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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a gunshot/bullet wound
▪ Deaths from gunshot wounds have soared in this part of London.
bullet point
fire bullets/missiles/rockets etc
▪ Guerrillas fired five rockets at the capital yesterday, killing 23 people.
magic bullet
▪ There’s no magic bullet for school reform.
plastic bullet
rubber bullet
shoot bullets/arrows
▪ They shot arrows from behind the thick bushes.
sweat bulletsAmerican English (= be very anxious)
▪ Workers are sweating bullets over the possibility of job losses.
▪ They have been called magic bullets because of their use in the treatment of cancer.
▪ For the general population, beta carotene is not a magic bullet.
▪ But there is no magic bullet.
▪ A magic bullet for inflation, claim some writers.
▪ The demonstration was attacked by the military, several women were arrested and at least two shot with rubber bullets.
▪ In Beit Sahour, a women's demonstration of more than 1000 was disbanded with the use of tear gas and rubber bullets.
▪ Yes, he had been there in the thick of it, braving the rubber bullets and the tear-gas.
▪ In February demonstrators calling for Bird's departure were dispersed by police using tear gas and rubber bullets.
▪ Perhaps silver bullets would have done the trick.
▪ A pilot scale rig dedicated to the exploration and development of the silver bullet process has been fully operational for some months.
▪ To kill the witch you need a silver bullet.
▪ The man fired a single bullet, and the decapitation of St Michael prevented him from suffering the same fate.
▪ But that single bullet had destroyed Leyland as well as Maria.
▪ The single bullet hit the pimp right in the heart at fifteen feet.
▪ All four had been shot through the back of their heads with a single bullet as they slept.
▪ Then the woman watched a gunman fire single bullets, one by one, into the back of their heads.
▪ Dimples like heavy rain spotted his wings as stray bullets went through, and then he reached the belt of anti-aircraft fire.
▪ Many people were killed; four white spectators were unintentionally killed by stray bullets.
▪ A stray bullet hit and killed the baby.
▪ Five of the stray bullets bracketed him, whining angrily past to star the wall behind him.
▪ Thirty-two men had got over and the only people hurt had been two patrolling guards hit by stray bullets.
▪ Probably a stray bullet, I guess.
▪ Some of them also had other bullet wounds.
▪ Because of the bullet wounds, the casket had been closed, which was a relief for him.
▪ Of the ten animals successfully darted, nine had buckshot or bullet wounds.
▪ In real life, Selena ran out of that motel room with a bullet wound, and bled to death.
▪ There were two bullet wounds, one on the shoulder and a deeper one behind the head.
▪ Seven bullet wounds, or nine, or 13, according to various accounts.
▪ They were both back and front, obviously bullet wounds; and there was another old wound high on his right arm.
▪ Y., resident still limps from a bullet wound suffered days after his rescue effort.
▪ In the February issue I warned you that I was going to bite the bullet and buy a real computer.
▪ You see, as Job Survivor I am sweating bullets by night, biting bullets by day.
▪ So, this week, Priddle bit the bullet.
▪ If the Socialists win the election, they too will have to bite the bullet.
▪ It means Labour biting the bullet.
▪ Shouldn't we bite the bullet now and legislate, as many are suggesting?
▪ When fate marks you down for immortality you'd just better bite the bullet and lace your boots up tight.
▪ If these people were dying from bullets and bombs, they would never be out of the headlines.
▪ John and Robert Kennedy, his two most famous uncles, died from assassins' bullets in the 1960s.
▪ In his latest role, Michael Melia dies with a bullet through the head.
▪ Ballistic evidence suggested that, in the shoot-out, the policeman may have died from a police bullet.
▪ Bush dodged a bullet when Chavez was forced out.
▪ Tanya and her daughter live in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, where they dodge bullets and gangs.
▪ Fox had found a bullet bedded in the ground and a cartridge case to go with it.
▪ For the second time in his life, Langford found bullets whining and cracking above his head.
▪ The six, Hispanics from 15 to 40 years old, were found face down with bullet wounds in their heads.
▪ He fired one more tap-loaded bullet, then ran back parallel to the road.
▪ I fired once and the bullet entered her temple at her hair line.
▪ The man fired a single bullet, and the decapitation of St Michael prevented him from suffering the same fate.
