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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
grizzled hair/head/beard etc
▪ a grizzled old man
grow a beard/moustache
▪ his scraggly gray beard
▪ The father, black beard full of snow shards, watched the youngest son, watched him work.
▪ Gary has a tightly trimmed black beard.
▪ He had a pointed black beard, and an earring dangled in one ear.
▪ His face was covered by a thick black beard with tiny flecks of gray in it.
▪ I remember little about him except that he had a black beard flecked with grey, and gave me oranges.
▪ The black beard, for example, and the overly bushy eyebrows.
▪ He was a tall, handsome man, with a full black beard.
▪ He was a small fellow, deeply suntanned, with a little black beard and fiery dark eyes.
▪ He was a small stubby man with glasses and a trimmed dark beard.
▪ He clearly viewed my sharp nose and dark beard in a more favorable light than the starlets had.
▪ His dark hair and even darker beard do nothing to assuage her discomfort.
▪ His expression was unreadable beneath what was now almost a full beard.
▪ His yellow teeth gleamed in the abundant black of his full beard.
▪ Shrewd in business, he had a ready wit and a distinctive appearance, with a full beard and piercing eyes.
▪ The boys were harangued by a man in a full beard.
▪ Mr. Stone was an old man with a full white beard although he had a daughter several years younger than me.
▪ He was a tall, handsome man, with a full black beard.
▪ He was thin, and there appeared to be dark patches growing in through the grey of his beard.
▪ He was thirty-four, but looked much older, had a grotesquely humped back, a grey beard and droopy moustache.
▪ Mr Rockoff now sports a long grey beard and was often in evidence, smoking fat cigarettes.
▪ The menfolk have an aged, craggy appearance, being hunch-backed from their hard labour, and wear a long grey beard.
▪ It had a long white beard.
▪ On the way to the church, she ran into an old soldier with a strange long red beard.
▪ It had been an old-timer, with a long white beard and a Gabby Hayes hat.
▪ He was tail and lanky and had a long reddish brown beard and lectured in a voice that was basso and happy.
▪ The longer his beard grew the more ginger it became; another bad sign.
▪ That was in the mid-1970s, when he wore his hair long and his beard bushy.
▪ Reaching the bottom he saw the Emperor Frederick with a long beard, sitting on a golden throne.
▪ The casement was splattered with bat lime, the wall covered with a long beard of it, almost to the floor.
▪ A meticulous tinkerer with a balding pate and a white-frosted red beard, he is as stern as a preacher.
▪ She does not succeed in persuasively outing the Don Juan / Superman with his diabolical red beard and Jaeger wool suits.
▪ He kept an eye out for fierce-looking highlanders with red beards, kilts and claymores.
▪ On the way to the church, she ran into an old soldier with a strange long red beard.
▪ Stoker was over six feet in height, with a red beard that contrasted with a full head of brown hair.
▪ The first thing you noticed about Rex was his bushy red beard.
▪ From his shiny, greasy, biker-looking jeans to his short, greying beard, he was muscle and bone.
▪ Then we dressed him in a new outfit and persuaded him to reveal his own short beard instead of the fake white one.
▪ His hair is thick but cut quite short and he has a short goatee beard.
