Crossword clues for brilliantine
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Brilliantine \Bril"lian*tine\, n. [F. brillantine. See lst Brilliant.]
An oily composition used to make the hair manageable and glossy.
A dress fabric having a glossy finish on both sides, resembling alpaca but of superior quality.
n. 1 A hair pomade, making the hair shine brilliantly. 2 A smooth shiny, luxurious fabric, often of alpaca or vicuñ
To apply brilliantine to the hair.
n. a pomade to make the hair manageable and lustrous
Brilliantine is a hair-grooming product intended to soften men's hair, including beards and moustaches, and give it a glossy, well-groomed appearance. It was created at the turn of the 20th century by French perfumer Edouard Pinaud (a.k.a. Ed. Pinaud). He presented a product he called Brillantine (from the French meaning "brilliant") at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris. It consisted of a perfumed and colored oily liquid.
Brillantine was used as the French title for the film Grease in Quebec, Canada.
Brilliantine is a lightweight, mixed- fibre fabric popular from the mid-19th century into the early 20th century. Brilliantine can be plain or twill woven with a wool or mohair weft on a silk or cotton warp.
Brilliantine has a lustrous finish and is known for its dust-shedding properties; it was available in solid colors or printed, and was used for dresses, dusters, and linings.
Usage examples of "brilliantine".
Nevertheless, it were difficult otherwise to account for the faintly indicated slant of those little black eyes, the blurred modelling of the nose, the high cheekbones, and the thin thatch of coarse black hair which was plastered down with abundant brilliantine above that mask of pallid features.
III At seven-thirty, her cheeks glowing and her high-piled hair gleaming with a suspicion of brilliantine, Evylyn descended the stairs.
He liked the way she had her hair arranged, wondered if it was brilliantine that made it glisten so.
David Silver was a plump young man with a pink scrubbed complexion, gold-rimmed pince-nez and his hair glossy with brilliantine and parted down the centre so that his scalp gleamed in the division like the scar of a sword cut He deferred courteously to his Uncle Aaron, and went to pains to make certain that both his guests were comfortable, that their chairs were arranged with the light from the windows falling from behind and that each of them had an ashtray beside him and a cup of tea in his hand.
A light scent of shaving soap and brilliantine came to the Inspector, followed by house smells of tea and a fry.
He combed the last tufts of hair at his temples upward and plastered them with brilliantine to the middle of his shining skull as a solution to total baldness.
He rubbed his palms, glistening with brilliantine, over his hair, put on his hat, and left.
He wore the diagonally striped old school tie, his hair was brilliantined and carefully brushed, and the sleek lines of the mustache had been trimmed that morning.
As it died away, heavy footsteps approached and the door opened to reveal a broad man with iron grey hair brilliantined in a side parting and a toothbrush moustache.
Custer turned to see a man dressed in a tuxedo, his black tie askew, brilliantined hair hanging across his outraged face.
He had olive skin, hollow cheeks and a pencil moustache, his hair brilliantined and parted in the centre.
Custer turned to see a man dressed in a tuxedo, his black tie askew, brilliantined hair hanging across his outraged face.
His stock ranged from essences absolues — floral oils, tinctures, extracts, secretions, balms, resins and other drugs in dry, liquid or waxy form — through diverse pomades, pastes, powders, soaps, creams, sachets, bandolines, brilliantines, moustache waxes, wart removers and beauty spots, all the way to bath oils, lotions, smelling salts, toilet vinegars and countless genuine perfumes.
Lawrence started pedaling again and rode past that building: a spiraling flock of alert fedoras, prodding at slim terse notebooks with stately Ticonderogas, crab-walking photogs turning their huge chrome daisies, crisp rows of people sleeping with blankets over their faces, a sweating man with Brilliantined hair chalking umlauted names on a blackboard.