▪ The device, which used a shotgun modified to fire bullets, was concealed in a wooden box hidden among trees.
▪ A gun is known to fire bullets at precisely three hundred and thirty meters per second.
▪ The head gave a sudden twist and Jack fired two more bullets into it.
▪ He heard the fluttering of bullets before the fast slap-slap-slap of an automatic rifle.
▪ I could hear the bullets striking the stalks.
▪ And I didn't hear the bullet leaving the rifle.
▪ It was an easy shot, but as I heard the bullet strike he bounded away.
▪ Musa Anter was hit by four bullets, Orhan Miroglu by three.
▪ Inmates still fighting are hit with rubber bullets.
▪ A postmortem showed he had been hit by five bullets and had also been struck by a number of shotgun pellets.
▪ The gunships had to stop firing as we flared close to the ground because we could be hit by ricocheting bullets.
▪ People were being hit with live lead bullets and were screaming for help.
▪ Nobody was hit by the bullet and the two fleeing men surrendered.
▪ If some one gets hit by a magnum bullet, he is dead.
▪ But it is bait which hit back with bullets.
▪ He had been killed by a shotgun bullet that almost decapitated him.
▪ Many people were killed; four white spectators were unintentionally killed by stray bullets.
▪ The girls usually ignore the soldiers, though some have been killed by random bullets.
▪ These are real thugs who pumped real bullets into real people.
▪ If they pack you off to Brighton, they want you to put a bullet in him.
▪ So I picked up my. 303, and put a bullet through him, he said.
▪ I put a bullet close to his head and he dived for cover.
▪ A quick and total resignation - the modern way for an honourable man to put a bullet through his brain.
▪ Alejandro was all for putting a bullet through this she-devil's head and dispatching her to the nearest abattoir.
▪ He'd put a bullet in her brain himself.
▪ A trooper shot the Lieutenant's horse, leaning from his saddle to put the bullet plumb into the beast's skull.
▪ Troughton personally puts a bullet through their brains.
▪ He was shot with six bullets through the window of a hut as he slept.
▪ Had he been hurt, shot by a renegade bullet?
▪ Then it just shot bullets at a tin can.
▪ In the first experiment our source is a not very accurate gun which sprays bullets on to the first screen.
▪ Less than two weeks earlier, two Fort Lauderdale clinics had been sprayed with bullets from a. 45 automatic.
▪ Social service is important, but not to the extent of stopping a bullet.
a hail of bullets/stones etc
▪ At 8am police officers, accompanying prison staff, tried to enter the centre but were met by a hail of stones.
▪ Sandra Mitchley, 35, died immediately in a hail of bullets.
▪ The man got within twenty yards of the tape before a hail of bullets finally brought him down.
▪ The mere appearance of a uniform is often enough to provoke a hail of stones, even a riot.
▪ They knew they had entered small-arms range when a hail of bullets crippled the steering.
▪ Three West Belfast men died in a hail of bullets.
a spray of bullets/gravel etc
bite the bullet
▪ A lot of companies had to bite the bullet and lay off a lot of their employees.
▪ It's not easy, but as a manager, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and fire people.
▪ If the Socialists win the election, they too will have to bite the bullet.
▪ In the February issue I warned you that I was going to bite the bullet and buy a real computer.
▪ It means Labour biting the bullet.
▪ Shouldn't we bite the bullet now and legislate, as many are suggesting?
▪ So, this week, Priddle bit the bullet.
▪ When fate marks you down for immortality you'd just better bite the bullet and lace your boots up tight.
pump bullets into sb/sth
silver bullet
▪ More investment isn't a silver bullet for poor neighborhoods.
▪ A pilot scale rig dedicated to the exploration and development of the silver bullet process has been fully operational for some months.
▪ Perhaps silver bullets would have done the trick.
▪ To kill the witch you need a silver bullet.
spray sb/sth with bullets
▪ Another bullet went through the jaw of Lieut.
▪ Bush dodged a bullet when Chavez was forced out.
▪ Carrefour faltered, doubling over as the bullet caught him just below the sternum.
▪ It was loaded with three bullets.
▪ Leaden Like a bullet To supplant Life from its centre.
▪ Round for round plastic bullets have killed over four times as many people as their rubber predecessors.
▪ Shoot the bird to wake it up and switch to the straight-up bullets.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bullet \Bul"let\, n. [F. boulet, dim. of boule ball. See Bull an edict, and cf. Boulet.]

