of the current account.
▪ Dealing with capital account problems requires analytical and organisational skills which are very different from policing an overdraft.
▪ No change is made in the capital account.
▪ Since the company owns the cash, it is an asset and therefore a capital account.
▪ The capital account remained below £140 and a surplus of £32 9s. 9d. was shown on the year.
▪ The capital account records purchases and sales of assets such as stocks, bonds, land, etc.
▪ Note that the lower interest rate causes a capital account deficit on the balance of payments as people buy foreign assets.
▪ What this might be, other than the preservation of capital accumulation, is never properly explained.
▪ The method of capital accumulation is the extraction of surplus value.
▪ The peasant economy provides a reserve of cheap labour for capitalism and so contributes to capital accumulation.
▪ This discussion is informed by Marxist efforts to explain articulating modes of production in terms of the changing requirements of capital accumulation.
▪ An ubiquitous feature of post-colonialism is the dominance of the state in the process of capital accumulation.
▪ They are the preservation of order, the promotion of capital accumulation and the manufacture of legitimation.
▪ It argued that work is continually de-skilled and degraded through the interaction of technical change and international patterns of capital accumulation.
▪ Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
▪ The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
▪ Under Czech banking law, all banks must meet a capital adequacy ratio of 8 percent.
▪ From these figures it monitored key ratios which indicated the capital adequacy, liquidity and degree of risk for each firm.
▪ But concern mounted that the fall in the stock market may start to undermine banks' capital adequacy ratios.
▪ In particular it monitors each firm's conduct and capital adequacy.
▪ The increase in capital allowances is very welcome.
▪ This is because of the limited partnerships' tax losses while drilling, and the availability of capital allowances.
▪ This ensures that the sum of capital allowances is equal to the real depreciation incurred.
▪ These were partly offset by grants and capital allowances totalling £9.2 million.
▪ One hundred percent. capital allowances could lead to investment decisions being made entirely for tax reasons.
▪ Further increases in capital allowances for small and medium enterprises would also be very welcome.
▪ The capital asset of the farms had little importance for most yet in some areas the value must have been substantial.
▪ Any asset with an expected useful life of more than one year is normally considered a capital asset.
▪ Housing represents most of the capital assets of local government.
▪ Depreciation accounting is simply a technique used to allocate the cost of a capital asset over its expected useful life.
▪ She would also be acquiring a capital asset.
▪ The details of capital asset pricing theory are well beyond the scope of this book.
▪ However, the firm can elect to have its capital assets collected in a pool.
▪ A capital lease must be recorded on the balance sheet as a capital asset with an associated liability.
▪ Lloyd's has seen its capital base contract sharply as Names have deserted the market in droves after disastrous losses.
▪ If the receipt is distributed to shareholders as dividends then the capital base of the business has been eroded.
▪ Discount houses have borrowing facilities at the Bank, with limits related to the capital base of each discount house.
▪ In the absence of any verification, interim profits will not be included in the capital base.
▪ The crucial determinants there are profitability, cash flow and capital base.
▪ Both need to maintain their capital base in monetary terms.
▪ Ferranti then hopes to decide on a course of action and in particular on how to restructure its capital base.
▪ We built more hospitals and moved decisively away from the terrible stop-go years of the 1970s when capital budgets were slashed.
▪ As previously announced, a capital budget of $ 350 million has been established for the year 2000.
▪ After this review process, budget analysts consolidate the individual department budgets into operating and capital budget summaries.
▪ The federal government, however, does not have a capital budget.
▪ This implies that capital charges will go right down to the departmental level in the budgetary control system.
▪ Quite simply the basic case for capital charges has not been made.
▪ Secondly, the capital charges are to include depreciation and an interest element.
▪ The capital stock should be increased if the marginal social benefit exceeds the long-run marginal cost inclusive of the capital charge.
▪ Secondly, we need to add the capital charges.
▪ Banks therefore increased lending to emerging market borrowers that carried a lower regulatory capital charge but generated higher profits.
▪ Rome, in short, lived on its past simply by being a capital city.
▪ Both here and back in the capital city he would be surrounded by family and people who loved him.
▪ Athens is a capital city too, you know.
▪ This had been how the war entered the capital city.
▪ All medical facilities have been heavily concentrated in the capital city.
