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bargaining power

n. 1 (context economics English) The ability to influence the setting of prices or wages, usually arising from some sort of monopoly or monopsony position -- or a non-equilibrium situation in the market. 2 (context business English) The general concept of how much leverage or influence a bargainer has in the course of a negotiation.

Bargaining power

Bargaining power is the relative ability of parties in a situation to exert influence over each other. If both parties are on an equal footing in a debate, then they will have equal bargaining power, such as in a perfectly competitive market, or between an evenly matched monopoly and monopsony.

There are a number of fields where the concept of bargaining power has proven crucial to coherent analysis: game theory, labour economics, collective bargaining arrangements, diplomatic negotiations, settlement of litigation, the price of insurance, and any negotiation in general.

Usage examples of "bargaining power".

The whole purpose of getting yourself elected as an Uncommitted delegate is to be able to arrive at the Convention with bargaining power.

You are doing an excellent job in Windhoek and building up personal prestige and bargaining power.

I have no bargaining power unless I hold at least one of the component robots in my possession.

A reputation was a fine thing when it enhanced your bargaining power, but only a fool went looking for fights.

If it was a false alarm, Medina Trading would lose much bargaining power.

His tremendous acclaim translates into bargaining power for him, and he's obviously ambitious.

But if they take the Reapers away, we've lost our bargaining power.