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n. 1 (plural of bracelet English) 2 (context colloquial English) handcuffs

Bracelets (film)

Bracelets is a 1931 British crime film directed by Sewell Collins and starring Bert Coote, Joyce Kennedy and Harold Huth. A jeweler is targeted by confidence tricksters pretending to be connected with the exiled Russian Royal Family. He manages to turn the tables on them and after collecting the reward for their arrest, uses they money to buy some silver bracelets for his wife to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

The film was made as a second feature by the large British company Gaumont British Picture Corporation. It was made at the Lime Grove Studios in Shepherd's Bush. The film's sets were designed by the French-born art director Andrew Mazzei. The director Sewell Collins wrote the screenplay, adapting his own stage play.

Usage examples of "bracelets".

Inside the elegant glass cage, two jade bracelets rested on burgundy velvet.

Later attempts were simply brushed aside, and the bracelets provided a dampening effect on violent thoughts and actions.

Some found bracelets on the pavement beside them and tried to put them back.

Calliope was feeling, watching the Charm Bracelets undress in steamy light.

Beyond the Charm Bracelets I passed next into the area of the Kilt Pins.

Past the Charm Bracelets, through the Kilt Pins, deeper into the locker room, Calliope limped.

The Charm Bracelets wanted to pretend they were from the East, and I guess I had picked up that urge, too.

But I thought chiefs wore golden bracelets and ornaments, and you are just as you were when you came here last.

Many of their followers, however, had jewels and bracelets, the spoil of the Roman towns.

But there is no use in placing temptation before any, and Porus and Lupus will have told how the Roman ladies flung their bracelets to you.

These bracelets, as I understand it, were found about a hundred years ago by someone digging in the Dead Mountains.

Each of them wore a silver coronet, two silver bracelets, and a pair of anklets.

The fire burning behind them flashed from the slender silver chain connecting bracelets up and over their shoulders.

As I shut the bracelets and anklets, I made certain to clear all fur from the mechanism so Shijef would not have something more about which to complain.

She did the same thing to him, then they clasped hands and let the bracelets clang against each other.