▪ The visitors were lodged in the Tower Hotel, located on a mountain overlooking the capital city.
▪ This site is next to our great national cathedral - the very heart of the capital city.
▪ But other centres have also seen the advantages of liberalism; and the end of capital controls has made finance more competitive.
▪ New technologies make obsolete many of the regulations, such as capital controls, that had previously existed.
▪ As, moreover, deficiencies have appeared in the capital control mechanisms, so refinements have been introduced.
▪ When money can be moved instantly on a personal computer, the whole idea of capital controls melts away.
▪ What is true for capital controls is true for most financial regulations.
▪ But formidable capital cost stood in the way of such improvements, and irrigation remained no more than a theoretical possibility.
▪ The capital cost of our equipment was £17029.00.
▪ Fund-raisers set out to raise $ 1 million for capital costs plus $ 600, 000 for a collection endowment.
▪ There were considerable savings both on the capital cost of power stations and on their operating costs.
▪ The capital costs are high on account of the specialised nature of the machines required for the production line.
▪ The capital costs are high on account of the specialised nature of the machines required for the production line.
▪ A second and equally important impact of the time factor in making oil-backout investments is inflationary rises in capital costs.
▪ These forecasts should consider the effects of each option on the revenue as well as on the capital costs of the completed project.
▪ Fund-raisers set out to raise $ 1 million for capital costs plus $ 600, 000 for a collection endowment.
▪ It is capital crime, and a black disgrace to the races of civilized mankind.
▪ TranSys will fund the £200m borrowing requirement and spend £150m on capital equipment over the next five years.
▪ In the process, buildings and capital equipment and departments like finance and payroll vanish from the books.
▪ By this means capital equipment employed in manufacturing is owned by the services sector.
▪ Money put into pay packages of top executives is not money spent on new capital equipment.
▪ Expenditure on marketing, research and development and capital equipment, saw a £378,000 interest charge replace a £733,000 credit.
▪ The proprietor owns or obtains the materials and capital equipment used in the operation of the business and personally supervises its operation.
▪ Industrial Hire Purchase - the same as hire-purchase for personal customers but for items of capital equipment. 4.
▪ Its return on capital has more than doubled since 1980, and investment in capital equipment in this country has revived somewhat.
▪ Legal controls have been supplemented by financial controls, especially over capital expenditure.
▪ Account should also be taken of relief which may be available for capital expenditure on assets.
▪ Also, both operating expenditure and the operating consequences of capital expenditure appear together in the funds.
▪ Similar developments are in hand in respect of capital expenditure.
▪ If any operating division wishes to incur capital expenditure, it submits an appraisal form to the Finance Director.
▪ The 1980 Act also considerably tightened central controls upon capital expenditure.
▪ Central Government's control of capital expenditure.
▪ It wants the cash to repay debt and for capital expenditures and for working capital.
▪ You have to learn to estimate capital expenditures, cash flow, and receivables.
▪ Praxair spent a record $ 802 million in 1995 on capital expenditures and acquisitions.
▪ Physicians Resource said it will use proceeds for acquisitions, working capital, capital expenditures and letters of credit.
▪ But these improvements demanded massive retooling and capital expenditures, and were not universally applicable.
▪ Added to this, capital flows are important vectors of technical change.
▪ Even the size of capital flows roughly matched the number of people who were moving.
▪ It ignores capital flows which, in the short-term, can be used to service existing debt.
▪ In both instances a massive disruption to trade and capital flows took place.
▪ Generally, economic factors such as unemployment rates, trade and capital flows, seem to be the main determinants of labour mobility.
▪ This uncertainty argument in favour of fixed exchange rates is based upon the apparent instability of capital flows.
▪ Investment in coastal shipping yet again reveals how local the process of capital formation in transport was.
▪ They were not accounted for in private consumption expenditure, general government expenditure, or domestic capital formation.
▪ This does not mean that the pace of innovation and of capital formation in the eighteenth-century economy were negligible.
▪ This obviously is not an especially efficient way to promote capital formation.
▪ The obvious concern is to facilitate capital formation and to channel it into sectors and areas capable of using it most efficiently.
▪ Moreover, the empirical evidence on the effect of egalitarianism on capital formation is uncertain.