  1. A small ball.

  2. A missile, usually of lead, and round or elongated in form, to be discharged from a rifle, musket, pistol, or other small firearm.

  3. A cannon ball. [Obs.]

    A ship before Greenwich . . . shot off her ordnance, one piece being charged with a bullet of stone.

  4. The fetlock of a horse.

    Note: [See Illust. under Horse.]

    Bullet tree. See Bully tree.

    Bullet wood, the wood of the bullet tree.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1550s, from Middle French boulette "cannonball, small ball," diminutive of boule "a ball" (13c.), from Latin bulla "round thing, knob" (see bull (n.2)). Earliest version of bite the bullet recorded 1891, probably with a sense of giving someone a soft lead bullet to clench in the teeth during a painful operation.


n. 1 A projectile, usually of metal, shot from a gun at high speed. 2 Ammunition for a sling or slingshot which has been manufactured for such use. 3 (context typography English) A printed symbol in the form of a solid circle, (•), often used for marking items in a list. (see also bulleted) 4 (context informal English) An entire round of unfired ammunition for a firearm, including the projectile, the cartridge casing, the propellant charge, etc. 5 (context banking finance English) A large scheduled repayment of the principal of a loan; a balloon payment. 6 A rejection letter, as for employment, admission to a school or a competition. 7 (context slang English) One year of prison time 8 (context slang English) An ace (the playing card). 9 (context figuratively English) Anything that is projected extremely fast. vb. 1 (context transitive informal English) To draw attention to (text) by, or as if by, placing a graphic bullet in front of it. 2 (context intransitive informal English) To speed, like a bullet. 3 (context transitive informal English) To make a shot, especially with great speed.

  1. n. a projectile that is fired from a gun [syn: slug]

  2. a high-speed passenger train [syn: bullet train]

  3. (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity; "he swung late on the fastball"; "he showed batters nothing but smoke" [syn: fastball, heater, smoke, hummer]

Bullet (typography)

In typography, a bullet ( • ) is a typographical symbol or glyph used to introduce items in a list. For example:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

The bullet symbol may take any of a variety of shapes, such as circular, square, diamond or arrow. Typical word processor software offers a wide selection of shapes and colors. Several regular symbols, such as * ( asterisk), - ( hyphen), . ( period), and even o (lowercase O), are conventionally used in ASCII-only text or other environments where bullet characters are not available. When writing by hand, bullets may be drawn in any style. Historically, the index symbol (representing a hand with a pointing index finger) was popular for similar uses.

Lists made with bullets are called bulleted lists. The HTML element name for a bulleted list is " unordered list", because the list items are not arranged in numerical order (as they would be in a numbered list).


A bullet is a projectile propelled by a firearm, sling, slingshot, or air gun. Bullets do not normally contain explosives, but damage the intended target by impact and penetration. The word "bullet" is sometimes colloquially used to refer to ammunition in general, or to a cartridge, which is a combination of the bullet, case/shell, powder, and primer. This use of 'bullet', when 'cartridge' is intended, leads to confusion when the components of a cartridge are discussed or intended.

Bullets fired from slings, slingshots, and many airguns (including BB guns) travel well below the speed of sound (about 343 m/s or 1126 ft/s in dry air at 20 °C or 68 °F). Low-power handguns have muzzle velocities generally less than the speed of sound (subsonic), while bullets fired from high-power handguns (such as a .44 Magnum) and from rifles have an initial speed faster than the speed of sound, meaning they are supersonic and thus can travel a substantial distance and even hit a target before a nearby observer hears the "bang" of the shot. Bullet speed through air depends on a number of factors such as barometric pressure, humidity, air temperature, and wind speed.

Bullet (Misfits song)

"Bullet" is the second single released by the horror punk band the Misfits. The four tracks comprising the single were recorded, along with thirteen others, in early 1978 for the proposed Static Age album. When the band could not find a record label to release the album, they instead released four of the songs as "Bullet" on singer Glenn Danzig's label Plan 9 Records. The songs were re-released in different versions over subsequent years, until Static Age was finally released in its entirety in 1997.

Bullet (disambiguation)

A bullet is a projectile propelled by a firearm, sling, or air gun.

