Crossword clues for asap
- Acronym used in many offices
- Acronym that sometimes means "right now"
- Abbr. on an order
- Abbr. like PDQ
- "The sooner the better!"
- "Stat!" cousin
- "Right now" in a memo
- "Right away!": Abbr
- "Right away," in a memo: Abbr
- "Quickly" in a memo
- "Quickly!" in a memo
- "Quickly," in a memo
- "Pronto!": Abbr
- "Pronto!" on a memo
- "Pronto," on a memo: Abbr
- "Now!" on a memo: Abbr
- "Now!" on a memo
- "No time to lose!"
- "Immediately!" on a memo: Abbr
- "Immediately if not sooner": Abbr
- "I need it now!" initials
- "I need it now!"
- "Hurry!" letters
- "Hurry up," on memos
- "Drop everything!" for short
- "... and make it quick!"
- ''I need it yesterday!''
- ''By yesterday!''
- Yesterday, impossibly
- Without procrastination
- Without delay: Abbr
- Without delay, quickly
- Without delay, in a note
- Without dawdling
- Without a moment's hesitation: Abbr
- With no delay: Abbr
- With all haste
- With a quickness, briefly
- With a quickness
- When to do rush jobs
- When the boss needs it
- When rush work is needed
- When rush jobs should be done
- When rush jobs must be done
- When execs often want things done
- Urgently, initially
- Urgent message letters
- Urgent letters from the boss
- Trump's "today!"
- Tight deadline letters
- This instant, so to speak
- Stat's cousin
- Stat! : MD :: __! : CEO
- Stat, in the office
- Stat not in a hospital?
- Stat in the office?
- Stat for an exec
- Stat cousin
- Stat sort of
- Soonest, so to speak
- Soonest, slangily
- Soonest, acronymically
- Shortly, shortly
- Shortly, for short
- Shorthand for "I need it yesterday!"
- Sans delay
- Rush-job order
- Rush-job initials
- Rush request abbr
- Rush job marking
- Rush job indicator
- Rush job abbr
- Rush deadline
- Rocky of rap
- Right quick, for short
- Right now, as hidden in this puzzle's longest answers
- Right now, for short
- Right away!: abbr
- Right away: Abbr
- Right away, with no delay: Abbr
- Right away, to a CEO
- Right away, in four letters
- Right away, abbr
- Request in many a bus. memo
- Relative of "stat!"
- Really quick
- Rapper Rocky (whose second letter is really a "$")
- Rapper ____ Rocky
- Quickly, in notes
- Quickly letters
- Quickly quickly briefly
- Quickly quickly
- Pronto, so to speak
- Pronto, initially
- Pronto, in office speak
- Pronto, in office lingo
- Pronto ( acronym )
- Promptly, memowise
- Promptly, in memos
- Promptly, in a memo
- Priority letters
- Posthaste, for short
- PDQ alternative
- Order to move
- Order to get going
- Order to be quick
- Opposite of "whenever"
- Opposite of "no rush"
- On the double: abbr
- Often-exclamatory acronym
- Often-barked letters
- Office memo abbreviation that means "immediately"
- Now, initially
- Now, for short
- Much faster than soon
- Mgr.'s "On the double!"
- Memo's "now"
- Memo writer's "Pronto!"
- Memo shortcut
- Memo p.d.q
- Memo ender at times
- Memo closer
- Manager's "Now!"
- Like right now
- Lickety-split, initially
- Letters that mean "Right away!"
- Letters that mean "Don't dawdle!"
- Letters that get things moving
- Letters on some urgent jobs
- Letters on an urgent assignment at an office job
- Letters on a rush order
- Letters on a rush job at an office
- Letters of some urgency
- Letters of haste
- Letters meaning "right away"
- Letters meaning "Now!"
- Letters meaning "Make it snappy!"
