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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Anagallis arvensis

Pimpernel \Pim"per*nel\, n. [F. pimprenelle; cf. Sp. pimpinela, It. pimpinella; perh. from LL. bipinnella, for bipinnula two-winged, equiv. to L. bipennis; bis twice + penna feather, wing. Cf. Pen a feather.] (Bot.) A plant of the genus Anagallis, of which one species ( Anagallis arvensis) has small flowers, usually scarlet, but sometimes purple, blue, or white, which speedily close at the approach of bad weather.

Water pimpernel. (Bot.) See Brookweed.

Anagallis arvensis

Poor \Poor\, a. [Compar. Poorer (?; 254); superl. Poorest.] [OE. poure or povre, OF. povre, F. pauvre, L. pauper; the first syllable of which is probably akin to paucus few (see Paucity, Few), and the second to parare to prepare, procure. See Few, and cf. Parade, Pauper, Poverty.]

  1. Destitute of property; wanting in material riches or goods; needy; indigent.

    Note: It is often synonymous with indigent and with necessitous denoting extreme want. It is also applied to persons who are not entirely destitute of property, but who are not rich; as, a poor man or woman; poor people.

  2. (Law) So completely destitute of property as to be entitled to maintenance from the public.

  3. Hence, in very various applications: Destitute of such qualities as are desirable, or might naturally be expected; as:

    1. Wanting in fat, plumpness, or fleshiness; lean; emaciated; meager; as, a poor horse, ox, dog, etc. ``Seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill-favored and lean-fleshed.''
      --Gen. xli. 19.

    2. Wanting in strength or vigor; feeble; dejected; as, poor health; poor spirits. ``His genius . . . poor and cowardly.''

    3. Of little value or worth; not good; inferior; shabby; mean; as, poor clothes; poor lodgings. ``A poor vessel.''

    4. Destitute of fertility; exhausted; barren; sterile; -- said of land; as, poor soil.

    5. Destitute of beauty, fitness, or merit; as, a poor discourse; a poor picture.

    6. Without prosperous conditions or good results; unfavorable; unfortunate; unconformable; as, a poor business; the sick man had a poor night.

    7. Inadequate; insufficient; insignificant; as, a poor excuse.

      That I have wronged no man will be a poor plea or apology at the last day.

  4. Worthy of pity or sympathy; -- used also sometimes as a term of endearment, or as an expression of modesty, and sometimes as a word of contempt.

    And for mine own poor part, Look you, I'll go pray.

    Poor, little, pretty, fluttering thing.

  5. Free from self-assertion; not proud or arrogant; meek. ``Blessed are the poor in spirit.''
    --Matt. v. 3.

    Poor law, a law providing for, or regulating, the relief or support of the poor.

    Poor man's treacle (Bot.), garlic; -- so called because it was thought to be an antidote to animal poison. [Eng]
    --Dr. Prior.

    Poor man's weatherglass (Bot.), the red-flowered pimpernel ( Anagallis arvensis), which opens its blossoms only in fair weather.

    Poor rate, an assessment or tax, as in an English parish, for the relief or support of the poor.

    Poor soldier (Zo["o]l.), the friar bird.

    The poor, those who are destitute of property; the indigent; the needy. In a legal sense, those who depend on charity or maintenance by the public. ``I have observed the more public provisions are made for the poor, the less they provide for themselves.''

Anagallis arvensis

Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis; also known as red pimpernel, red chickweed, poorman's barometer, poor man's weather-glass, shepherd's weather glass or shepherd's clock) is a low-growing annual plant. The native range of the species is Europe and Western Asia and North Africa. The species has been distributed widely by humans, either deliberately as an ornamental flower or accidentally. A. arvensis is now naturalised almost worldwide, with a range that encompasses the Americas, Central and East Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, Malesia, the Pacific Islands, Australasia and Southern Africa.

Traditionally included in the family Primulaceae, the genus Anagallis was placed in the family Myrsinaceae until that family in turn was included in Primulaceae in the APG III system.

This common European plant is generally considered a weed and is an indicator of light soils, though it grows opportunistically in clayey soils as well. The origin of the name pimpernel comes from pympernele [1400–50]; late Middle English, derived from Middle French pimprenelle, Old French piprenelle; Vulgar Latin *piperīnella= Latin piper pepper + -īn- -ine + -ella diminutive suffix.

The flower is most widely known as the emblem of the fictional hero the Scarlet Pimpernel.