Bullet may also refer to:

Bullet (Superheist song)

"Bullet" is the second single from the debut album The Prize Recruit, by Australian nu metal group, Superheist. It is a reworked version of "Bullet for You", a B-side from the previous single " Crank the System". It exceeds the original in quality and bombast. "Bullet" which was co-written by band members, Richard William "DW" Norton, Roderick "Burger" McLeod, and Fetah Sabawi. climbed to No. 45 on the ARIA Singles Chart. The album and single were produced by Kalju Tonuma

Bullet (car)

Dreamt up by John Bettini, the first Bullet car prototype was built in 1996 utilising a Mazda MX-5 body. The chassis was designed and fabricated by Barry Pearson; it consisted of a square-tube spaceframe onto which a 13B rotary powerplant from a Mazda RX-7 was fitted.

Two more years of development saw a number of cars built; the first V8 was powered by a TVR crate engine supplied by the customer. Bettini decided a Lexus 4LT Quadcam would be a more desirable choice and the next production run saw four normally aspirated cars built and sold.

Sprintex, a supercharger company owned by Advanced Engine Components Ltd. (AEC) was commissioned to develop a supercharger system for the new "wide-body" model released in late 1999. AEC was so impressed with the supercharged Bullet SS that they purchased the Bullet company and set up a new manufacturing facility at Yatala in Queensland Australia.

AEC decided that the new Bullet Roadster and supercharged SS models should become fully Australian Design Rules (ADRs) compliant, and they invested heavily to achieve that end on 4 December 2002. All cars built from then on were classified as genuine production models and were priced at $98,000 for the Roadster and $118,000 for the SS.

Performance was spectacular with the engine taking the SS from zero to 100 km/h (62 mph) in less than 5 seconds. Braking and cornering were also outstanding due to the huge Brembo brakes and fully adjustable suspension attached to 18 × 9" wheels.

Resale values remain high with recent sales (2008) of $27,500 for an excellent 1998 Rotary, $37,500 for a 2000 Roadster and $62,000 for a pre-production supercharged SS.

Category:Motor vehicle manufacturers of Australia

Bullet (band)

Bullet was a one-hit wonder American rock band. Its only hit, "White Lies, Blue Eyes", peaked at #28 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in January 1972. Band member (keyboards, vocals) Roget Pontbriand went on to play with K.C. and the Sunshine Band and Wild Cherry. Other members included Ernie Sorrentino and Mike Micara.

An English band, once known as "Bullet", often is mistakenly given credit for the hit "White Lies, Blue Eyes". This group formed in London; it included former Atomic Rooster members John Cann ( vocalist) and Paul Hammond ( drummer). The English "Bullet" changed their name to Hard Stuff because of the American band named "Bullet". In the UK, "White Lies, Blue Eyes" was released on the Philips label under the name of Bullet U.S.A..

Bullet (Fluke song)

"Bullet" is the tenth single by the English electronic music band Fluke. Eventually released on the album, Oto the track was the first of two singles released by Fluke in 1995.

In addition to the versions listed on this page a VHS promotional video release was created.

Bullet (software)

Bullet is a physics engine which simulates collision detection, soft and rigid body dynamics. It has been used in video games as well as for visual effects in movies. Erwin Coumans, its main author, worked for Sony Computer Entertainment US R&D from 2003 until 2010, for AMD until 2014, and he now works for Google.

The Bullet physics library is free and open-source software subject to the terms of the zlib License.

Bullet (1996 film)

Bullet is a 1996 American crime drama film directed by Julien Temple and starring Mickey Rourke, Tupac Shakur, Donnie Wahlberg, Adrien Brody, Ted Levine, and John Enos III. The screenplay was written by Bruce Rubenstein and Rourke, under a pseudonym. The film was released a month after Shakur's murder.

Mickey Rourke was also the music supervisor of the film. It had limited distribution in theaters in the United States. It was shot in New York City with a significant portion done in Brooklyn.

Bullet (comics)

Bullet is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Existing within Marvel's main shared universe, known as the Marvel Universe. Bullet first appeared in the pages of Daredevil in 1988, created by John Romita, Jr. and Ann Nocenti.

Bullet (Mat Kearney album)

Bullet is the debut album by Mat Kearney. The album contains several tracks that were redone for Kearney's major label debut, Nothing Left to Lose.

Bullet (interurban)

The Bullet was a high-speed electric multiple-unit passenger car produced by the J. G. Brill Company in Philadelphia for the Philadelphia and Western Railroad (P&W) in 1931, and then similar, somewhat smaller single-unit, single-end versions were built for the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad in 1932. Few were sold because of the Great Depression and the public transport decline in the 1930s. However, some of the P&W cars ran for nearly 60 years.

