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The Collaborative International Dictionary

brachet \brachet\, (br[a^]ch), n. same as bratchet. [Century Dict. 1906] ||


bratchet \bratch"et\, (br[a^]ch"[e^]t), n. [Sc. also bratchart; fr. ME. brachet, fr. OF. brachet; ML. brachetus, dim. of brache a hound. See brach.] a kind of hound; a brach; -- applied contemptuously to a child. See also brach. [Also spelled brachet.]

The bratchet's bay From the dark covert drove the prey.
--Scott, (Marmion, ii. int.).

To be plagued with a bratchet whelp -- Whence came ye, my fair-favoured little gossip? .
--Scott, (Kenilworth, II. xxi). [Century Dict. 1906] ||


n. (context obsolete English) A female hunting hound that hunts by scent.

Usage examples of "brachet".

The girths stood the test and he was in the saddle somehow, with his jousting lance between his legs, and then he was galloping round and round the tree, in the opposite direction to that in which the brachet had wound herself up.

And that vivisector of to-day, who suggests that if anaesthetics had been known to Magendie or Brachet, they would invariably have been used, is either ignorant or insincere.

Had Brachet confined himself solely to experiments on the sensibility of plants, we should have little to criticize.

Brachet, however, would not permit his readers to accept any statement merely upon the general experience of mankind, when it might be proven scientifically, and he has described in his book the experiments by which he claims to have demonstrated his theory.

If these experiments of Brachet and of others to be mentioned were to be made at all, it was necessary that the animal should be conscious of the agony it experienced.

A nice bed with a nice pillow and a nice sheet that you could lie in, and then I would put this beastly horse in a meadow and tell that beastly brachet to run away and play, and throw all this beastly armor out of the window, and let the beastly Beast go and chase itself, that I would.

He went round three times too often, the brachet meanwhile running and yelping in the opposite direction, and then, after four or five back casts, they were both free of the obstruction.

Then he disappeared completely into the gloom of the forest, with the unfortunate brachet trailing and howling behind him at the other end of the string.

Merlyn and the Wart had to catch the brachet and unwind it before the conversation could proceed.

They had also seen King Pellinore, who had dutifully kept his eyes shut and counted ten thousand while this was going on, becoming quite confused when he arrived at the difficult spot, and finally galloping off in the wrong direction with his brachet trailing behind him.

What have you done with my tooth-brush, you giant, and where have you put my poor little brachet, what?

And so when sir Dinas went out a-hunting she slipped down by a towel, and took with her two brachets, and so she yede to the knight that she loved, and he her again.

And when sir Dinas came home and missed his paramour and his brachets, then was he the more wrother for his brachets than for the lady.

And so sir Dinas departed, and took his brachets with him, and so rode to his castle.

If it were some favorite food thieved from the kitchen, for example, it would elicit a description of a meal at the House Absolute, and the kind of food I brought even governed the nature of the repast described: flesh, a sporting dinner with the shrieking and trumpeting of game caught alive drifting up from the abattoir below and much talk of brachets, hawks, and hunting leopards.