- Letters indicating exigency
- Letters from an impatient exec
- Letters for the hurried
- Letters for impatient bosses
- Letters denoting immediacy
- Letters causing a rush
- Interoffice directive
- Instantly, on a memo: Abbr
- Initials meaning "Now!"
- Initials meaning "Immediately!"
- Initials indicating urgency
- Initials for the impatient
- Initialism indicating urgency
- Indication of urgency
- In a hurry, briefly
- Impatient one's acronym
- Impatient letters
- Immediately, to execs
- Immediately, to an exec
- Immediately, on memos: Abbr
- Immediately, on a memo
- Immediately to an exec
- Hustler's request
- Hurry-up req
- Hurried reply to "When do you want this?"
- High-priority notation
- High-priority letters
- High-priority acronym
- Hastily, in memos
- Get on it PDQ!
- Fast, if you please
- Exec's stat
- Exec's "Right now!"
- Exec's "I need it yesterday!"
- Exec's "By yesterday!"
- Directly, briefly
- Demanding letters
- Cousin of PDQ
- Cousin of P.D.Q
- Copy shop request, for short
- Chop-chop, briefly
- Chop chop
- CEO's "Quickly!"
- CEO's "Pronto!"
- CEO's "Immediately!"
- CEO's "Hurry up!"
- CEO's 'Pronto!'
- Business stat?
- Boss's "Shake a leg!"
- Boss' memo request
- Boss' directive
- Bit of rushin' language
- Before you do anything else
- At your quickest
- At once, in a memo
- As soon as can be
- Action oriented acronym
- Acronym urging alacrity
- Acronym meaning "Right now!"
- Acronym meaning 'Hurry!'
- Acronym for the rushed
- Acronym for right away
- Acronym for one in a hurry
- Acronym for "make it snappy"
- Acronym demanding immediate action
- Abbreviation that means "Right away!"
- Abbr. on an urgent message, perhaps
- Abbr. on an urgent message
- Abbr. on an urgent memo
- Abbr. on a rush order
- Abbr. of urgency
- [Can't wait!]
- "Yesterday, please"
- "Without delay," on a memo
- "Without delay," in a memo
- "Without delay," from an exec
- "Without delay," briefly
- "Why are you doing other jobs?" letters
- "Why are we talking about it?Do it!"
- "Waste no time doing this": Abbr
- "This should take precedence," briefly
- "This is priority," memowise
- "This can't wait," briefly
- "Super quick!" in an office
- "Strive" rapper ___ Ferg
- "Stat" relative
- "Stat" in memos
- "Rush!" on a memo
- "Right now!'': Abbr
- "Right now!," from the boss
- "Right away" abbr
- "Right away!" on a memo
- "Right away!" in biz memos
- "Right away!" acronym
- "Right away!," in a memo: Abbr
- "Right away," on memos
- "Right away," on a memo: Abbr
- "Right away," in business-speak
- "Quickly," on memos
- "Quickly, please"
- "Quickly, please!"
- "Quicker than quick," in memos
- "Pronto" letters
- "Pronto!" to a CEO
- "Pronto!" initials
- "Pronto!" in memos
- "PDQ!" alternative
- "PDQ, thx"
- "On the double," on a memo: Abbr
- "Now!" in memos
- "Now!" acronym
- "Now!," in an order
- "Now," to the boss
- "Now," in a memo
- "No dillydallying," for short
- "Make it snappy!" initialism
- "Make it snappy!" in a memo
- "Make it snappy," in memos
- "Like, yesterday!"
- "Like pronto!"
- "Instantly!" on a memo
- "Instantly!" letters
- "Immediately," in office memos
- "Immediate action required!"
- "I need this, like, now!"
- "I need this yesterday"
- "I need that, like, yesterday!"
- "I need it yesterday," for short
- "I need it urgently!"
- "Get this done NOW": Abbr
- "Get on it now!"
- "Drop what you're doing"
- "Drop everything" notification
- "Drop everything"
- "Don't dillydally!"