Bullet (novel)

Bullet is the nineteenth book in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of horror/ mystery/ erotica novels by Laurell K. Hamilton. It debuted at #2 on the New York Times Hardcover Fiction Best Seller List.

Bullet (2008 film)

Bullet is a Malayalam language film directed by Nizar and produced by Nazim Vellila under the banner of Malayil Movie International. It was released in 2008. The film received negative reviews and was a box office bomb.

Bullet (Hollywood Undead song)

"Bullet" is a song by American rap rock group Hollywood Undead, recorded as the eleventh track from their second studio album American Tragedy (2011). The song was produced by Griffin Boice. This song is the one of the few songs by Hollywood Undead to feature a member other than Danny or Deuce as the clean vocalist. Charlie Scene performs the chorus of "Bullet," in addition to "Rain" from Notes from the Underground. The song has received positive reviews from critics due to its cheerful tone and uptempo beat that directly contrast its dark lyrics about suicide and self-harm.

Bullet (mascot)

Bullet is the name of the horse that is ridden by the "Spirit Rider" at Oklahoma State University-Stillwater football games and other special events. The current Bullet is a black American quarter horse gelding. Bullet was introduced as an Oklahoma State tradition in 1984 by the late Dr. Eddy Finley as part of the Spirit Rider Program. Finley, a graduate of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, was said to have been inspired by the Red Raiders' Masked Rider when creating the Spirit Rider tradition. Bullet gallops out onto the football field at Boone Pickens Stadium, ridden by the Spirit Rider carrying an orange OSU flag, during the pre-game performance by the Cowboy Marching Band and after every Cowboy touchdown. The current Bullet is the fourth horse used in the OSU Spirit Rider program, and the third horse to be named Bullet.

The first Spirit Rider horse, a black mare named Della, was owned by John Beall Jr., who served as the original Spirit Rider at OSU. When Beall left OSU, the university decided to keep the tradition alive. In 1988, the school bought its own black horse and through a contest put on by the school newspaper, The Daily O'Collegian, and won by OSU Senior Scott Townsend, "Bullet" was adopted as the name of the horse. In 2003, Bullet I was retired and OSU broke in another black horse to roam the sidelines. Bullet II died shortly before the beginning of the 2005 football season and was replaced by a third Bullet, who still serves with the Spirit Rider program today.

In addition to riding Bullet during football games, the Spirit Rider is charged with the task of taking care of the horse, such as cleaning Bullet's stall at the OSU Equine Center, feeding and exercising Bullet every day and bathing Bullet three times a week.

In 2001, Bullet was one of three finalists for the MD Barns Silver Spur Award presented by the American Quarter Horse Association. The award honors American Quarter Horses that have made a significant impact on the lives of others and created a favorable perception of the breed.

Bullet (DC Thomson)

Bullet was a comic book published weekly in the UK during the 1970s.

First published on 14 February 1976 by D.C. Thomson for 7p, it focused upon adventure, action, revenge, science fiction, war and sport. It was a popular comic for boys throughout its publication.

The main character was a moustached, multi-talented, highly trained secret agent, aptly named Fireball. When his parents had died in a mysterious car crash when he was a young child, he became the ward of his father's friend Lord Peter Flint, a wartime hero (aka Warlord). Fireball had been trained by "Uncle Pete" (since childhood) in the arts of shooting, martial arts, sports and survival - this was as well as the usual reading and writing skills. The full Fireball story was secret but could be acquired by joining the "Fireball club" which gave you the story enclosed in a red, plastic wallet. This story was used as the key for a substitution cipher for encrypting/decrypting secret messages which often appeared in Bullet's central pages as a sequence of seemingly random numbers. You also received a Fireball pendant for joining. Fireball's original pendant (which he always wore) saved his life on one occasion - it shielded him from a long range sniper's bullet. Fireball's archenemy was Catriona Klansberg (aka "The Cat"). Fireball had a soft spot for her - he had a habit of letting her slip away after he had just thwarted her evil plan.

Fireball was said to have been modelled on Peter Wyngarde.

In December 1978 the comic merged into the longer running Warlord comic.

Bullet (Christian Burns song)

"Bullet" is a single produced by Christian Burns and Stefan Dabruck released in 2012. This single has since been remixed by KhoMha, Mischa Daniels, Dirt Cheap, Sven Kirchkof and Falko Niestolik. It is included in Burns's first solo album Simple Modern Answers.