▪ His bloke, disconsolate, questioned the judge and went off scratching his short beard.
▪ It had a long white beard.
▪ A Yippie showed up in a white beard, walking slowly.
▪ He had a neatly trimmed white beard and used a pince-nez for reading.
▪ It had been an old-timer, with a long white beard and a Gabby Hayes hat.
▪ A small, happy man with a white beard, he always wore the traditional grocers' apron.
▪ Mr. Stone was an old man with a full white beard although he had a daughter several years younger than me.
▪ Pinker in the face behind the thicket of white beard.
▪ Either that, or he had only yesterday decided to bow to fashion and grow a beard.
▪ By 1966, they were allowed to grow beards.
▪ A bollard trying to grow a beard.
▪ Men get sea legs and become catlike and grow beards.
▪ Anyone growing a beard was immediately condemned as a dangerous left wing revolutionary.
▪ They wanted to know if he had ever grown a beard?
▪ My grandma told my father off for growing a beard.
▪ He had shaved off his beard, and his face looked less thin and less serious than before.
▪ Within a few weeks he had shaved off his beard and bought his first suit and tie.
▪ He had shaved off his beard again.
▪ He remembered, just in time, not to shave - the beard was needed for the Edwardian Ball.
▪ He had no razor of course, so he sported a straggly beard and moustache.
▪ Farag sports a three-day beard and has a bandage stretched across his forehead.
▪ The MI5 man pondered for a moment and stroked his beard.
▪ That at least made Pinkus stroke his beard again.
▪ He laughed a bit and stroked his beard a bit.
▪ Exactly, White answers, stroking his beard.
▪ Tait stroked his beard again with long, elegant fingers, appraising her with colourless eyes.
▪ He stroked his beard and then scratched irritably through it.
▪ He stroked at his beard for a second.
▪ Just three words of advice Ricky: Trim the beard.
▪ Gary has a tightly trimmed black beard.
▪ The younger men were cynically attentive, petting their carefully trimmed beards inspired by Edison Banks.
▪ Now that he is wearing a beard, he looks just like Dana - the square-shaped face, the mouth, the nose.
▪ Some of their fathers wore beards.
▪ You first wear beards so that you can mix with these foreigners and appear as one of them.
▪ He wore a sharp little beard, though his eyes were sightless.
▪ The axeman wore the first beard of a boy and had big ears that stuck through his hair.
▪ He was white, tall, and wore a scraggy beard.
▪ The menfolk have an aged, craggy appearance, being hunch-backed from their hard labour, and wear a long grey beard.
▪ Beyond the great sweep of blue trouser and the distant clouds of sweater was a beard.
▪ But his beard seems to belong to another man and another time.
▪ Certainly with his long, jet-black, forked beard, he looked the part.
▪ Gyggle steepled his freckled fingers and tucked them under a tier of the beard.
▪ Models sported immaculate centre-parted shoulder-length hair and the beginnings of goatee beards.
▪ Some of their fathers wore beards.
▪ When a barrister comes to address your University or College law society, you can beard him on the subject.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beard \Beard\ (b[=e]rd), n. [OE. berd, AS. beard; akin to Fries. berd, D. baard, G. bart, Lith. barzda, OSlav. brada, Pol. broda, Russ. boroda, L. barba, W. barf. Cf. 1st Barb.]