- "Don't delay!" letters
- "Do it yesterday!" on memos
- "Chop-chop!" in a memo
- "And make it snappy!'': Abbr
- "And make it snappy!''
- "And hurry!" acronym
- ". . . and we need it now!"
- 'Without delay' acronym
- 'And quickly!'
- 'And I mean fast!'
- 'And hurry!'
- 'And fast!'
- ''Tout de suite!'' (briefly)
- ''Quickly!'' acronym
- ''Make it snappy!''
- ''Make it quick!''
- ''Make it fast!''
- ''Like, now!''
- ''Get cracking!''
- ''Don't dawdle!''
- ''... and make it snappy!''
- ___ Rocky (rapper)
- ___ Rocky ("L$D" rapper)
- Immediately, in memos
- Quickly: Abbr.
- P.D.Q., updated
- Chop-chop, for short
- "Rush!" on an order
- Memo sign-off
- "Without delay" directive
- Very shortly, shortly
- In a hurry, for short
- Pronto, in memos
- Posthaste, briefly
- "I needed it yesterday" abbr.
- "Don't dawdle!"
- Order on an order
- Pronto!
- Exec's request
- "... and make it snappy!"
- "Stat!" relative
- Quickly, in memos
- "Pronto!" letters
- How the boss wants things done, briefly
- "Immediately!" on memos
- Rush job notation
- Memo order
- Rush letters?
- Quickly, quickly
- "Hurry, please!"
- Message on a work order
- "Now!" to an exec
- Letters of urgency, in an office
- "Make it snappy!" initials
- Job order notation
- Express letters?
- "By yesterday!" letters
- "Make it quick!"
- Stamp on an order
- "Hurry!" on a memo
- Order request, perhaps
- Right away, on a memo
- Rush order?
- Promptness prompter
- "Urgent!"
- Request to a messenger
- Urgent notation
- Letters akin to P.D.Q.
- Stat equivalent
- "Quick!"
- Pronto, on memos
- In very short order
- "Rush!" order
- "Stat" alternative
- "Pronto" in a memo
- Order letters
- Order ender
- "On the double!": Abbr
- Order heading
- Quickly, briefly
- Hurry-up order
- "Quickly!" acronym
- Quick request?
- Request for special attention
- Rush!
- "The faster the better"
- Right away, in a memo: Abbr
- "Quickly!," on an order
- "Quickly," quickly
- "Chop-chop!," on a memo
- Without dawdling, in memos
- Dreaded letters for a procrastinator?
- "I needed it by yesterday!"
- With all haste, in memos
- Quick-like
- "Rush!," on an order
- "And make it snappy!"
- "Now!," in a memo
- Before all else
- Urgently (1,1,1,1)
- "This is a priority!"
- Lickety-split, in a memo
- Immediately, on a memo: Abbr
- Order to get moving
- Cousin of a neckerchief
- "Now!," on an order
- "Hurry!," on an order
- "It can't wait!"
- Inits. on a rush order
- When to do a pressing job
- Common reply to "When do you want this?"
- Request under deadline
- "Make it snappy," on an order
- By yesterday, so to speak
- Memo letters for "I need it now!"
- "Must be done NOW!"
- Yesterday, so to speak
- [I need this immediately]
- Very quickly
- Forthwith, on a memo
- When some tasks must be done
- Immediately, on an order
- Memo directive, briefly
- "Get cracking!"
- Straightaway, briefly
- "This can't wait!"
- Request on an order
- Cousin of P.D.Q.
- Kin of P.D.Q.
- Speedily, speedily
- Relative of P.D.Q.
- Instr. on a rush job
- P.D.Q. relative
- "Right away" abbr.
- P.D.Q. kin
- Pronto: Abbr.
- Hurry-up req.
- P.D.Q., on a memo
- Request for haste: Abbr.
- Memo p.d.q.
