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Beruniy is a small city in the Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. It is located on the northern bank of the Amu Darya near Uzbekistan's border with Turkmenistan. The city is the seat of Beruniy District. Historically, Beruniy was known as Kath ( Arabic/; modern ) and served as the capital of Khwarezm during the Afrighid dynasty. In 1957, it was renamed "Beruniy" in honor of the medieval scholar and polymath Al-Biruni who was born here. Beruniy received city status in 1962.

Beruniy is an important industrial city in Karakalpakstan. It is home to an asphalt plant, a brick factory, a cotton plant, and a shoe factory. There are also a large number of textile factories.

Beruniy (Tashkent Metro)

Beruniy is a station of the Tashkent Metro on Oʻzbekiston Line which was opened on 30 April 1991. The station is designed in national traditions of Uzbekistan: the platform hall is decorated by a dome covered with marble patterns. The plant has crystal chandeliers, with all - in the lobby, in the walls of the stairs and in the hall are made in the same style (painter S. Jalilov). Interior wall decoration station is made with marble, granite, metal, glass, porcelain.