Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1892, in C.G. Chaddock's translation of Krafft-Ebing's "Psychopathia Sexualis," from German homosexual, homosexuale (by 1880, in Gustav Jäger), from homo-, comb. form of Greek homos "same" (see homo- (1)) + Latin-based sexual. "Homosexual" is a barbarously hybrid word, and I claim no responsibility for it. It is, however, convenient, and now widely used. "Homogenic" has been suggested as a substitute. [H. Havelock Ellis, "Studies in Psychology," 1897]\nSexual inversion (1883) was an earlier clinical term for it in English. The noun is recorded by 1895. In technical use, either male or female; but in non-technical use almost always male. Slang shortened form homo first attested 1929. See also uranian.
a. 1 (context of a person or animal English) sexually attracted primarily to other members of the same sex. Being either a male androphile or a female gynephile. (qualifier: Sometimes used in the sense of sole/exclusive attraction.) 2 (context of a romantic or sexual act or relationship English) Between two people of the same gender or same sex; gay. 3 Intended for or used by homosexuals, ''as'' a nightclub, a bar, etc. n. A person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex.
adj. sexually attracted to members of your own sex [ant: bisexual, heterosexual]
Usage examples of "homosexual".
CD, with the drag queens, the talk shows only serve to heighten the ambivalence about cross-dressing: Is the true CD a stable, middle-aged, married white-collar worker or is he a flamboyant, effeminate homosexual who takes female hormones and has breast implants?
Psychoanalysis suggests homophobia arises because we fear or hate our own unconscious homosexual tendencies.
I got them to have homosexual intercourse in front of me, made them have cunnilingus and offered only token resistance to their attempts to masturbate me by hand.
Stock countered with his own diagnosis: borderline personality disorder, homosexual pedophilia, and sexual sadism that led him to inflict pain on others in order to sexually gratify himself.
Homotka, Karla Leanne, 71-77, 320 relationship with Bernardo of, 74-75, 76 Homolka, Tammy Lyn, rape and murder of, 72-73, 75 homosexual pedophilia, 117 Hoover, J.
The young seminarian had shared his homosexual fears with him, unknowingly setting himself up for the murder of that poor, defenseless paperboy.
Did he realize that one day millions of people the world over would be worshipping the image of a fifteenth-century homosexual heretic in the place of their beloved God, thatLeonardo da Vinci was literally to become the image of Jesus Christ ?
Needless to say, the sex humiliation angle is contraindicated for overt homosexuals.
Robert was a nervous Old Etonian homosexual with a fantastic eye for art.
Vera would believe the scourge was a godsent plague in judgment of homosexuals.
During recent decades, homosexual love stories and homoerotic fiction have come out of the closet.
They also show that maladaptive sexual behavior transcends the simplistic division of homosexual and heterosexual.
Studio heads were trying to erase any signs of homosexual misconduct, while comic star Mabel Normand was hunting for love letters she had written to Taylor.
Rozanov fantasized of a patriarchal, but tolerant world in which homosexuals would be recognised as a sort of creative monastic community, in which prostitution would be reorganised into an idyllic, almost religious evening ritual and in which the onanist would find a way out of his isolation and melancholy.
Shand, who was openly homosexual, was known to frequent several Edinburgh gay bars, including at least one believed to cater for those whose tastes run to sadomasochistic practices.