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a. (en-superlative of: bossy)

  1. adj. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; "an autocratic person"; "autocratic behavior"; "a bossy way of ordering others around"; "a rather aggressive and dominating character"; "managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"; "a swaggering peremptory manner" [syn: autocratic, dominating, high-and-mighty, magisterial, peremptory]

  2. [also: bossiest, bossier]


See bossy

Usage examples of "bossiest".

Simon was the eldest of the five brothers, and the bossiest, next to Cag.

As the oldest, smartest, and bossiest, it was naturally assumed that Lisa would shoot to the top of her field, earning a master’s degree in manipulation and eventually taking over a medium-size country.

He should marry Dazya, so the two bossiest children could boss each other to their heart's content.

He should marry Dazya, so the two bossiest children could boss each other to their heart’s content.