  1. The hair that grows on the chin, lips, and adjacent parts of the human face, chiefly of male adults.

  2. (Zo["o]l.)

    1. The long hairs about the face in animals, as in the goat.

    2. The cluster of small feathers at the base of the beak in some birds

    3. The appendages to the jaw in some Cetacea, and to the mouth or jaws of some fishes.

    4. The byssus of certain shellfish, as the muscle.

    5. The gills of some bivalves, as the oyster.

    6. In insects, the hairs of the labial palpi of moths and butterflies.

  3. (Bot.) Long or stiff hairs on a plant; the awn; as, the beard of grain.

  4. A barb or sharp point of an arrow or other instrument, projecting backward to prevent the head from being easily drawn out.

  5. That part of the under side of a horse's lower jaw which is above the chin, and bears the curb of a bridle.

  6. (Print.) That part of a type which is between the shoulder of the shank and the face.

  7. An imposition; a trick. [Obs.]

    Beard grass (Bot.), a coarse, perennial grass of different species of the genus Andropogon.

    To one's beard, to one's face; in open defiance.


Beard \Beard\ (b[=e]rd), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bearded; p. pr. & vb. n. Bearding.]

  1. To take by the beard; to seize, pluck, or pull the beard of (a man), in anger or contempt.

  2. To oppose to the face; to set at defiance.

    No admiral, bearded by these corrupt and dissolute minions of the palace, dared to do more than mutter something about a court martial.

  3. To deprive of the gills; -- used only of oysters and similar shellfish.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English beard "beard," from West Germanic *barthaz (cognates: Old Frisian berd, Middle Dutch baert, Old High German bart, German bart), seemingly from PIE *bhardh-a- "beard" (cognates: Old Church Slavonic brada, Lithuanian barzda, and perhaps Latin barba "beard").\n\nThe Greek and Roman Churches have long disputed about the beard. While the Romanists have at different times practised shaving, the Greeks, on the contrary, have strenuously defended the cause of long beards. Leo III. (795 AD) was the first shaved Pope. Pope Gregory IV., after the lapse of only 30 years, fulminated a Bull against bearded priests. In the 12th century the prescription of the beard was extended to the laity. Pope Honorius III. to disguise his disfigured lip, allowed his beard to grow. Henry I. of England was so much moved by a sermon directed against his beard that he resigned it to the barber. Frederick Barbarossa is said to have been equally tractable.

[Tom Robinson, M.D., "Beards," "St. James's Magazine," 1881]

\nPubic hair sense is from 1600s (but neþir berd "pubic hair" is from late 14c.); in the 1811 "Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," the phrase beard-splitter is defined as, "A man much given to wenching" (see beaver).\n

c.1300, "to grow or have a beard," from beard (n.). The sense of "confront boldly and directly" is from Middle English phrases such as rennen in berd "oppose openly" (c.1200), reproven in the berd "to rebuke directly and personally" (c.1400), on the same notion as modern slang get in (someone's) face. Related: Bearded; bearding.


n. (surname: from=nicknames)

  1. n. the hair growing on the lower part of a man's face [syn: face fungus, whiskers]

  2. a tuft or growth of hairs or bristles on certain plants such as iris or grasses

  3. a person who diverts suspicion from someone (especially a woman who accompanies a male homosexual in order to conceal his homosexuality)

  4. hairy growth on or near the face of certain mammals

  5. tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface [syn: byssus]


v. go along the rim, like a beard around the chin; "Houses bearded the top of the heights"


Béard is a commune in the Nièvre department in central France.

Beard (companion)

Beard is a slang term describing a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), or spouse either to conceal infidelity or to conceal one's sexual orientation. The American slang term originally referred to anyone who acted on behalf of another, in any transaction, to conceal a person's true identity. The term can be used in heterosexual and homosexual contexts, but is especially used within LGBT culture. References to beards are seen in mainstream television and films, and other entertainment.

Beard (disambiguation)

A beard is hair that dangles from the lower jaw of mammals

Beard may also refer to:

Beard (surname)

Beard is an English surname of Anglo-Saxon and Old French origin, first recorded in the Domesday Book.

Notable people with the surname include:

  • Adrien Beard, American voice actor
  • Al Beard, former American basketball player
  • Alana Beard, American basketball player
  • Amanda Beard, American Olympic swimmer and model
  • Andrew Jackson Beard, American inventor
  • Annette Beard, American R&B singer, original member of Martha and the Vandellas
  • Bert Beard, Australian rules footballer
  • Bertram Beard, English cricketer
  • Butch Beard, American basketball player and coach
  • Charles A. Beard, influential American historian
  • Clarke Beard, American athlete
  • Colin Beard, former Australian rules footballer
  • Daniel Carter Beard, founder of the Sons of Daniel Boone
  • David Beard, Australian volleyball player
  • DeLawrence Beard, American judge
  • Don Beard, New Zealand cricketer
  • Dympna Beard, Australian politician
  • Ed Beard, saloon keeper in the American Old West
  • Ed Beard (football player), American football player
  • Edward Beard, U.S. congressman from Rhode Island
  • Elspeth Beard, first Englishwoman to circumnavigate the world by motorcycle in the 1980's
  • Emma Beard, British singer
  • Frank Beard (golfer), American golfer
  • Frank Beard (musician), drummer in the American rock band ZZ Top
  • Gary Beard, American politician
  • George Miller Beard, American neurologist who coined the term "neurasthenia"
  • Gordon Beard, Canadian politician
  • Graeme Beard, former Australian cricketer
  • Hazel Beard, American politician
  • Henry Beard, founder of the American humor magazine National Lampoon
  • James Beard, American chef and food writer
  • Jim Beard, American jazz pianist
  • John Beard (disambiguation), several people
  • Kevin Beard, American football player
  • Malcolm Beard, former English footballer
  • Mark Beard (disambiguation), several people
  • Mary Beard (disambiguation), several people
  • Mathew Beard, African-American centenarian, first man to live to 112, 113 and 114
  • Matthew Beard (disambiguation), several people
  • Nigel Beard, British politician
  • Paul Beard (spiritualist), British president of the College of Psychic Studies
  • Paul Beard (violinist), English violinist, leader of the London Philharmonic and BBC Symphony orchestras
  • Percy Beard, American track and field athlete
  • Peter Hill Beard, American photographer
  • Philip Beard, American novelist
  • Ralph Beard, former American basketball player
  • Ralph Beard (baseball), American Major League Baseball player
  • Richard Beard (photographer), English photographer
  • Robin Beard, U. S. congressman from Tennessee
  • Santonio Beard, American football player
  • Stephanie Beard, Canadian actress
  • Tanoka Beard, American basketball player
  • Trevor Beard, British-Australian medical doctor
  • William Holbrook Beard, American painter

Usage examples of "beard".

He was very pale, and his eyes seemed bulging out as, half in terror and half in amazement, he gazed at a tall, thin man, with a beaky nose and black moustache and pointed beard, who was also observing the pretty girl.

Then she saw the white dot appear, a dot that expanded most amazingly until she realized that it was a face rushing toward her, a face with no body, turning and turning, its long white hair and beard floating around it.

They grow beards and long hair, and, since they have one of the best available sources of dope and any kind of weapons, they easily become influential within Anarchist circles.

Such terrors would disgrace a cook-maid, or a toothless aunt--when they fall from the lips of bearded and senatorial men, they are nauseous, antiperistaltic, and emetical.

The antlered deity tilted his bearded head to one side, studying his guest.

I recognized the little scholar with the shaggy gray beard, crocheted white cap, and drab shirt and pants who had come into the archive that morning.

He was still attired in silks and satins of the gaudiest hues, still carefully trimmed as to hair and beard, still redolent of perfumes.

Fayr Ballat, was a man of middle age, blond and bearded, tall and loose-limbed.

Lewis, Privates Batts, Bean, Beard, Biggs, and Floyd, fall in with canteens to fetch water.

Sharp, piercing eyes appeared from beneath, beastlike men with bushy, unkempt beards stood straight up out of the snow, raising their cloaks over their heads and shoulders and shaking the powder off, stamping their feet to bring feeling back to their frozen members, blowing puffs of vapor on their hands and rubbing their dry, cracked palms together.

American poet with a beard and tufted eyebrows: Gerald, a professional beatnik from the western United States.

A red beard streaked with darker red frothed between the two blacknesses, and a set of beautiless features, beaklike nose, small cold eyes of a yellowish, weaselish tinge.

As Bernard came in, this gentleman turned and exhibited the ambrosial beard, the symmetrical shape, the monocular appendage, of Captain Lovelock.

Wearing a silver wig but topless and muscular and sporting a Vandyke beard so bright Bonny sees purple-afterimage trails when he shakes his head.

There, too, were a number of the lords, each with a band of brilliantly attired attendants, and prominent among them was Nasta, stroking his black beard meditatively and looking unusually pleasant.