A is a kami or god who inhabits a human being or his house to bring misery and poverty Several Japanese folklores, essays, and rakugos refer to it. Concerning binbōgami's preference of baked miso, in Senba, Osaka, ( :ja:船場 ) the following story is told:
There used to be an event till about 1877 to send binbōgami away: At the end of each month, merchants in Senba made baked and plate-shaped miso, then a bantō (番頭, head clerk), with the plate-shaped miso in his hands, walked around till the air was filled with its appetizing smell. After a while, he bent the plate-shaped miso closed. The miso's smell makes binbōgamis come out of the houses they inhabit and traps them in it. The bantō dumps the miso into a river and washes the smell away before returning. According to poet Mitsuyuki Nakamura, binbōgami has an uchiwa to draw in and enjoy miso's smell.