▪ But how is it possible to reconcile a variable rate of capital formation with a fixed stock of capital?
▪ In everyday economic discourse, nothing is more frequently taken as an index of economic growth than the volume of capital formation.
▪ Such an argument relies on the capital gains being unanticipated.
▪ Such techniques are not available to middle-class families with modest savings, or to small business owners holding long-term capital gains.
▪ Whatever some fiscal economists may say, capital gains are not the same as income.
▪ The $ 200, 000 capital gain is illusory, reflecting the change in the overall price level since 1962.
▪ The exchange should result in a capital gain for Axa.
▪ Capital gains tax Here a tax is imposed when individuals part with an asset and make a capital gain on it.
▪ Most of the capital gains reported by these under-$ 50, 000 taxpayers were chicken feed.
▪ Can the market system provide the capital goods upon which technological advance relies?
▪ So will the investment in capital goods and engineering skills needed to modernise outmoded factories.
▪ Fast productivity growth in the sectors producing means of production ensured a rapid reduction in the real cost of capital goods.
▪ But who, specifically, will register votes for capital goods?
▪ Financials were also among the market's strongest performers, along with capital goods and energy stocks.
▪ Imports of capital goods rose 50. 7 percent and consumer goods almost doubled in 1995, it said.
▪ If a project is going to generate high income, then the capital grant will be smaller, and vice versa.
▪ Part of these totals will include a figure for capital grants made by central government for a specific purpose or project.
▪ Other measures include a special needs capital grant to be aimed at projects provided by voluntary organisations and private sector care providers.
▪ The trusts are: Global Income &038; Growth Portfolio to provide income and capital growth.
▪ Unit Trusts can be aimed at generating income or capital growth.
▪ The fund manager can, therefore, select the mix of bonds which offers the most attractive yield and capital growth potential.
▪ Rising capital growth also helped the retail sector retain its high return of 10.9 percent, again with rentals holding steady.
▪ Some investment managers may compensate by making a slight switch in emphasis towards capital growth investments and away from high yielding equities.
▪ Murray Income, Murray Johnstone's income and capital growth trust, has outperformed its benchmark indices in its first half-year.
▪ Some unit and investment trusts aim to provide capital growth, others income.
▪ It aims to achieve a high level of income for ordinary shareholders as well as providing capital growth.
▪ Jennings said House of Fraser will spend about 25 million pounds on capital improvements during calendar 1996.
▪ Its initial long-range plan, published in 1962, called for $ 400 million in capital improvements from the-state.
▪ This was apparent in the structure of the second-year application, which listed specific capital improvements subarea by subarea.
▪ Three months later, the District Court adopted a plan requiring $ 187, 450, 334 in further capital improvements.
▪ The money saved can be spent on capital improvements or perhaps to expand the catering operation, said Allen.
▪ He used these organizations to finance projects outside of the normal general obligation bond method for capital improvements.
▪ As we noted earlier, these capital inflows have financed the current account deficits.
▪ Legally, such capital instruments are debt and should therefore be disclosed within liabilities.
▪ The accounting policies in respect of capital instruments should be stated.
▪ It does not address accounting for investments in capital instruments issued by other entities. 18.
▪ If a capital instrument contains an obligation to transfer economic benefits the entire instrument should be accounted for as a liability.
▪ The result of this approach is that most capital instruments are reported as liabilities.
▪ That is part of Northern regional health authority's largest-ever capital investment, and it has been brought about by the Government.
▪ For refiners, it required a big capital investment in new equipment.
▪ Up the coast, capital investments have paid off for the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.
▪ The state networks received more capital investment.
▪ The ideal situation would be to recover the capital investment and the production costs and still make a reasonable profit.
▪ This chapter concentrates on the latter two, i.e. fixed capital investment and inventory investment.
▪ Financial decisions about health plans or capital investments or raises are all properly the purview of the entrepreneur.
▪ These consist of a capital letter followed by numbers.
▪ There were seven lines of type at the very top, all in capital letters, done on a computer.
▪ She labelled them neatly, writing the addresses in ball point pen and capital letters.
▪ Some one wrote in all capital letters that unqualified disabled workers were slacking off and getting special privileges.
▪ The teacher had helped them with the capital letter to begin the sentence and the full stop at the end.