- Quickly, like Tony McCoy
- Quickly like a post at the beginning
- Quickly ace goes to moron …
- Office acronym
- When old man turned up without delay
- Kin of PDQ
- Son stops drivers parking right now
- Right away (abbr.)
- PDQ's kin
- Don't hang around! It's a step up
- Urgent acronym
- Urgent abbr
- Without delay, in memos
- Memo abbreviation suggesting "this is top priority"
- On the double, briefly
- At once, in memos
- Now, on a memo
- "Right away!" letters
- "... and make it fast!"
- "Right now!" letters
- Violent weather
- Pronto, in a memo
- Right away, in memos
- Memo acronym
- PDQ relative
- ". . . and make it fast!"
- Pronto, on a memo
- Rush-order order
- Rush job letters
- Now, in a memo
- Initials of urgency
- Urgent letters?
- Memo imperative
- Rush-job notation
- Rush order shorthand
- Pronto, to execs
- CEO's "Right now!"
- Without delay, in a memo
- Urgent order
- Letters on a rush job in an office
- Letters like PDQ
- "Hurry up!" acronym
- "Fast!" on a memo
- Without delay, for short
- Urgent memo letters
- Urgency acronym
- Tout de suite, briefly
- Rush-job letters
- Quickly, shortly
- Quicker than quick
- Kin of P.D.Q
- In a New York minute
- "This minute!"
- "Right this minute!": Abbr
- "Make it fast!"
- "Hurry up!" in memos
- ". . . and make it snappy!"
- Quickly, for short
- Pronto: Abbr
- Pronto, for short
- Pressing letters?
- Like, yesterday
- Exec's "Fast!"
- "Yesterday!" on a memo
- "Immediately, if not sooner" letters
- "I need it yesterday!" initials
- "And step on it!"
- W/o delay
- Rush job request: Abbr
- Rush job initials
- Right now, in a memo
- Pronto, briefly
- PDQ cousin
- Memo notation
- Job description?
- Exec's order
- Before you can say Jack Robinson
- Acronym of urgency
- Acronym meaning "Now!"
- "Without delay!" letters
- "Sure, why not!"
- "Now!" letters
- "Now!" in a memo
- "I need it now!": Abbr
- "Give this priority"
- "Don't delay"
- "Don't be ___"
- Without dilly-dallying
- Without delay, briefly
- When the boss wants it
- Urgent initialism
- STAT relative
- Rush-order letters
- Rush-job acronym
- Rush order letters
- Rush job acronym
- Right now, in memos
- Right away, for short
- Right away, briefly
- Quickly, on memos
- Quickly, in a memo
- Order from a hustler
- Memo request
- Letters on a work order, perhaps
- Letters on a memo
- Letters denoting urgency
- Impatient initials
- Immediately (1,1,1,1)
- Hustler's letters
- How to say "hurry up" in a hurry
- Express letters
- Exec's "Make it snappy!"
- Briefly, briefly
- Acronym meaning "Pronto!"
- "Yesterday!" on memos
- "Right away": Abbr
- "Right away" letters in an office memo
- "No dawdling!"
- "Like, now!"
- "Immediately" letters
- "Immediately, if not sooner!"
- "I need it yesterday!" letters
- "I need it fast!" letters
- "Get on it!"
- "Do it now!"
- ''Right now!''
- ''On the double!''
- ''Immediately, if not sooner'' letters
- Word on an urgent message
- Without wasting time, for short
- Without delay (1,1,1,1)
- With no dawdling
- With haste, hastily
- Urgent directive
- Stat for a secretary?
- Soonest, for short
- Right now, to a CEO
- Relative of P.D.Q
- Rapper ___ Rocky
- Quickly: Abbr
- Quickly, on a memo
- Quickly, initially
- Quickly, in the office
- Quickly (1,1,1,1)
- Quick letters?
- Pronto, acronymically
- Pronto (1,1,1,1)
- Promptly, on a memo
- Promptly, memo-wise
- PDQ, in memos
- PDQ kin
- Order request
- On the double, initially
- On the double, in memos
- Ominous letters after "See me"
- Office imperative
- Memo writer's 'Now!'