Bullet (2014 film)

Bullet (stylized as BULLET) is a 2014 action thriller film starring Danny Trejo as the title character and Jonathan Banks as the villain. The film was directed and co-written by Nick Lyon, with additional writing by Matthew Joynes, Ron Peer and Byron Lester, and was produced by Matthew Joynes and Robert Rodriguez. It follows an undercover police officer-turned-vigilante (Trejo) tracking down the crooks who kidnapped his grandson. Filming took place in Los Angeles, United States. The film was released on Blu-ray and DVD on February 25, 2014 in North America.

Bullet (Franz Ferdinand song)

"Bullet" is a song by Scottish indie rock band Franz Ferdinand. It was released as the fourth single from the band's fourth studio album, Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action on 17 January 2014. The song was written by Alex Kapranos, Nick McCarthy, and Alexander Ragnew, recorded during 2013, and produced by Kapranos. The music video for the song was released on 18 November 2013, was directed by Andy Knowles, and was posted on the band's Vevo channel on YouTube.

Bullet (1984 film)

Bullet is a 1984 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Crossbelt Mani and produced by Royal Pictures. The film stars Ratheesh, Balan K Nair, Bheeman Raghu and Kuthiravattam Pappu in lead roles. The film had musical score by Guna Singh.

Bullet (1976 film)

Bullet is a 1976 Bollywood film starring Parveen Babi, Dev Anand and Rakesh Roshan.

Bullet (1985 film)

Bullet is a 1985 Telugu action drama film directed by Bapu, written and produced by Mullapudi Venkata Ramana under Chitra Kalpana Movies banner. The film stars Krishnam Raju and Suhasini in the lead roles. The music was composed by K. V. Mahadevan. The lyrics were written by Veturi Sundararama Murthy.

Bullet (Rokelle song)

"Bullet" is a 2013 single by vocalist Rokelle featuring producer and DJ Dave Aude, released on May 21, 2013. Co-written by Aude, Rokelle, Luciana Caporaso and Nick Clow, it was Rokelle's debut single on Audacious Records. Before the song was officially released in May, by late April the song had already reached No. 1 as the breakout song for the Hot Dance Club Play chart. On May 13, 2013, Billboard included the song on their list of "chart highlights," for debuting at No. 42 on the Billboard US Hot Dance Club Songs chart, and by June the song peaked at No. 2 on the same chart, where it remained for 11 weeks. An associated album featuring remixes by DJs such as Ivan Gomez and Nacho Chapado was released via Beatport as well.

Usage examples of "bullet".

If Thaddeus Harmon fell, riddled by bullets, a second before the acetylene light made its exit, the only thoughts of the remaining people would be the fear of death.

Bullets at almost immediate range had barely pierced the tough hide of the alligator they had bagged two nights before.

I ordered a ballistics test against the bullets that hit us, before finding the stolen weapons.

There were a hundred of us or more, but the others either perished under the bastinado, or are to this day chained to an oar in the Imperial Ottoman galleys, where they are like to remain until they die under the lash, or until some Venetian or Genoese bullet finds its way into their wretched carcasses.

And here, reflector fifty-three, bottom slab eighty-eight, top slab with the hole in it for the bullet, eighty, plus the twelve of beryllium, two thirty-three.

Waterline bullet holes were drinking seawater and giving back air, making the sea bubble and bloop drunkenly.

Next to the revolver, a single bullet shone brassily in feeble desk light.

Guilt riddled Bree like bullets piercing paper, leaving big gaping holes in their wake.

The town being considerably damaged by the bombs and bullets of the besiegers, and the garrison despairing of relief, the governor capitulated on the seventeenth day of June, when the city of Louisbourg, and the isle of Cape Breton, were surrendered to his Britannic majesty.

He had reached the roof, gone to another building and descended so promptly, that he was out of hearing range when Bronden fired the bullet that ended the career of Clifford Sulgate.

Lath let loose with his automatic, raking the brushy edge of the clearing with a spray of bullets.

His helmsman had been blown apart by a half-dozen exploding bullets and every man present on the bridge was dead.

On the cover was the stenciled outline of a fire extinguisher spitting bullets through its nozzle.

Even a bullet striking a limb resulted in heart-stopping hydrostatic shock, so in order to escape the savages they would probably have to slaughter the majority of them.

Dougherty reports the operation of lithotomy, in which the calculus removed was formed by incrustations about an iron bullet.