▪ A text for students devoted seven pages to the use of a capital letter to indicate a proper noun.
▪ This will not usually be a concern where a newly formed company acquires Target containing capital losses, as on a buy-out.
▪ A portfolio of more volatile securities is more likely to generate capital losses than a portfolio composed of less volatile securities.
▪ It includes assets which could be converted with relative ease and without capital loss into spending on goods and services.
▪ He can claim either his capital loss or his loss of profit.
▪ Loan demand was noticeably weak, with companies benefiting from increased Government spending and increased use of the capital market.
▪ This means at least partial independence of the capital market for funds.
▪ In recent years there has been an enormous increase in the range and complexity of capital market instruments.
▪ Most trades in the Czech capital markets take place directly at the center.
▪ Access to capital markets has been quickly re-established. 6.
▪ The same logic-albeit with different means-should be applied to the international capital markets.
▪ Investors have complained about a lack of regulation over the Czech capital markets and poor disclosure rules for company information.
▪ The word from Lilongwe now is that Chihana will be charged with sedition, a capital offence.
▪ Loss of privileges in peacetime; in war, a capital offence.
▪ Innovation had to take place cheaply, since central government could not fund much in the way of capital projects.
▪ The report would then be submitted in spring for inclusion on a list of capital projects.
▪ A capital project can involve an additional 100 men.
▪ It then develops ten-year plans for both operational and capital projects, with specific goals and costs.
▪ The main business we are in is project management and engineering of capital projects for the process industries.
▪ Most of the conventional capital projects were still in process at the pre-execution stage.
▪ A great deal of the spending went on capital projects.
▪ But the increasing availability of federal funds for conventional capital projects was clearly to the advantage of the departments.
▪ On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to abolish capital punishment Ministers were divided.
▪ Outside the prison, demonstrators on both sides of the capital punishment issue cheered, cried and prayed.
▪ But capital punishment is not for me in that category: it is not self-evidently harmful, not self-evidently unjust.
▪ The back-to-back executions would quicken the pace of capital punishment in Maryland.
▪ Beccaria's reputation for humanity comes from the famous sections that oppose the use of torture and of capital punishment.
▪ But it does not matter where issues of capital punishment and deterrence are concerned.
▪ In 1965, Britain abolished capital punishment.
▪ The immorality of capital punishment does not lie in the sympathy level of a particular convicted murderer.
▪ Local authorities will be permitted to spend all their capital receipts realised from 13 November to the end of 1993.
▪ There is obviously an argument here, as with capital receipts, for the grant to be returned to the spending programme.
▪ Local authorities are also constrained in the proportion of capital receipts they may use to support capital expenditure.
▪ Councils can spend a quarter of their capital receipts from council house sales however they want.
▪ That attitude exposes the fact that Labour's posture on capital receipts is totally fraudulent.
▪ An excess of receipts over payments can not be called income because receipts might include capital receipts.
▪ If the Labour party were in power, there would be no capital receipts.
▪ They can also be supplemented by capital receipts and trading profits.
▪ They will lend against most types of property and offer a choice of capital repayment, endowment or pension linked mortgages.
▪ A capital repayment holiday at the start?
▪ Or no capital repayment until the end.
▪ Consequently the Bank satisfies itself that the borrower can meet the interest and capital repayments before making the loan.
▪ Loans between banks also entailed modest capital requirements.
▪ Insurers, Mr Leventhal noted, are interested in selling because of stiff new regulatory capital requirements on their real-estate holdings.
▪ Our focus is on the convergence of business acumen, strategy, technology directions, and capital requirements.
▪ There are higher capital requirements for traders to cover losses.
▪ This allows the landowner to realise cash by selling machinery and cuts the working capital requirement without having to profit share.
▪ The sales to total assets ratio in particular is often used to compare the structure and capital requirements of different industries.
▪ However, as we have seen, central government has always had power to control capital spending and still does.
▪ Mr Evans said that capital spending had been cut back from original plans to offset the squeeze on profitability.
▪ Profits have fallen for three consecutive quarters and capital spending has fallen in response.
▪ The Manual was essentially concerned with prescribing the classification of revenue spending and capital spending, implicitly on the cash basis.
▪ Labour's record on capital spending was lamentable.
