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The Collaborative International Dictionary

bullied \bullied\ adj. frightened into submission or compliance.

Syn: browbeaten, cowed, hangdog, intimidated.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1851, past participle adjective from bully (v.).


vb. (en-pastbully)


adj. frightened into submission or compliance [syn: browbeaten, cowed, hangdog, intimidated]

  1. adj. very good; "he did a bully job"; "a neat sports car"; "had a great time at the party"; "you look simply smashing" [syn: bang-up, corking, cracking, dandy, great, groovy, keen, neat, nifty, not bad(p), peachy, slap-up, swell, smashing]

  2. [also: bullied]

  1. v. be bossy towards; "Her big brother always bullied her when she was young" [syn: strong-arm, browbeat, bullyrag, ballyrag, boss around, hector, push around]

  2. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate [syn: browbeat, swagger]

  3. [also: bullied]

  1. n. a cruel and brutal fellow [syn: tough, hooligan, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, yob, yobo, yobbo]

  2. [also: bullied]


See bully

Usage examples of "bullied".

She'd mentally cajoled or bullied the Tower staff into line in the first week and had never lost so much as a single shipment nor bounced a cargo, no matter how heavy or awkward.

This was not the meek Frank she knew, the nervous beard clawer who she had learned could be bullied with such ease.

The long happy weeks with Lord Artos had sufficiently restored my self-esteem so that I would not, could not, return to the wretched, bullied existence I had endured on the Corellia and be the butt of jokes and the recipient of spite.

He had taken a paraplegic young student, bullied the makers of an experimental Moto-Chair into giving the youngster one—then bullied the dean of the Meyasor State Medical College into admitting the boy.

His face broke into a grin as he noticed Peter trying hard not to be self-conscious in the outfit that Tirla had bullied him into buying.

So she ate the spicefish, drank the beer, responded to certain natural effects of it, and, at one point, realized that Lanzecki had coaxed, diverted, bullied her into continuously consuming food for nearly three hours.

When Caracalla was murdered by his own officers, the senate was bullied into proclaiming him a god.

Instead of quietly trying to suffuse the people with its own ideas, like all the other great religions, it wanted to rule and give orders - that episode when St Ambrose had bullied the emperor Theodosius into public repentance for having seven thousand people killed in the circus had made every pope dream of humiliating earthly kings.

The papacy’s two most spectacular successes were when Gregory VII excommunicated Henry IV of Germany and made him wait in the snow for three days to beg forgiveness, and when Innocent III - the greatest medieval pope - placed all England under interdict in 1209 and finally bullied King John - under threat of a crusade against him - to hand over England as a papal fief.

He waited until half the cardinals were out of Rome, then called the other half together and bullied and threatened them into creating the two new cardinals.

William Corder, a farmer’s son who became a schoolmaster, allowed himself to be bullied into marrying Maria Marten, a mole-catcher’s daughter who was known in Polstead, Suffolk, as the local tart.

At school he was bullied, but showed such violence when he was attacked that they finally stopped.

At work in his father’s workshop, he was bullied by his brother until one day he seized a hammer and hit Edward in the face.

The Austrian chancellor Schuschnigg was bullied into giving the Nazi party of Austria more freedom.

Tarleton bullied her grown sons and laid her riding crop on their backs if the occasion seemed to warrant it.