- Memo prodding
- Memo letters, sometimes
- Memo letters meaning "right away"
- Memo demand
- Letters meaning "Pronto!"
- Letters emphasizing urgency
- Letters denoting soonest
- Initials from the impatient
- Initialism of urgency
- Impatient request
- Immediately, so to speak
- Immediately, if not sooner
- Immediately, briefly
- Hurry-up acronym
- Exec's "now"
- Exec's "Now!"
- Exec's "I want it now!"
- Exec's "I need it now!"
- Directive like PDQ
- Definitely not "whenever's convenient"
- Boss's "Pronto!"
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
see a.s.a.p.
init. (alternative spelling of ASAP English)
ASAP was a band created by guitarist and vocalist Adrian Smith of Iron Maiden fame. ASAP released an album in 1989 entitled Silver and Gold. A.S.A.P. stands for "Adrian Smith and Project", and the full name of the band is incorporated within the band logo, with each word written in tiny font underneath the corresponding letter in the abbreviation.
asap was an Associated Press (AP) multimedia news portal targeted at 18- to 34-year-olds.
It was launched in September 2005 with a stated intention of bringing high quality news content to a seemingly underserved readership segment and helping the Associated Press members attract that audience. It employed two dozen reporters, editors, photographers and designers at AP headquarters in New York and in the field who were charged with creating a daily multimedia product that reflected the newsgathering depth and breadth of AP the world's largest newsgathering organization. It included a pop culture blog called "The Slug" written by reporter Derrik J. Lang.
The service included video, audio, Flash presentations and news reports and features, both domestic and international, and relied heavily on AP reporters around the world. It also featured a significant amount of alternative storytelling and experience-based journalism.
On July 27, 2007, it was announced that the service would be discontinued on October 31, 2007.
ASAP usually stands for "as soon as possible".
ASAP may also refer to:
"ASAP" is a pop / R&B song performed by former Australian pop group Bardot, and was the first single from their second album Play It Like That (2001).
"ASAP" is a song by American hip hop recording artist T.I., released May 24, 2005, as the third single from his third album, Urban Legend (2004). Lyrically, T.I. demands respect as champion of southern rap and addresses his critics. The song was featured on the soundtrack to the 2005 video game, Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition. The official remix features guest verses from T.I's Pimp Squad Click cohorts, Big Kuntry King and Mac Boney. The song is considered a diss track towards Houston-based rapper, Lil Flip. It was certified Gold by the RIAA for selling over 500,000 copies in the United States of America
ASAP'' (All-Star Sunday Afternoon Party'') is the longest-running musical variety show in the Philippines shown on ABS-CBN. It is mainly presented by Martin Nievera, Zsa Zsa Padilla, Gary Valenciano, Jolina Magdangal, Toni Gonzaga, Piolo Pascual, Sarah Geronimo, Luis Manzano, and Bamboo. The show is also seen worldwide through the subscription-based global TV channel The Filipino Channel. The show has been shown every Sunday since its pilot episode on February 5, 1995 surpassing GMA Supershow's record of nearly two decades. In October 2015, ASAP became the first live entertainment program in the Philippines to be broadcast in true high-definition picture, the other being a sports program.
Usage examples of "asap".
As with other on-site emergency services, this person, who would have been trained and qualified to recognize discernible and professionally recognized signs that might precede a suicide attempt, would consult with a supervisor, and exercise his/her judgment in getting the person-in-distress ASAP to professional help.
Trust me, he was just as relieved as you when the Great Spirit beeped you to report back to headquarters ASAP, though I think Prescott was a little disappointed.
Have your aide transmit your incident report and any additional data to my office ASAP.
All I need is for you to look for him and take him into protective custody, and call me ASAP.
Mount them however you can, but get me that video signal down here, ASAP.