▪ Mr. Hinchliffe How much of that capital spending was funded from the closure and sale of established hospitals during those periods?
▪ Of these overall rates, growth of capital stocks accounted for 0.73 percent and 0.43 percent respectively.
▪ The capital stock should be increased if the marginal social benefit exceeds the long-run marginal cost inclusive of the capital charge.
▪ The significant difference is that our interpretation of the capital-output ratio includes variable capital, not merely fixed capital stock.
▪ Initially, the rapid run-down of agriculture allowed employment to rise in line with the capital stock.
▪ This was a higher contribution to economic growth than that made by capital stocks.
▪ The capital stock, unlike the labour force, will always be fully employed.
▪ Official figures for manufacturing show a capital stock that increased gently but persistently throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
▪ The capital structure of Newco in the context of institutional investment and bank borrowings has been considered in 4.7 above.
▪ The average cost of capital is primarily of interest in capital structure management.
▪ Changes in firm valuation were found to be consistent with the tax-based models of capital structure.
▪ Msjor areas of emphasis include profitability, liquidity, operating efficiency, and capital structure.
▪ The capital structure is simple, with only ordinary shares in issue.
▪ We can see from these arguments and from Fig.8.4 that the capital structure theory has distinct implications for the price of equity.
▪ The taxpayer received not only a capital sum when the companies were sold but now also receives a substantial annual dividend.
▪ However, if he is able to continue work as a clerk, no capital sum under item 4 is payable.
▪ On 15 July 1987, the Woolwich issued a writ to recover the capital sum and interest thereon.
▪ Such accommodation can often be let on a long lease or sold to raise a capital sum.
▪ The Crown then repaid the capital sum with interest from 31 July 1987 but refused to pay interest for earlier periods.
▪ It was held that the repayments were capital sums and the settlor was correctly assessed to surtax.
▪ Sometimes they offer up to two years' rent free; in other instances a capital sum changes hands.
▪ What level of capital sum could be paid out of this fund to the two target groups?
▪ We intend to lighten the burden of capital taxes and reform the taxation of savings.
▪ Analyse the incidence of a capital tax in a model where there are two classes of individuals with different savings propensities.
▪ The government levies a capital tax with the proceeds being used to subsidize wages, so that and.
▪ After this date, and until 18 March 1986, a form of death duty called capital transfer tax applied.
▪ In the 1983 budget, gifts to charities were exempted from capital transfer tax.
▪ While it survived, it served a useful function in obtaining agreement on some economic questions such as currency convertibility and capital transfers.
▪ And are death duties or capital transfer tax relevant?
▪ An inheritance tax has replaced the capital transfer tax.
▪ In 1974 the Labour government introduced capital transfer tax which taxed certain gifts given by people who were alive.
▪ In 1981 the Conservative government abolished capital transfer tax and replaced it with inheritance tax.
▪ High Income Portfolio to give a high and rising income while maintaining capital value.
▪ For instance, landowners who find their land scheduled for housebuilding may enjoy an immediate increase in capital value.
▪ On the other hand, the capital value seems very high.
▪ The Council tax is based on the capital value of each property, on the assumption that it contains two adult members.
▪ But capital values are inherently more volatile than income.
▪ When income stream is not coming through and capital values are falling then you are going to get problems.
▪ Palatine shareholders are being offered a significant increase in capital value and income, plus a substantial premium over net asset value.
▪ When paid from the same age the difference in capital value is 10 percent.
▪ The company's logo is a large capital "B."
▪ The recycling industry is making huge capital investments in equipment.
▪ During the year the bank actually had 12. 18 billion pesetas in capital gains from its fixed-income portfolio.
▪ However, cuts in capital investment and fuel supply problems have reduced capacity growth to something around 3% per year.
▪ In the latter case it will be necessary to work closely with the local authority in carrying out a capital project.
▪ Payroll taxes are levied only on wages and salaries-not profits, interest, dividends, or capital gains.
▪ Some investment managers may compensate by making a slight switch in emphasis towards capital growth investments and away from high yielding equities.
▪ The fund manager can, therefore, select the mix of bonds which offers the most attractive yield and capital growth potential.
▪ We intend to lighten the burden of capital taxes and reform the taxation of savings.