The Collaborative International Dictionary
high-and-mighty \high-and-mighty\ a. conceited and arrogant; imperious.
adj. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; "an autocratic person"; "autocratic behavior"; "a bossy way of ordering others around"; "a rather aggressive and dominating character"; "managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"; "a swaggering peremptory manner" [syn: autocratic, bossy, dominating, magisterial, peremptory]
Usage examples of "high-and-mighty".
And vowed that one day he would have all those high-and-mighty aristocrats on the hop, needing him more than he needed them.
What I really like is when these picture-perfect Washington weenies, these great men with their thousand-dollar suits and their executive assistants and all that high-and-mighty shit, get their asses in a crack and then have to come to guys like me to unscrew it.
His high-and-mighty tone said that he would have gone down regardless of fuel gauges, and would not have appeared before the council without detailed, accurate information.
And the high-and-mighty archwizards don't care, they only demand the guards grind down harder, punish more terribly.
She was feeling a great deal better now, and if she chanced to come across the high-and-mighty earl of Ashburn she would handle him well enough.
That made her smile again, the picture of the high-and-mighty earl of Ashburn groveling in the dirt, his arrogant gray eyes clouded with terror.