Babelfy is a multilingual state-of-the-art approach to Word Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking. Babelfy is based on the BabelNet multilingual semantic network and performs disambiguation and entity linking in three steps:
- It associates with each vertex of the BabelNet semantic network, i.e., either concept or named entity, a semantic signature, that is, a set of related vertices. This is a preliminary step which needs to be performed only once, independently of the input text.
- Given an input text, it extracts all the linkable fragments from this text and, for each of them, lists the possible meanings according to the semantic network.
- It creates a graph-based semantic interpretation of the whole text by linking the candidate meanings of the extracted fragments using the previously-computed semantic signatures. It then extracts a dense subgraph of this representation and selects the best candidate meaning for each fragment.
As a result, the text, written in any of the 50 languages supported by BabelNet, is output with possibly overlapping semantic annotations.